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Root CA Private Key

generate root cert auth private key

openssl genrsa -out rootCA.key 2048

Root CA Cert

openssl req does the folloing:

How Tagged Types are implemented in Scalaz

This gist explains how Tagged Types are implemented in ScalaZ. Hope this helps someone.

Snippets taken from Tim Perret's blog on tagged types in Scalaz 7.

First, let's take a look at the type definition:

type @@[T, Tag] = T with Tagged[Tag]
nodemvc /
Last active October 21, 2015 04:24

Quy V Le

5014 39th Ave S #306, Seattle, WA 98118

Work History

Azuqua Software Developer

  • Design node.js/express rest api (hashing, rate-limiting, caching, route management)
  • Prototype health care IT system via node.js/express & mongo.db (mongoose ORM). Perform scale test against prototype.