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lewo nlewo

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This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
f7d0b66a652ce0cf94532238e6577b8b173e84e6 /tmp/nix-build-gvisor-build-dependencies-2018-11-10.drv-1/env-vars
91b074d1374d519281e99060071e13d6dcd80cb8 /tmp/nix-build-gvisor-build-dependencies-2018-11-10.drv-1/source/.bazelrc
8f5c0d70ac86dc5150d90ecd3fe635864b45a72a /tmp/nix-build-gvisor-build-dependencies-2018-11-10.drv-1/source/bazel_root_dir/_bazel_nix/664ed89c9c1572b2edd071f7898c14a5/command.log
604d321b6ac9da499c323857891358a6e4a0a91d /tmp/nix-build-gvisor-build-dependencies-2018-11-10.drv-1/source/bazel_root_dir/_bazel_nix/664ed89c9c1572b2edd071f7898c14a5/DO_NOT_BUILD_HERE
604d321b6ac9da499c323857891358a6e4a0a91d /tmp/nix-build-gvisor-build-dependencies-2018-11-10.drv-1/source/bazel_root_dir/_bazel_nix/664ed89c9c1572b2edd071f7898c14a5/execroot/DO_NOT_BUILD_HERE
93c388447a757f31304f55cd0ccdd058f9e1a2ca /tmp/nix-build-gvisor-build-dependencies-2018-11-10.drv-1/source/bazel_root_dir/_bazel_nix/664ed89c9c1572b2edd071f7898c14a5/external/bazel_gazelle/AUTHORS
80c12f7ed753321c01af1aa90d4d083400c0cdc2 /tmp/
error_log = syslog
daemonize = no
listen = /run/phpfpm/nextcloud
listen.owner = nginx = nginx
user = nextcloud

Nix - Adding the cpu consumable feature


When a Hydra jobset contains several NixOS tests, Hydra is not able to schedule them regarding the number of cores required by test VMs. In this case, some tests are failing due to the lack of resources: services and/or tests timeout.


#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
#!nix-shell -p coreutils openssh -i bash
# nixos-deploy deploys nix expression to a target host
# Usage: <host> <switch-action> <nix-opts>
set -euo pipefail
### Defaults ###

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am nlewo on github.
  • I am lewon ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASCuylLtmxkMF0lOnWhi20Jo9KObyO78PhMF2bkXE5MQ0wo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

I had the opportunity to experiment the conversion of the NixOS manual to ReST with Sphinx extensions.

The goal is to explore the feasibility of a such conversion and to show how it could look like, in order to help us to choose a documentation format.

  • [An online rendered version of the
* Recommend buildGoPackage instead of buildGoModule in the nixpkgs manual
In the nixpkgs manual, the default function to package a Go
application is `buildGoModule` (since the release 19.03). This
function creates one derivation to fetch all dependencies. This is
really convenient to use since we only have to provide one hash: the
hash of a directory containing all of these dependencies.
However, this method has several drawbacks:
- long term reproducibility is harder to achieve because we don't know