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Madalin Tache niladam

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niladam /
Created November 9, 2024 16:46 — forked from stenuto/
HLS ffmpeg script
# Function to display usage information
usage() {
echo "Usage: $0 /path/to/input.mp4 [ /path/to/output_directory ]"
exit 1
# Check if at least one argument (input file) is provided
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
niladam /
Created October 30, 2024 17:25 — forked from andrasbacsai/
Update a Hetzner Firewall rule with your IP address
# Script to update a firewall rule in a Hetzner Firewall with your current IP address.
# Good if you would like to restrict SSH access only for your current IP address (secure).
# WARNING: This script will overwrite all rules in the firewall rules, so make sure you
# added all the required rules.
# I use a separate firewall rule just for SSH access.
niladam / getPosts.php
Created September 27, 2024 18:34 — forked from chrispian/getPosts.php
Import WordPress posts, categories, and tags to a Laravel table
* - This was designed for my personal use and could be more robust.
* - Make sure to update the tables you want to import into.
* - Make sure to update the website url you want to import from.
* - Customize as needed. I had very few posts and no media.
RELEASE_NAME=$(date +%s--%Y_%m_%d--%H_%M_%S)
# stop script on error signal (-e) and undefined variables (-u)
niladam / BaseResource.php
Created May 15, 2024 20:19 — forked from nathandaly/BaseResource.php
Tenancy for Laravel & Filament V3 (Tenant per database)
* Below is an the extended Filament resource your tenant panel resources
* will have to extend so that the queries are scoped properly.
namespace App\Filament;
use Filament\Resources\Resource;
namespace App\Helper;
trait WpTrait
* Replaces double line-breaks with paragraph elements.
niladam / romanian-cif-validate.js
Created May 30, 2023 07:15 — forked from brokenthorn/romanian-cif-validate.js
Functie Javascript pentru validarea CIF (Cod Identificare Fiscala) / CUI (Cod Unic Identificare)
* Validates if a string conforms to a valid Romanian Fiscal Code.
* See Romanian Law no. 359 from 8 September 2004.
* @param v {string} input string to be validated
* @returns {string|boolean} `true` if the input is a valid CIF or an error message,
* describing where validation failed
function validateRomanianCIF (v) {
if (typeof v !== 'string') {
exiftool -r -d %s -tagsfromfile "%d/%F.json" "-GPSAltitude<GeoDataAltitude" "-GPSLatitude<GeoDataLatitude" "-GPSLatitudeRef<GeoDataLatitude" "-GPSLongitude<GeoDataLongitude" "-GPSLongitudeRef<GeoDataLongitude" "-Keywords<Tags" "-Subject<Tags" "-Caption-Abstract<Description" "-ImageDescription<Description" "-DateTimeOriginal<PhotoTakenTimeTimestamp" "-FileCreateDate<PhotoTakenTimeTimestamp" -ext "*" -overwrite_original -progress --ext json .
niladam / nginx-webp-sample.conf
Created March 6, 2023 13:00 — forked from uhop/nginx-webp-sample.conf
Serving WEBP with nginx conditionally.
user www-data;
http {
# Basic Settings
sendfile on;
tcp_nopush on;
niladam / inc-remove-comments.php
Created December 20, 2016 12:01 — forked from functionsfile/inc-remove-comments.php
Remove WordPress comments functionality.
* Code taken from the plugin 'Remove Comments Absolutely' by Frank Bültge
if ( ! class_exists( 'Remove_Comments_Absolute' ) ) {
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', array( 'Remove_Comments_Absolute', 'get_object' ) );