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// Install CTRL-P
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/ctrlp.vim
// Add this to vimrc
set runtimepath^=~/.vim/bundle/ctrlp.vim
" Set no max file limit
let g:ctrlp_max_files = 0
" display
set helpheight=50 " default help height
set nolist " show/hide tabs and EOL chars
set number " show/hide line numbers (nu/nonu)
set scrolloff=5 " scroll offsett, min lines above/below cursor
set scrolljump=5 " jump 5 lines when running out of the screen
set sidescroll=10 " minumum columns to scroll horizontally
set backspace=indent,start,eol " repair wired terminal/vim settings ???
set showcmd " show command status
set showmatch " jump to matching bracket char when iserting
2014-02-03T14:39:54.703-0800 DEBUG task-notification-85 com.facebook.presto.execution.TaskStateMachine Task 20140203_223943_05050_tf4an.1.28 is CANCELED
2014-02-03T14:39:54.890-0800 INFO task-notification-84 stderr Exception in thread "task-notification-84"
2014-02-03T14:39:54.891-0800 INFO task-notification-84 stderr java.lang.NullPointerException
2014-02-03T14:39:54.891-0800 INFO task-notification-84 stderr at com.facebook.presto.execution.SqlTaskExecution$3.onFailure(
2014-02-03T14:39:54.891-0800 INFO task-notification-84 stderr at$
2014-02-03T14:39:54.891-0800 INFO task-notification-84 stderr at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
2014-02-03T14:39:54.891-0800 INFO task-notification-84 stderr at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
struct BlacklistEntry {
1: optional string user;
2: optional string source;
3: optional string host;
struct PrestoBlacklistConfig {
1: list<BlacklistEntry> blacklistedEntries;
presto:default> select * from test_loader_column_names;
SELECT * FROM (SELECT row_number() over() rn, orderkey, orderstatus, custkey from orders) where rn < 10
- Output[rn, orderkey, orderstatus, custkey]
rn := row_1
- Window[] => [orderkey:bigint, custkey:bigint, orderstatus:varchar, row_1:bigint]
row_1 := row_number()
- Limit[9] => [orderkey:bigint, custkey:bigint, orderstatus:varchar]
- TableScan[local:tpch:orders:sf0.01, original constraint=true] => [orderkey:bigint, custkey:bigint, orderstatus:varchar]
orderkey := local:tpch:orderkey:0
custkey := local:tpch:custkey:1
orderstatus := local:tpch:orderstatus:2
presto:tiny> explain SELECT * FROM (SELECT row_number() over() rn, orderkey, orderstatus, custkey from orders) where rn < 10
-> ;
Query Plan
- Output[rn, orderkey, orderstatus, custkey]
rn := row_1
- Filter[("row_1" < 10)] => [orderkey:bigint, custkey:bigint, orderstatus:varchar, row_1:bigint]
- RowNumber[] => [orderkey:bigint, custkey:bigint, orderstatus:varchar, row_1:bigint]
row_1 := row_number()
- TableScan[tpch:tpch:orders:sf0.01, original constraint=true] => [orderkey:bigint, custkey:bigint, orderstatus:varchar]
=== Run with changes to groupByHash ===
Benchmark Mode Samples Score Score error Units
c.f.p.o.GroupByHashBenchmark.testContains avgt 10 0.000 0.000 ms/op
c.f.p.o.GroupByHashBenchmark.testExistingGroupIds avgt 10 0.006 0.000 ms/op // All groupIds already exist in group by hash
c.f.p.o.GroupByHashBenchmark.testMixGroupIds avgt 10 0.008 0.000 ms/op // Half groupIds exist in group by hash
c.f.p.o.GroupByHashBenchmark.testNewGroupIds avgt 10 0.025 0.000 ms/op // No groupIds exist in group by hash
=== Run on current trunk ===
Benchmark Mode Samples Score Score error Units
c.f.p.o.GroupByHashBenchmark.testContains avgt 10 0.000 0.000 ms/op
== GroupByHashBenchmark (trunk) ==
Benchmark Mode Samples Score Score error Units
c.f.p.o.GroupByHashBenchmark.testExistingGroupIds avgt 10 0.005 0.000 ms/op // all groupIds already exist
c.f.p.o.GroupByHashBenchmark.testNewGroupIds avgt 10 0.996 0.165 ms/op // all groupIds new
c.f.p.o.GroupByHashBenchmark.testMixGroupIds avgt 10 0.007 0.000 ms/op // half already exist
== GroupByHashBenchmark (branch) ==
Benchmark Mode Samples Score Score error Units
c.f.p.o.GroupByHashBenchmark.testExistingGroupIds avgt 10 0.006 0.000 ms/op
c.f.p.o.GroupByHashBenchmark.testNewGroupIds avgt 10 0.024 0.000 ms/op
- Output[orderpriority, shippriority]
- Project => [orderpriority:varchar, shippriority:bigint]
- Aggregate[orderpriority, shippriority] => [orderpriority:varchar, shippriority:bigint, $hashvalue:bigint]
- Project => [orderpriority:varchar, shippriority:bigint, $hashvalue:bigint]
$hashvalue := "hash"("hash"(0, "$operator$hash_code"("orderpriority")), "$operator$hash_code"("shippriority"))
- TableScan[local:tpch:orders:sf0.01, original constraint=true] => [orderpriority:varchar, shippriority:bigint]
orderpriority := local:tpch:orderpriority:5
shippriority := local:tpch:shippriority:7