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(defn map-keys
"Applies f to all keys of m recursively."
[f m]
(map? m) (into {} (map (fn [[key value]]
[(f key) (map-keys f value)])
(coll? m) (map (partial map-keys f) m)
:default m))
;; Step 1: Follow steps from and install `swank-clojure'.
;; Step 2: mkdir ~/.emacs.d.clj
;; Step 3: mv ~/.emacs ~/.emacs.d/init.el
;; Step 4: Copy swank-clojure, slime, slime-repl & clojure-mode directories from `~/.emacs.d/elpa/' to `~/.emacs.d.clj/'
;; Step 5: Create an `init.el' file in `~/.emacs.d.clj' directory
;; Step 6: mkdir -p ~/clojure-project/{lib,classes,src}
;; Step 7: cd ~/clojure-project/lib
;; Step 8: wget -cv
;; Step 9: wget -cv
;; Step 10: wget -cv
;;; Vector binding forms destructure sequential things (vectors, lists, seqs, strings, arrays,
;;; and anything that supports nth)
;;; Map binding forms destructure associative things (maps, vectors, strings and arrays;
;;; the latter three have integer keys)
user> (let [[a b c] "xyz"]
[a b c])
user> (re-seq (re-pattern #"\bfoo\b") "bar foo bar")
user> (def *s "foo")
user> (re-seq (re-pattern (format "\b%s\b" *s)) "bar foo bar")
user> (re-seq (re-pattern (format "\\b%s\\b" *s)) "bar foo bar")
(defn map-keys
"Applies f to all keys of m recursively."
[f m]
(map? m) (into {} (map (fn [[key value]]
[(f key) (map-keys f value)])
(coll? m) (map (partial map-keys f) m)
:default m))
;; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save, and for Lisp evaluation.
;; If you want to create a file, visit that file with C-x C-f,
;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer.
;; First fetch CVS version of slime, git version of clojure, swank-clojure, clojure-contrib and clojure-mode
;; Create ~/bin/clojure script which starts clojure repl and adds clojure-contrib src dir and swank-clojure src dir to classpath. I used clj-env helper from clojure-contrib
(pushnew '("\.clj$" . clojure-mode) auto-mode-alist)
(require 'clojure-mode)
;;;; Slime configuration stuff
(setf slime-lisp-implementations
'((ecl("~/bin/ecl" "--heap-size" "1024000000") :coding-system utf-8-unix)
(ns practical-clojure.chapter4
(:require [clojure.contrib [duck-streams :as ccds]]))
(def my-matcher (re-matcher #"[a-zA-Z]*" "test"))
(def my-matcher2 (re-matcher #"[a-z]" "test"))
;;; practical-clojure.chapter4> (find-all-matches #"\d" (apply str (range 10)))
;;; ["0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9"]
(defn find-all-matches [re string]
user> (def *files* (file-seq ( "/tmp")))
user> (def *f* (first *files*))
user> *f*
#<File /tmp>
user> (.isFile *f*)
user> (.isDirectory *f*)
nipra / fnil_examples.clj
Created July 7, 2011 09:23
fnil use case
(defn plus
([x] ((fnil + 0) x))
([x y]
((fnil + 0 0) x y))
([x y z]
((fnil + 0 0 0) x y z))
([x y z & more]
(reduce plus (plus x y z) more)))
;; user> (plus nil)