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nikhil nikhilc2710

Working from home
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def preorder(root,visited):
if root: #check if node exits
visited.append( #append node value to visted stack (V)
visited=preorder(root.left,traversal) #go to left subtree (L)
visited=preorder(root.right,traversal) #go to right subtree (R)
return visited #return visited stack
preorder(root,[]) #call preorder function with visited stack
def inorder(root,visited):
if root: #check if node exits
visited=inorder(root.left,traversal) #go to left subtree (L)
visited.append( #append node value to visted stack (V)
visited=inorder(root.right,traversal) #go to right subtree (R)
return visited #return visited stack
inorder(root,[]) #call inorder function with visited stack
def postorder(root,visited):
if root: #check if node exits
visited=postorder(root.left,traversal) #go to left subtree (L)
visited=postorder(root.right,traversal) #go to right subtree (R)
visited.append( #append node value to visted stack (V)
return visited #return visited stack
preorder(root,[]) #call postorder function with visited stack
#Our Tree structure
class Node:
def __init__(self,value):
class Tree:
def __init__(self,root):
#width,height=map(int,input().split()) if inputs are Dynamic
wall, clear, goal = 0, 1, 9
import collections
def bfs(maze,start):
queue = collections.deque()
seen = set([start])
if maze[y][x] == goal:
return True
for x2, y2 in ((x+1,y), (x-1,y), (x,y+1), (x,y-1)):
if ( 0 <= x2 < width and #X-axis in range
0 <= y2 < height and #y-axis in range
grid[y2][x2] != wall and #not a wall
(x2, y2) not in seen): #not visited
queue.append( (x2, y2))
seen.add((x2, y2))
import collections
wall, clear, goal = 0, 1, 9 #change notations according to your usecase
def bfs(maze, start):
queue = collections.deque()
seen = set([start])
while queue:
path = queue.popleft()