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[root@boot-172-19-0-2 ~]# less /var/log/cmessages
Feb 19 20:03:58 [2014-02-19 20:03:58.609] 873/MainThread savage.BarrierInitAgent[mkcephfs]/ERROR: exception while inside double barr
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/savage/medic/", line 134, in run
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/savage/command/commands/", line 993, in master_task
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/savage/command/utils/", line 21, in connect
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/savage/command/utils/", line 84, in __init__
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/savage/command/utils/", line 92, in connect
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/savage/utils/", line 131, in retry_command
Mar 3 19:20:39 neutron-server.log: neutron-server: policy DEBUG loading policy file at /etc/neutron/poli
Mar 3 19:20:39 neutron-server: connectionpool DEBUG "GET /virtual-networks?parent_id=service HTTP/1.1" 5
00 67
Mar 3 19:20:39 neutron-server.log: Bad id=service, trying raw: badly formed hexadecimal UUID string
Mar 3 19:20:39 neutron-server.log: neutron-server: connectionpool DEBUG "GET /virtual-networks?parent_id
=service HTTP/1.1" 500 67
Mar 3 19:20:39 neutron-server.log: <class 'cfgm_common.exceptions.HttpError'>
Mar 3 19:20:39 neutron-server.log: Python 2.7.5: /usr/bin/python2.7
Mar 3 19:20:39 neutro
noelbk / gist:9372473
Created March 5, 2014 17:46
Exception converted to print in contrail
Here's a nugget from quantum/plugins/contrail/ctdb/
1 def _security_group_entries_list_sg(self, sg_id):
2 try:
3 sg_uuid = str(uuid.UUID(project_id))
4 except Exception:
5 print "Error in converting SG uuid %s" % (sg_id)
7 resp_dict = self._vnc_lib.security_groups_list(parent_id=project_uuid)
"ifmap_port": { "$ref": "piston://#port-int" },
"ifmap_user_api": { "type": "string" },
"ifmap_pass_api": { "type": "string" }, # { "$ref": "piston://#secret-string" },
"ifmap_user_svc": { "type": "string" },
"ifmap_pass_svc": { "type": "string" }, # { "$ref": "piston://#secret-string" },
"ifmap_user_schema": { "type": "string" },
"ifmap_pass_schema": { "type": "string" }, # { "$ref": "piston://#secret-string" },
M-x doctor
I am the psychotherapist. Please, describe your problems. Each time
you are finished talking, type RET twice.
_0x44 hates me
Why do you say
_0x44 hates you?
"interface" is in in pentos-2.5.5923-migrated.json and realish_config.json, what am I missing?
"id:ContrailDiscovery": {
"floating_ip": "",
"interface": "services",
"port": 5998,
"task:version": 0
Is it supposed to be in pentos-2.5.5923.json? But, that file is supposed to be from before id:ContrailDiscovery was added.
The ContrailApi task depends on group:Zookeeper
class ContrailApi(Task):
"""Contrail API Server running on every node"""
DEPENDS = ['group:NetworkConf', 'group:Hosts', 'group:KeystoneConf', 'group:NeutronConf',
'group:Redis', 'group:Ifmap', 'group:Cassandra', 'id:Zookeeper', 'id:ContrailDiscovery']
GROUPS = ['Contrail']
def port(self):
git rebase -i upstream/master
pick all, fixup 1 one line.
Get stuck here:
The previous cherry-pick is now empty, possibly due to conflict resolution.
If you wish to commit it anyway, use:
git commit --allow-empty
$ git lg
* b81e9ad - (HEAD, tmp, contrail) added script to run pylint on savage (27 minutes ago)
* 3ef7075 - fixing up ContrailApi task (28 minutes ago)
* a6415b2 - fixing up ContrailApi task (28 minutes ago)
* 480023b - (origin/contrail) added test files for ContrailDisco (22 hours ago)
* ec0ecce - Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into contrail (22 hours ago)
| * 02b7ce7 - (v3.1.8468, upstream/master) Merge pull request #1595 from brosenberg/gunicorn (23 hours ago)
| |\
| | * bf22030 - Have gunicorn log to syslog (2 days ago)
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="/universal_parse.xsl"?>
<ItfResp type="sandesh">
<itf_list type="list" identifier="1">
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<name type="string" identifier="2">vroutervtap</name>
<uuid type="string" identifier="3">00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000</uuid>
<vrf_name type="string" identifier="4" link="VrfListReq">default-domain:default-project:ip-fabric:__default__</vrf_name>
<active type="string" identifier="5">Active</active>