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Last active February 10, 2020 05:24
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Alexander Bessonov


  • Technical Lead for multiple client-facing projects.
  • Presenter at Teradata conferences and Data Science user groups.
  • Certified Teradata Solutions Developer.
  • Experienced in database performance tuning, physical data modeling, data cleansing and data visualization.
  • Received appreciation and recognition award from a Fortune 500 company.


Bloomberg L.P.

Big Data Engineer

Oct 2016 to Current

  • Developed a Distributed Trace system.
  • Pioneered the use of Spark's Structured Streaming within the company and shared the experience on internal meetups.
  • Implemented a Docker-based integration testing framework for Continuous Integration.
  • Designed and Implemented in Python a watchdog service for 24/7 monitoring of the Spark Streaming jobs.
  • Onboarded and mentored new team members making an expanded team efficient in a short amount of time.
  • Implemented an async Python HBase client library.
  • Standardized the Continuous Integration pipeline to improve team's code quality.

Credit Suisse (via Syntel)

Data Scientist/Data Engineer

Apr 2015 to Oct 2016

  • Built and deployed models to forecast various time-series data.
  • Led development of HBase-based graph database and RESTful microservices utilizing the database and Cloudera Search (Solr).
  • Led development of streaming graph visualization web app (based on D3.js, Sigma.js and Oboe.js).
  • Designed and implemented entity resolution algorithms and frameworks for SNA project using Apache Spark GraphX.
  • Implemented R and Python packages to help data analysts to obtain required data.
  • Implemented frameworks to run R and Python code on Hadoop cluster.
  • Implemented web scrapers for structured and semi-structured data.
  • Deployed several external data acquisition pipelines.

EXL Service

Manager, Decision Analytics

Jul 2014 to Apr 2015

  • Developed complex Alteryx analytic application to model Return on Advertising Spend using Alteryx, R and Tableau.
  • Implemented report generation framework.
  • Performed text-mining on insurance claims data using Revolution Analytics R and Python.
  • Developed streaming data processing pipeline in Python.


Advanced Analytics Consultant

Jul 2011 to Jul 2014

Data Analytics Projects

Technical presales consultant for Teradata data analytics solutions: Teradata Aster, Teradata in-database analytics using R.

  • Implemented several Proof-of-Concept solutions, some of which led to sales, for different customers:
    • Market basket and customer behavior analysis for retail customer;
    • Text mining in social network for credit scoring and bank's customer segmentation;
    • Telco's subscriber segmentation algorithm using statistical computing language (R) and in-database calculations on Teradata.
  • Organized internal knowledge-sharing sessions to advocate data analytics products and possible catch-points within the organization.
  • Revived the Teradata's in-database analytical solution (teradataR) by fixing and updating its code.
  • Reverse-engineered and documented telco's legacy code for churn prediction solution using Neo4j graph database.

Multiple Data Warehouse implementation consulting projects

Client: Sberbank, Russia

  • As part of a Master Data Management (MDM) initiative, replaced a set of scattered, manually executed scripts with an automated process to improve data quality by addressing communication bottlenecks and execution errors with the manual process.
  • Spearheaded implementation of MDM migration project growing Teradata recognition along with bringing additional $200k in revenues.
  • Automated data quality reporting by re-implementing Data Quality Management (DQM) solution.
  • Maintained ERwin data model for MDM solution.
  • Made changes to physical database design to improve query performance.
  • Implemented stored procedures based framework for DQM.


Senior Programmer → System Analyst → Senior System Analyst

Feb 2007 to Jun 2011

Client: Intesa Sanpaolo, Russia

  • Assigned as an Application Developer for newly introduced banking system, quickly gained necessary knowledge to successfully lead a team of five developers to implement a new system.
  • Migrated data from legacy banking systems to the new solution and achieved significant improvements in system performance by optimizing queries and tuning databases to handle the increased data volumes.
  • Worked with system's users to collect requirements and translated them into Statements of Work that were later implemented as product features by my team.
  • Designed a set of frameworks to integrate new banking system with WebSphere MQ which resulted in a unification of the project's code base and decreased code complexity which further increased system performance.

Rosbank (Societe Generale Group)


Nov 2005 to Jan 2007

  • Developed several C and Pascal applications for Mysis Equation core banking system.

Personal Projects

  • Designed and implemented data analytics architecture for an antifraud project using Python OLAP framework, Neo4j and PostrgreSQL.
  • Contributed to OSS projects.
  • Implemented several web-scrapers to extract media resources, user profile information, product prices, URLs etc.
  • Reverse engineered and re-implemented UDP-based protocol used to communicate with video surveillance equipment.


Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University)

Master's degree: Electronic Systems 2006

Thesis Topic: Automatic number plate recognition.

Additional Coursework

  • Machine Learning
  • Data Analysis
  • Statistics
  • Computing for Data Analysis
  • MongoDB for Developers
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Image and Video Processing
  • Social Network Analysis
  • Credit Risk Management
  • Computational Investing
  • Real-Time analytics with Apache Storm
  • Data Visualization and D3.js
  • Functional Programming Principles in Scala
  • Principles of Reactive Programming
  • Algorithms


  • Actor Model
  • Akka
  • Apache HBase
  • Apache Hadoop
  • Apache Kafka
  • Apache Spark
  • Asynchronous Programming
  • Automation
  • Business Analysis
  • Business Intelligence
  • CI/CD
  • Data Analysis
  • Data Integration
  • Data Mining
  • Data Quality
  • Data Warehousing
  • Database Performance Tuning
  • Databases
  • ETL
  • Git
  • Graph Processing
  • Logical Data Modeling
  • Machine Learning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • NoSQL
  • Python
  • R
  • Reverse Engineering
  • SQL
  • Scala
  • Teradata
  • Text Mining
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