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nkijak / gist:3916256
Created October 19, 2012 04:34
Multiple returns or not
public class person(String name, Int age) {
// ..blah
//.... somewhere in a service
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<category name="JVM Data - Memory">
<product name="casmr 105" />
<qualifiers />
<result />
<product name="casmr 105" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<resultCategory name="JVM Data - Operating System">
<product name="casmrBlade29" />
<qualifiers />
<chart name="hour">
nkijak / DependencyInjection.js
Created October 1, 2013 14:44
Dependency Injection a la angular with "$" variables denoting wired values
function regex(func) {return new RegExp("\\(([$?\\w+, ?]*)\\)");}
function meta(func) {
var matches = regex(func).exec(func.toString().replace(" ", ""));
var args = matches[1].split(",");
return {name:, args:{ return arg.replace(" ", ""); })};
function wrapper(func, factory) {
var args = meta(func).args;
id: <objId>
key-that-means-workout: {
//however you represet the whole nested tree
exercise: 12329-218231-12321-128184923,
expected: 12
nkijak / directiveSpec.js
Last active January 17, 2016 16:52
Angular Directive template unit testings
describe('directives', function() {
var rootScope;
var element;
describe('speech-bubble', function(){
beforeEach(inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
rootScope = $rootScope;
nkijak / app.partial.js
Created July 9, 2014 21:53
Module responsible for urls past app setup base
var routes = require('./routes/index');
var movies = require('./routes/movies');
var timeline = require('./routes/timeline');
var app = express();
// view engine setup
// all the normal setup stuff
case class User(val age: Int, val weight: Int)
val tooYoung: PartialFunction[User, String] = { case User(age, _) if age < 18 => "Too young" }
val tooLight: PartialFunction[User, String] = { case User(_, weight) if weight < 100 => "Too Light" }
val validations = Set(tooYoung, tooLight)
val validator = validations.reduce((a,b) => a orElse b)
var events = [{"event": circuitStarted, value: { name: "A"}, when: <timestamp>}
{"event": exerciseComplete, value: {id: "exID 1", "count": 150}, when:<timestamp>}
{"event": circuitStarted, value: { name: "B"}, when: <timestamp>}
{"event": exerciseComplete, value: {id: "exID 2", "count": 20}, when:<timestamp>}
{"event": exerciseComplete, value: {id: "exID 3", "count": 6}, when:<timestamp>}
{"event": circuitComplete, value: { name: "B"}, when: <timestamp>}
{"event": circuitStarted, value: { name: "B"}, when: <timestamp>}
{"event": exerciseComplete, value: {id: "exID 2", "count": 18}, when:<timestamp>}
{"event": exerciseComplete, value: {id: "exID 3", "count": 5}, when:<timestamp>}
{"event": circuitComplete, value: { name: "B"}, when: <timestamp>}
### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am nkijak on github.
* I am nkijak ( on keybase.
* I have a public key ASDhOHnYz9YCYaLphAZItSzFKk0_X2u6iX_EMPFTpjzAWwo
To claim this, I am signing this object: