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Nikhil Suresh nklsrh

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// if ball goes off the top side (side of table)
if (ball.position.y <= -fieldHeight/2)
ballDirY = -ballDirY;
// if ball goes off the bottom side (side of table)
if (ball.position.y >= fieldHeight/2)
ballDirY = -ballDirY;
// if ball goes off the 'left' side (Player's side)
if (ball.position.x <= -fieldWidth/2)
// CPU scores
// update scoreboard HTML
document.getElementById("scores").innerHTML = score1 + "-" + score2;
// reset ball to center
// We lerp the scale back to 1
// this is done because we stretch the paddle at some points
// stretching is done when paddle touches side of table and when paddle hits ball
// by doing this here, we ensure paddle always comes back to default size
paddle2.scale.y += (1 - paddle2.scale.y) * 0.2;
// in case the Lerp function produces a value above max paddle speed, we clamp it
if (Math.abs(paddle2DirY) <= paddleSpeed)
paddle2.position.y += paddle2DirY;
// if the lerp value is too high, we have to limit speed to paddleSpeed
// if paddle is lerping in +ve direction
if (paddle2DirY > paddleSpeed)
// Lerp towards the ball on the y plane
paddle2DirY = (ball.position.y - paddle2.position.y) * difficulty;
// move left
if (Key.isDown(Key.A))
// if paddle is not touching the side of table
// we move
if (paddle1.position.y < fieldHeight * 0.45)
paddle1DirY = paddleSpeed * 0.5;
// else we don't move and stretch the paddle
var Key = {
_pressed: {},
A: 65,
W: 87,
D: 68,
S: 83,
// move left
if (Key.isDown(Key.A))
// code to move paddle left
function setup()
function draw()
<!doctype html>
body {
background-color: black;
#gameCanvas {
background-color: black;