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Nitesh Chauhan nitesh8860

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echo script name: $0
echo first argument: $1
echo number of arguments passed: $#
echo all the arguments are: $@
echo exit status of most recent process: $?
echo process id of the script: $$
echo username: $USER
echo hostname: $HOSTNAME
echo a random number: $RANDOM
nitesh8860 /
Last active May 23, 2021 06:22
script tests if there is a connection between source IP, dest IP and dest port. it requires a central server which is able to login to all source servers. (ansible master).
Example format for sdp.csv file.
import csv
import base64
import paramiko
nitesh8860 /
Last active May 23, 2021 03:41
this usecase is related to app logs where if some message fails trying multiple times, the script will identify that message and then collect all related logs to that error and send it to email.
example data:
name: someText aFewMoreRandomThings aggregate_id: someNumber
if this error is found, the script will search for all related logs to this aggregate_id and the text Retries exceeded (RMQ specific).
script will then collect all this data and send it to email
error type: {}
aggregateid: {}\n
mq deadfinal log: \n{}
related log : \n{}