icf handler class
<?php | |
/** | |
* @author Nigel James | |
* @email nigel.james@sapinsidetrack.org | |
* @date 15 Apr 2013 | |
* | |
* Create an image for SAP Inside Track events with Year and City | |
*/ | |
function LoadPNG($pngName) |
* the last two buttons are displayed only if there is data in the table | |
lv_btn_enabled = abap_true. | |
lv_col_wrapper = typed_context->builactivity->collection_wrapper. | |
IF lv_col_wrapper->size( ) > 0. | |
lv_btn_enabled = abap_false. | |
REPORT z_hello_datetime. | |
data: | |
dt type REF TO zcl_datetime | |
, fs type string | |
, ts type timestamp | |
. | |
get time STAMP FIELD ts. |
DATA: lv_status TYPE j_estat | |
, lo_current TYPE REF TO if_bol_bo_property_access | |
, table_rows TYPE i | |
. | |
FIELD-SYMBOLS: <status> type RSDSSELOPT. | |
* default condition to false and change if in correct status |
TYPES: BEGIN OF line, | |
date_from TYPE d, | |
time_from TYPE t, | |
date_to TYPE d, | |
time_to TYPE t. | |
INCLUDE TYPE crmst_date_btil. | |
TYPES: END OF line. | |
CREATE DATA rv_sample TYPE line. |
METHOD copy_structure . | |
* parameters | |
* i_new type any | |
* i_old type any | |
* final - changing type any | |
* copy by component only if the new value is populated else take | |
* the existing component | |
DATA: _componentno TYPE i VALUE 0 | |
. |
icf handler class
source ~/.git-prompt-coloured.sh | |
alias vm="cd /var/www/laravel/Homestead/;vagrant up" | |
alias hs="cd /var/www/laravel/Homestead/;vagrant ssh" | |
alias xo="xdg-open $PWD" | |
alias copy="xclip -sel clip" | |
#alias cdv="DIR=/var/www/"$1";cd $DIR" | |
alias e="echo $1" | |
alias ..="cd .." |
# Customize BASH PS1 prompt to show current GIT repository and branch. | |
# by Mike Stewart - http://MediaDoneRight.com | |
# Bunch-o-predefined colors. Makes reading code easier than escape sequences. | |
# I don't remember where I found this. o_O | |
# Reset | |
Color_Off="\[\033[0m\]" # Text Reset |