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Paul H nimdasys

  • Independent Contractor - Self Employed
  • Northern, WI
View GitHub Profile
<cfset runtime = CreateObject("java","java.lang.Runtime").getRuntime() />
<cfset freeMemory = runtime.freeMemory() / 1024 / 1024 />
<cfset totalMemory = runtime.totalMemory() / 1024 / 1024 />
<cfset maxMemory = runtime.maxMemory() / 1024 / 1024 />
Free Allocated Memory: #Round(freeMemory)#mb<br>
Total Memory Allocated: #Round(totalMemory)#mb<br>
Max Memory Available to JVM: #Round(maxMemory)#mb<br>
<div style="clear:both">
<cfdump var="#GetHttpRequestData()#" label="GetHttpResponseData() Values"/>
<cfdump var="#Session#" label="Session">
<cfdump var="#Cookie#" label="Cookie">
<cfdump var="#Request#" label="Request">
<cfdump var="#Form#" label="Form">
<cfdump var="#URL#" label="URL">
<cfdump var="#application#" label="application">
<cfdump var="#cgi#" label="cgi">
<cfdump var="#Variables#" label="Variables">
function injectGitFileStatus()
const timeout = 5000;
const addedColor = "#98C379";
const modifiedColor = "#D19A66";
const stagedColor = "#E06059";
const ignoredOpacity = "0.4";
const explorer = document.getElementById("workbench.view.explorer");
if (explorer)