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Nick Omeyer nomeyer

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/*dragon*/var b=X=Y=T=L=0;document.addEventListener("click",function(a){a.preventDefault()},!0);document.addEventListener("mousedown",c);document.addEventListener("touchstart",c);function c(a){a.preventDefault();!==document.documentElement&&!==document.body&&(,"data-drag",b),"relative","px")[0]||0,"px")[0]||0);X=a.clientX||a.touches[0].clientX;Y=a.clientY||a.touches[0].clientY}document.addEventListener("mousemove",d);document.addEventListener("touchmove",d);function d(a){if(""!==b){var e=document.querySelector('[data-drag="'+b+'"]');||a.touches[0].clientY)-Y)+"px";||a.touches[0].clientX)-X)+"px"}}document.addEventListener("mouseup",f);document.addEventListener("touchend",f);function f(){b=""}document.addEventListener("mouseover",g);function g(a){"move";
nomeyer / pg_add_day_date.sql
Created February 12, 2016 17:41
PostgreSQL syntax to add the day to a date column
case extract(isodow from ~~date~~)
when 1 then 'Mon ' || cast(~~date~~ as date)
when 2 then 'Tue ' || cast(~~date~~ as date)
when 3 then 'Wed ' || cast(~~date~~ as date)
when 4 then 'Thu ' || cast(~~date~~ as date)
when 5 then 'Fri ' || cast(~~date~~ as date)
when 6 then 'Sat ' || cast(~~date~~ as date)
when 7 then 'Sun ' || cast(~~date~~ as date)
end date
nomeyer /
Last active February 12, 2016 15:43
Git create a new branch from an old commit hash
git fetch origin 8fd8e58c2599a9d31f9ca8cad1fdb7524dc794e5:refs/remotes/origin/~~branch_name~~
nomeyer / performance.js
Last active March 24, 2016 19:49
JavaScript to measure the performance of something
var start =;
var end =;
console.log('Doing stuff took ' + (end-start) + 'ms');
nomeyer / pg_db_size.sql
Created February 12, 2016 15:26
Query to get the size of a PostgreSQL database (public schema)
pg_size_pretty(size) as size_pretty,
pg_size_pretty(total_size) as total_size_pretty
from (
pg_relation_size(schemaname ||'.'|| tablename) as size,
nomeyer / user_permissions.sql
Created February 12, 2016 15:23
PostgresSQL query to show tables on which a given user has permissions of a certain type
select schemaname||'.'||tablename
from pg_tables
where has_table_privilege (
and schemaname not in (
nomeyer /
Created February 12, 2016 15:06
Flask catchall endpoint for optional path parameter
@app.route('/', methods=['GET'], defaults={'var': 'default'})
@app.route('/<string:var>', methods=['GET'])
def page(var):
# do stuff with the given var or default
return render_template('page.html', var=var)
nomeyer / append_file.js
Created February 10, 2016 16:36
Append to a file in node.js
var fs = require('fs');
fs.appendFile(filePath, text, function(err) {
console.log('Error writing to file');
nomeyer /
Last active February 10, 2016 20:51
Decorator to validate post requests in Flask
from functools import wraps
from flask import request, abort
def validate_post(validator, status_code):
"""Validate the POST request with the given validator function.
Abort with the given status_code upon validation failure.
def decorator(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
nomeyer /
Created January 20, 2016 19:31
Send cookies with curl
curl -v --cookie "USER_TOKEN=Yes"