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" display
set helpheight=50 " default help height
set nolist " show/hide tabs and EOL chars
set number " show/hide line numbers (nu/nonu)
set scrolloff=5 " scroll offsett, min lines above/below cursor
set scrolljump=5 " jump 5 lines when running out of the screen
set sidescroll=10 " minumum columns to scroll horizontally
set backspace=indent,start,eol " repair wired terminal/vim settings ???
set showcmd " show command status
set showmatch " jump to matching bracket char when iserting
// Install CTRL-P
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/ctrlp.vim
// Add this to vimrc
set runtimepath^=~/.vim/bundle/ctrlp.vim
" Set no max file limit
let g:ctrlp_max_files = 0
at com.facebook.presto.sql.tree.AstVisitor.process(
at com.facebook.presto.sql.planner.LogicalPlanner.createRelationPlan(
at com.facebook.presto.sql.planner.LogicalPlanner.plan(
at com.facebook.presto.sql.analyzer.QueryExplainer.getLogicalPlan(
at com.facebook.presto.sql.analyzer.QueryExplainer.getPlan(
at com.facebook.presto.sql.analyzer.StatementAnalyzer.getQueryPlan(
at com.facebook.presto.sql.analyzer.StatementAnalyzer.visitExplain(
at com.facebook.presto.sql.analyzer.StatementAnalyzer.visitExplain(
at com.facebook.presto.sql.tree.Explain.accept(
presto:default> select * from fbraptor.metadata.shards where table_name = 'foo_ts';
schema_name | table_name | shard_uuid | uncompressed_size | compressed_size | row_count | min_timestamp | max_timestamp
default | foo_ts | dcbc4761-f5f4-4ef4-af55-2c8c5a179b6f | 25 | 529 | 1 | 47532-06-04 17:56:40.000 | 2015-07-25 01:01:01.000
(1 row)
ALTER TABLE tables DROP COLUMN catalog_name;
ALTER TABLE views DROP COLUMN catalog_name;
Benchmark (channelCount) (groupCount) (hashEnabled) Mode Samples Score Score error Units
c.f.p.o.BenchmarkGroupByHash.runBenchmark 2 2 true thrpt 30 21.228 0.560 ops/s
c.f.p.o.BenchmarkGroupByHash.runBenchmark 2 2 false thrpt 30 14.329 0.653 ops/s
c.f.p.o.BenchmarkGroupByHash.runBenchmark 2 10 true thrpt 30 20.145 0.243 ops/s
c.f.p.o.BenchmarkGroupByHash.runBenchmark 2 10 false thrpt 30 13.415 0.221 ops/s
c.f.p.o.BenchmarkGroupByHash.runBenchmark 2 100 true thrpt 30 18.860 0.224 ops/s
c.f.p.o.BenchmarkGroupByHash.runBenchmark 2 100 false thrpt 30 11.555 0.311 ops/s
c.f.p.o.BenchmarkGroupByHash.runBenchmark 2 1000 true thr
Benchmark (channelCount) (groupCount) (hashEnabled) Mode Samples Score Score error Units
c.f.p.o.BenchmarkGroupByHash.runBenchmark 2 2 true thrpt 15 0.019 0.001 ops/ms
c.f.p.o.BenchmarkGroupByHash.runBenchmark 2 2 false thrpt 15 0.013 0.001 ops/ms
c.f.p.o.BenchmarkGroupByHash.runBenchmark 2 10 true thrpt 15 0.019 0.001 ops/ms
c.f.p.o.BenchmarkGroupByHash.runBenchmark 2 10 false thrpt 15 0.013 0.001 ops/ms
c.f.p.o.BenchmarkGroupByHash.runBenchmark 2 100 true thrpt 15 0.018 0.001 ops/ms
c.f.p.o.BenchmarkGroupByHash.runBenchmark 2 100 false thrpt 15 0.011 0.001 ops/ms
c.f.p.o.BenchmarkGroupByHash.runBenchmark 2 1000 true thr
Benchmark (channelCount) (hashEnabled) Mode Samples Score Score error Units
c.f.p.BenchmarkHashPagePartitionFunction.runBenchmark 2 true thrpt 9 0.061 0.005 ops/ms
c.f.p.BenchmarkHashPagePartitionFunction.runBenchmark 2 false thrpt 9 0.030 0.009 ops/ms
c.f.p.BenchmarkHashPagePartitionFunction.runBenchmark 5 true thrpt 9 0.095 0.012 ops/ms
c.f.p.BenchmarkHashPagePartitionFunction.runBenchmark 5 false thrpt 9 0.013 0.005 ops/ms
c.f.p.BenchmarkHashPagePartitionFunction.runBenchmark 10 true thrpt 9 0.094 0.026 ops/ms
c.f.p.BenchmarkHashPagePartitionFunction.runBenchmark 10 false thrpt 9 0.028 0.010 ops/ms
c.f.p.BenchmarkHashPagePartitionFunction.runBenchmark 15 true thrpt 9 0.0
WithoutHash_channels_1 38.45ms
WithoutHash_channels_2 72.90ms
WithoutHash_channels_3 40.35ms
WithoutHash_channels_4 67.26ms
WithoutHash_channels_5 28.08ms
WithoutHash_channels_6 71.23ms
WithoutHash_channels_7 58.33ms
WithoutHash_channels_8 67.60ms
WithoutHash_channels_9 27.95ms
WithoutHash_channels_10 73.18ms
WithoutHash__channels_2__groups_1 87.30ms
WithoutHash__channels_3__groups_1 90.09ms
WithoutHash__channels_4__groups_1 72.55ms
WithoutHash__channels_5__groups_1 77.22ms
WithoutHash__channels_6__groups_1 68.59ms
WithoutHash__channels_7__groups_1 70.64ms
WithoutHash__channels_8__groups_1 70.24ms
WithoutHash__channels_9__groups_1 80.80ms
WithoutHash__channels_10__groups_1 92.15ms
WithoutHash__channels_2__groups_2 77.79ms