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Njuguna Gathere, Tirus njugunagathere

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njugunagathere / CSS: Image Replacement
Created March 26, 2012 13:43
CSS: Image Replacement
.ir {
font: 0/0 a;
text-shadow: none;
color: transparent;
background-color: transparent;
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<!--[if gt IE 8]><!--> <html class="no-js" lang="en"> <!--<![endif]-->
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
# Download Drush v3 from D.O and make it work on `drush` (OS X / Linux / *nix)
# Written by stemount, adapted by KarenS
# Last updated by Drupalise IT ( on 13 Sep 2010
# Update user
echo "Drush is now downloading via HTTP"
# move to home dir
tell application "Mail"
set theSubject to "Subject" -- the subject
set theContent to "Content" -- the content
set theAddress to "" -- the receiver
set theSignatureName to "signature_name"-- the signature name
set theAttachmentFile to "Macintosh HD:Users:moligaloo:Downloads:attachment.pdf" -- the attachment path
set msg to make new outgoing message with properties {subject: theSubject, content: theContent, visible:true}
/ HTML5 Doctype. Remember to delete these comments (Quirks Mode).
/ Modernizr HTML tag.{lang: ""}
/ Let's get started.
/ Document settings and metadata.
# Script to export Safari's reading list into a text file, then import this into Pocket or Evernote (or any service with a "email in content" feature).
# First take all of Safari's Reading List items and place them in a text file.
/usr/bin/plutil -convert xml1 -o - ~/Library/Safari/Bookmarks.plist | grep -E -o '<string>http[s]{0,1}://.*</string>' | grep -v icloud | sed -E 's/<\/{0,1}string>//g' > readinglistlinksfromsafari.txt
# Now loop over each of those URls within that text file and add them to pocket.
while IFS= read -r line
echo $line
njugunagathere /
Created February 16, 2016 00:19 — forked from somebox/
Set up an OSX machine from zero to awesome. Uses Homebrew (and cask, fonts, etc). Focused on Ruby/Rails development, includes rvm, xquartz, editor fonts, sublime text, and many tools.
# A script to set up a new mac. Uses bash, homebrew, etc.
# Focused for ruby/rails development. Includes many utilities and apps:
# - homebrew, rvm, node
# - quicklook plugins, terminal fonts
# - browsers: chrome, firefox
# - dev: iterm2, sublime text, postgres, chrome devtools, etc.
# - team: slack, dropbox, google drive, skype, etc
njugunagathere /
Created December 4, 2016 09:58 — forked from virtualstaticvoid/
25 Most Frequently Used Linux IPTables Rules Examples
# Modify this file accordingly for your specific requirement.
# 1. Delete all existing rules
iptables -F
# 2. Set default chain policies
iptables -P INPUT DROP
iptables -P FORWARD DROP
iptables -P OUTPUT DROP
A good commit message looks like this:
Header line: explaining the commit in one line
Body of commit message is a few lines of text, explaining things
in more detail, possibly giving some background about the issue
being fixed, etc etc.
The body of the commit message can be several paragraphs, and
please do proper word-wrap and keep columns shorter than about
njugunagathere /
Created March 19, 2017 03:19 — forked from rudelm/
Use autofs on Mac OS X to mount network shares automatically during access

Autofs on Mac OS X

With autofs you can easily mount network volumes upon first access to the folder where you want to mount the volume. Autofs is available for many OS and is preinstalled on Mac OS X so I show you how I mounted my iTunes library folder using this method.

Prepare autofs to use a separate configuration file

autofs needs to be configured so that it knows where to gets its configuration. Edit the file '/etc/auto_master' and add the last line:

# Automounter master map

+auto_master # Use directory service