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not much resource managment as everything is containers
decleratives in nature
What is Concourse:
Concourse “pipelines” are YAML files that declare resources to use, e.g. Git repos or Docker images, and contain a set of jobs to execute. In turn, jobs are sub-divided into tasks and each task runs in a container. Some readers may be surprised to learn that Docker and containerisation aren’t synonymous. Concourse uses Garden containers and when a task needs Docker, e.g. to build a Docker image, Docker runs in a Garden container!
Why Concourse:
bosh scp or bosh ssh command fails in a host machine if nc[netcat] is not present. You should install netcat-openbsd package instead of traditional nc package
bosh delete-release {release-name}/{version}
bosh -d {deployment-name} delete-deployment
bosh -d {deployment-name} deploy [path/to/manifest/yamlfile]
to route the storm UI
bosh ssh -d storm-demo nimbus_instance/0 -- -L 6078:
niharbabu99 / Json Example commands
Last active February 28, 2024 11:43
JSON commands
cat eucentra1-crs.json | jq -c '(.CapacityReservations[] | {ID: .CapacityReservationId, Available: .AvailableInstanceCount, Type: .InstanceType})'
this gives the result in the below form
Sample contents of the json is as below
"CapacityReservations": [
"CapacityReservationId": "cr-1234abcd56EXAMPLE ",
"EndDateType": "unlimited",