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Last active May 8, 2024 17:43
Moments from cumulants

Moments from cumulants

IH moments are difficult to calculate explicitly, but the cumulants are easy. We can use the functional definition of the cumulant generating function to 'invert' back to the moments.

By definition, the moment generating function $M_X(t)$ of a random variable $X$ is: $$M_{X}(t) \equiv \mathop{\mathbb{E}}e^{tX}$$ and the cumulant generating function $C_X(t)$ is:

$$ C_{X}(t) \equiv \log M_{X}(t) = \log \mathop{\mathbb{E}}e^{tX} $$

This implies that:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8">
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="">
<xs:simpleType name="Extension">
<xs:union memberTypes="Base Variant">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="E"/>
<xs:enumeration value="F"/>

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am nimish on github.
  • I am nimish ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASCIsL2McG0f02gOXaolhqA8mFNlH4TtCtci03m8Ash-Tgo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

DEBUG] Target alias resources has already been registered. Overwriting!
DEBUG] ProjectTree ignore_patterns: ['.*', '/dist/']
DEBUG] Parsing BUILD file BuildFile(src/python/BUILD, FileSystemProjectTree(/data/jenkins/temptest/pants-scipy-issue)).
DEBUG] Adding TargetAddressable(target_type=<class 'pants.backend.python.targets.python_requirement_library.PythonRequirementLibrary'>, name=numpy, **kwargs=...) to the BuildFileParser address map with BuildFileAddress(src/python/BUILD, numpy)
DEBUG] Adding TargetAddressable(target_type=<class 'pants.backend.python.targets.python_requirement_library.PythonRequirementLibrary'>, name=scipy, **kwargs=...) to the BuildFileParser address map with BuildFileAddress(src/python/BUILD, scipy)
DEBUG] Adding TargetAddressable(target_type=<class 'pants.backend.python.targets.python_binary.PythonBinary'>, name=example, **kwargs=...) to the BuildFileParser address map with BuildFileAddress(src/python/BUILD, example)
DEBUG] BuildFile(src/python/BUILD, FileSystemProjectTree(/data/jenki
nimish / .plzconfig
Last active April 26, 2017 12:54
BUILD file
doSomething :: IO ()
doSomething = threadDelay 10000000
something1 :: IO ()
something1 = putStrLn "Something 1" >> threadDelay 10000000
something2 :: IO ()
something2 = putStrLn "Something 2" >> threadDelay 10000000
something3 :: IO ()