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Thinking and typing

nitrocode nitrocode

Thinking and typing
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nitrocode /
Created August 20, 2015 05:42
Creates a TomCat or JBoss compressed and deployable WAR file
# e.g. ./ Siesta Siesta.war
cd $DIRECTORY/WebContent
jar -cf ../../$WARFILE *
cd -
ls -l $WARFILE
# This will add a shared drive using a given password. Only requirement is pexpect which can be downloaded using apt-get or pip
# - password contains $ and ! marks that need to be escaped
# - had issues putting these in the -o "password=" param and had issues with the cred file
import pexpect
password = "$wirleysaysneverquit!!!"
# Usage:
# The above will clone 08 to 03 and register the vm
# * Do not end the argument directories with a slash!
# Date: Mar 10, 2015
nitrocode / SetIP.ps1
Last active November 16, 2015 17:53
Powershell 2 script to change the IP with arguments
# Usage: powershell -File SetIP.ps1 -ip ""
# Works on Windows 7 64bit
# get params
param (
[string]$ip = "",
[string]$gw = "",
[string]$sub = "",
[string]$dns1 = "",
[string]$dns2 = ""
nitrocode / SetHostname.ps1
Last active November 16, 2015 17:52
Powershell 2 script to change the hostname
# Usage: powershell -File SetHostname.ps1 -name "Terminator"
# Works on Windows 7 64bit
# Requires restart for changes to take effect
# get params
param (
[string]$name = "Dev"
Write-Host "Server: $name"
# Original:
# example cron script to post logs to Jenkins
# exit on error
set -e
log=`mktemp tmp.XXX`
timer=`date +"%s"`
nitrocode /
Last active February 15, 2016 20:41
Runs ssh commands on an ssh enabled machine
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Edit: curious if netmiko would work with the SSA devices too:
# Edit2: Used netmiko to create a handler for extreme and enterasys switches to make the below code even simpler
import sys
import paramiko
import time
# seems to work for all switches and ssh enabled devices
nitrocode /
Last active March 18, 2024 11:40
Run an ssh command on Enterasys or Extreme switches using netmiko
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This will run an ssh command successfully on an enterasys SSA and so SSH must be enabled on the device(s).
# paramiko can be used but netmiko simplifies the code for these switches if you set the device_type to "a10"
from netmiko import ConnectHandler
#enterasyshandle = {'device_type':'a10', 'ip' : '', 'username':'admin', 'password':''}
enterasyshandle = {'device_type':'enterasys', 'ip' : '', 'username':'admin', 'password':''}
net_connect = ConnectHandler(**enterasyshandle)
output = net_connect.send_command('show config policy')
nitrocode /
Last active August 14, 2020 21:47
Cygwin ultimate package installer
# install apt-cyg fork
lynx -source > apt-cyg
install apt-cyg /bin
# update
apt-cyg update
# install everything
nitrocode / choco-ultimate-pkg-installer.bat
Last active January 26, 2016 17:42
Chocolatey ultimate package installer
:: install choco
@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin
:: use choco to install packages in the following categories:
:: - cleaning, commandline, programming, browsers, networking, and dependencies
choco install bleachbit ccleaner conemu cygwin ultradefrag notepadplusplus atom visualcplusplusexpress2008 python2 eclipse firefox google-chrome-x64 tightvnc putty wireshark nmap filezilla rdcman dotnet3.5 javaruntime -y