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noetic97 /
Last active March 11, 2017 22:27
Turing 1703 Prework

#Day One

##HTML and CSS Chapters 1 and 2

  1. The purpose of HTML code on a website is to describe the structure of a webpage.
  2. An HTML tag is characters between angled brackets that tell us something about how the elements between the opening and closing tags will be rendered. An HTMl element is the opening and closing tag and the content between it.
  3. We use attributes in HTML elements to supply extra information about the elements in the code.
  4. The Title element in HTML is used to create a title in the browser tab. The Head element is used to show information about the page. This is where you will find the Title element. The Body element is where the content of the page is shown in the browser.
  5. You can view the source of a website (in Chrome) by right-clicking anywhere on the browser page and selecting 'View Page Source'.
  6. HTML Elements

Strengths Reflection & Coaching Request

Read Through Your Theme Definitions

  1. What words or phrases stick out to you? How would you define each of your top 5 talents in your own words?

  2. Do these top 5 talent themes resonate with you? Why or why not?

noetic97 /
Last active March 25, 2017 05:22
Turing CSS Layout Challenges
Challenge 1

After creating the div elements and sizing plus coloring them with some CSS, I applied display: inline-block; to line up the divs. Then I applied float: right; to the second and third div to move the to the right side of the screen while leaving the the first div to the left. After that, I appplied margin-left: 10px; to div two and three to create space between the second and third div elements.

Challenge 1

Challenge 2

Using the same markup from challenge 1, the divs started off to the left stacked on top of each other. I left div1 alone. For div2, I applied margin: 0 auto;. This set the top and bottom margins to 0 and the left and right were set to be automatically calculated to be an equal size from the edge of the containing element which is the body. This centered div2. For div3, I set a float: right; to move the div to the right most side of the screen.

Phase One

This phase is all about setting up the user inputs and general structure of the page. The page will not be very interactive in this phase.

  1. Two input fields for new photos to put in the album
  2. One for the title of the photo
  3. One for the caption of the photo
  4. ~~One input field to upload the photo (hint: look at the different HTML input element type attributes and how you can use on of them to select a file from your computer)
  • This article can help you with styling the file upload button
  1. One “Add to Album” button for adding the photo to the album so you see it on the page

Strengths and Storytelling Reflection

  • Look at your initial StrengthsFinder reflection that you completed in week 1 -- how have your perceptions of the top 5 themes changed?

  • How are you different today than when you first started at Turing? Where are you stronger now than on day 1? I feel much more confident that I can work through the problems that I'm dealing with at any time and solve them.

  • Considering how you describe these themes, how do you want others to see you as you continue to progress through Turing? As empathetic and relatable. I want people to feel comfortable coming to me for help and also feel confident that I can help them when needed.

  • How might these themes play a role in describing your Turing story?

Quizlette Questions for Study


What does WAI-ARIA stand for?

List and describe the three main categories of how WAI-ARIA breaks down.

Refactor this line of code to be more accessible: ``

Strengths & Storytelling Reflection

  • Look at your initial StrengthsFinder reflection that you completed in week 1 -- how have your perceptions of the top 5 themes changed?

My top five strengths were: empathy, learner, input, adaptability, and relator. I feel that these strengths were very accurate, but I don't think I realized how to leverage them or that some of them were even strengths. I'm still working through how to best leverage these strengths, but I think the one that my perception has changed the most on is empathy. I've started making an effort to check-in with people when I notice they are struggling or that something is not right. I use to believe that anyone could make that effort with others, but now realize that many others might not notice someone struggling as quickly as I can.
Another strength that I am thinking of differently now is input. This works in close conjunction with learner and I now see my need to collect random trivia and know little facts about everything as a strengt

Feedback II Reflection

  1. Date of feedback conversation:
  • 05/10/2017
  1. How did you prepare for the conversation?
  • I worked through the project timeline to find areas where we could have improved our workflow. I realized that we could better communicate and write down the issues that we need to work through to keep us on track. This may have also allowed us to pivot from some of the biggest struggles that we faced along the way and move onto new feature sets more quickly. More regular commits on each new feature set would come out of better defining the issues list as well.
  1. How did the conversation go for you? What was easy about the conversation? What was more difficult?
  • The conversation with James was really fairly easy. We both agreed that we could make a stronger effort to define our project issues so we could break down the project into a more approachable set of smaller issues to solve. We commited to holding each other accountable.
noetic97 /
Created June 1, 2017 15:03
Indie reflections StrengthsFinder
  • How have you changed since starting at Turing? How have your strengths helpd you in that progress?
  • How do you feel that you have used your strengths when you have paired with others?
  • How could you utilize these strengths more?
  • What gets in your way or keeps you from fully utilizing your strengths?

1 - I have embraced input and learner as two side of a coin and no logeer question why I feel the need to collect info.

2 - Empathy when paired with others. Guaging when they are struggling, need positive reinforcement, etc..

3 -

noetic97 /
Created June 1, 2017 15:03
Indie reflections StrengthsFinder
  • How have you changed since starting at Turing? How have your strengths helpd you in that progress?
  • How do you feel that you have used your strengths when you have paired with others?
  • How could you utilize these strengths more?
  • What gets in your way or keeps you from fully utilizing your strengths?

1 - I have embraced input and learner as two side of a coin and no logeer question why I feel the need to collect info.

2 - Empathy when paired with others. Guaging when they are struggling, need positive reinforcement, etc..

3 -