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snipe / inputrc
Created April 17, 2013 16:44
~/.inputrc for nice bash history up-arrows. This allows you to search through your history using the up and down arrows … i.e. type "cd /" and press the up arrow and you'll search through everything in your history that starts with "cd /". Create ~/.inputrc and fill it with this:
"\e[A": history-search-backward
"\e[B": history-search-forward
set show-all-if-ambiguous on
set completion-ignore-case on
torjusb / paste_excel.js
Created February 25, 2015 07:59
Handle pasted text from Excel, and split it into arrays of rows and columns
var clipboardData = window.clipboardData || event.clipboardData || event.originalEvent && event.originalEvent.clipboardData;
var pastedText = clipboardData.getData("Text") || clipboardData.getData("text/plain");
if (!pastedText && pastedText.length) {
// Parse the pasted text from Excel into rows.
// Pasted text is usually separated by a new line for each row,
glasslion /
Last active May 31, 2024 18:51
This script convert youtube subtitle file(vtt) to plain text.
Convert YouTube subtitles(vtt) to human readable text.
Download only subtitles from YouTube with youtube-dl:
youtube-dl --skip-download --convert-subs vtt <video_url>
Note that default subtitle format provided by YouTube is ass, which is hard
to process with simple regex. Luckily youtube-dl can convert ass to vtt, which
is easier to process.
scottire /
Last active March 11, 2023 10:42
Interactive and clickable plots using Panel, Holoviz and Bokeh in Jupyter Notebooks
import numpy as np
import panel as pn
import holoviews as hv
# hv.extension('matplotlib')
from holoviews.streams import Stream, Params
from import wavfile
from scipy.signal import spectrogram
rate, data ='/filepath.wav')
lewtun /
Last active June 19, 2024 13:48
Fine-tuning Mistral 7B with TRL & DeepSpeed ZeRO-3
# This is a modified version of TRL's `SFTTrainer` example (,
# adapted to run with DeepSpeed ZeRO-3 and Mistral-7B-V1.0. The settings below were run on 1 node of 8 x A100 (80GB) GPUs.
# Usage:
# - Install the latest transformers & accelerate versions: `pip install -U transformers accelerate`
# - Install deepspeed: `pip install deepspeed==0.9.5`
# - Install TRL from main: pip install git+
# - Clone the repo: git clone
# - Copy this Gist into trl/examples/scripts
# - Run from root of trl repo with: accelerate launch --config_file=examples/accelerate_configs/deepspeed_zero3.yaml --gradient_accumulation_steps 8 examples/scripts/