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<title>Web Push API example</title>
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# email =
# name =
editor = "$HOME/scoop/apps/neovim/current/bin/nvim-qt.exe"
autocrlf = false
safecrlf = true
excludesfile = ~/.gitignore
attributesfile = ~/.gitattributes
whitespace = cr-at-eol
var csv_parse = function(text) {
return text.split(/[\r\n]+/)
.map(function(l) {
var data = l.match(/("(?:[^"]|"")+"|[^,]+)/g);
if (data === null) {return null;}
return {
return e.replace(/^"(.*)"$/, '$1').replace('""', '"');
.filter(function(r) {return r !== null;});
"normal": [
{"name": "斬", "type": ["攻"], "owner": "ユリナ", "text": "1-2 3/1"},
{"name": "一閃", "type": ["攻"], "owner": "ユリナ", "text": "2 2/2"},
{"name": "遠当て", "type": ["攻"], "owner": "ユリナ", "text": "4-5 2/1 決死:+1/+0"},
{"name": "居合", "type": ["攻","全"], "owner": "ユリナ", "text": "2-3 4/2"},
{"name": "足捌き", "type": ["行"], "owner": "ユリナ", "text": "間合3↑なら,間合2→ダスト"},
{"name": "圧気", "type": ["付"], "owner": "ユリナ", "text": "2 隙 破棄時:0-5 3/-"},
{"name": "気炎万丈", "type": ["付","全"], "owner": "ユリナ", "text": "4 決死:攻撃に+1/+0"},
{"name": "シュート", "type": ["攻"], "owner": "ヒミカ", "text": "4-10 2/1"},
nobita4176 / furuyoni_dict.tsv
Last active December 22, 2023 16:10
# 読み 単語 品詞
ざん 固有名詞
いっせん 一閃 固有名詞
つかうち 柄打ち 固有名詞
いあい 居合 固有名詞
きはく 気迫 固有名詞
あっき 圧気 固有名詞
きえんばんじょう 気炎万丈 固有名詞
つきかげおとし 月影落 固有名詞
うらなみあらし 浦波嵐 固有名詞
nobita4176 / to_link.js
Created May 7, 2018 11:21
nobita4176 / furuyoni_na_cards.json
Last active April 30, 2022 14:41
"新幕 桜降る代に決闘を" カード情報JSON
"normal": [
{"name":"斬", "owner":"ユリナ", "category":"通常札", "cost":null, "maintype":"攻撃", "subtype":null, "range":"3-4", "damage":"3/1", "text":""},
{"name":"一閃", "owner":"ユリナ", "category":"通常札", "cost":null, "maintype":"攻撃", "subtype":null, "range":"3", "damage":"2/2", "text":"【常時】決死―あなたのライフが3以下ならば、この《攻撃》は+1/+0となる。"},
{"name":"柄打ち", "owner":"ユリナ", "category":"通常札", "cost":null, "maintype":"攻撃", "subtype":null, "range":"1-2", "damage":"2/1", "text":"【攻撃後】決死―あなたのライフが3以下ならば、このターンにあなたが次に行う《攻撃》は+1/+0となる。"},
{"name":"居合", "owner":"ユリナ", "category":"通常札", "cost":null, "maintype":"攻撃", "subtype":"全力", "range":"2-4", "damage":"4/3", "text":"【常時】現在の間合が2以下ならば、この攻撃は-1/-1となる。"},
{"name":"気迫", "owner":"ユリナ", "category":"通常札", "cost":null, "maintype":"行動", "subtype":null, "text":"あなたは集中力を1得る。\nこのターンにあなたが次に行う他