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Nogweii nogweii

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screens=($(screen -ls | head -n-2 | tail -n +2))
# Zero index of an array is empty. Start at index 1.
#while [[ $i < $count ]]; do
# echo $screens[$i] $screens[$(($i+1))]
# i=$((i + 2))
<h4>Wishlist for the Shea family</h4>
<? if @items == {} ?>
No items, go add one!
<? else ?>
undefined local variable or method `item' for #<MainController:0xb78e62e8>
view/index.xhtml:19:in `binding'
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ramaze-2008.11/lib/ramaze/action.rb:109:in `binding'
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ramaze-2008.11/lib/ramaze/action.rb:109:in `instance_eval'
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ramaze-2008.11/lib/ramaze/action.rb:109:in `binding'
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ramaze-2008.11/lib/ramaze/template/ezamar.rb:24:in `transform'
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ramaze-2008.11/lib/ramaze/action/render.rb:114:in `uncached_render'
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ramaze-2008.11/lib/ramaze/action/render.rb:39:in `render'
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ramaze-2008.11/lib/ramaze/action/render.rb:11:in `stack'
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ramaze-2008.11/lib/ramaze/action/render.rb:28:in `render'
class MainController < Ramaze::Controller
def index
@items = {}
# pp WishList.original
WishList.original.each do |id, tags|
@items[tags[:item]] = tags.reject {|k,v| k == :item }
pp @items
"List of all entires"
$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path("#{ENV['HOME']}/Code/Checkout/silverplatter-irc/trunk/lib")
$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path("#{ENV['HOME']}/Code/Checkout/silverplatter-log/lib")
require 'silverplatter/irc/client'
require 'pp'
CHANNEL = ARGV[0] || "#general"
USER = ARGV[1] || nil
$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path("#{ENV['HOME']}/Code/Checkout/silverplatter-irc/trunk/lib")
$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path("#{ENV['HOME']}/Code/Checkout/silverplatter-log/lib")
require 'silverplatter/irc/client'
require 'pp'
CHANNEL = ARGV[0] || "#general"
USER = ARGV[1] || nil
typedef struct date date;
static struct djswitch {
const char *cc; /* Country code according to ISO 3166 */
const char *nm; /* Name of country */
date dt; /* Last day of Julian calendar */
} switches[] = {
{"AL", "Albania", {1912, 11, 30}},
{"AT", "Austria", {1583, 10, 5}},
/* Width of one month with backward compatibility */
#define MONTH_WIDTH_B_J 27
#define MONTH_WIDTH_B 20
#define MONTH_WIDTH_J 24
#define MONTH_WIDTH 18
#define MAX_WIDTH 36
/* Width of one month with backward compatibility */
#define MONTH_WIDTH_B_J 27
#define MONTH_WIDTH_B 20
#define MONTH_WIDTH_J 24
#define MONTH_WIDTH 18
#define MAX_WIDTH 36
/* Width of one month with backward compatibility */
#define MONTH_WIDTH_B_J 27
#define MONTH_WIDTH_B 20
#define MONTH_WIDTH_J 24
#define MONTH_WIDTH 18
#define MAX_WIDTH 36