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Nathan Opresnik nopresnik

  • Melbourne, Australia
View GitHub Profile
#This set of commands, /msg, /r, and /cmsg replaces the built in message system
#and allows for colored messages by mods, so they are more prominent
mods:/cmsg $player [$] = >>>
tmsg($player, concat('[', color(red), player(), color(white), '->Me] ', color(green), $))
msg(concat('[', color(red), 'Me', color(white), '->', pinfo($player, 0), '] ', color(green), $))
store_value(concat('last_message_', pinfo($player, 0)), player())
all:/msg $player [$] = >>>
/msg $player $shit = >>>
msg('[me -> ' pinfo($player, 0), '] ' $)
tmsg($player, '[me <- ' pinfo($player, 0), '] ' $)
public void onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent event) {
Block block = event.getBlock();
Player player = event.getPlayer();
if (block.getType() == Material.DIAMOND_ORE) {
player.sendMessage("I can has diamonds!");
public void messageStaff(String message) {
for (Player p : getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) {
if (p.hasPermission("your.permission")) {
this.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(this, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, 20L, 20L);
public void checkForIron() {
for (Player p : getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) {
if (ArmourAbilities.hasIron(p)) { //Checks if player is wearing full set of iron
public void chainHat() {
ShapedRecipe chainHat = new ShapedRecipe(new ItemStack(Material.CHAINMAIL_HELMET));
chainHat.setIngredient('I', Material.IRON_INGOT);
chainHat.setIngredient('S', Material.STRING);
chainHat.setIngredient('X', Material.AIR);
Util.logger("Loaded recipe for: Chainmail Helmet");
public class Events implements Listener {
HashMap<String, Long> cooldownJump = new HashMap<String, Long>();
HashMap<String, Long> cooldownSponge = new HashMap<String, Long>();
public JMod plugin;
public Events(JMod instance) {
plugin = instance;
*:/lsd = >>>
_assertperm(restricted, 1)
set_peffect(player(), 9, 1, 30)
nopresnik /
Created June 11, 2018 12:28 — forked from vemacs/
Instructions for setting up a Spigot server using mark2 on a fresh Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS install.


  • a vswap OpenVZ VPS or a KVM/Xen/VMware VPS with Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS installed (architecture doesn't matter), or a dedicated server
  • patience and a willingness to learn
  • approximately 10 minutes of time

Why Ubuntu LTS?

nopresnik /
Created June 12, 2018 05:09 — forked from joepie91/
Getting started with Node.js

"How do I get started with Node?" is a commonly heard question in #Node.js. This gist is an attempt to compile some of the answers to that question. It's a perpetual work-in-progress.

And if this list didn't quite answer your questions, I'm available for tutoring and code review! A donation is also welcome :)

Setting expectations

Before you get started learning about JavaScript and Node.js, there's one very important article you need to read: Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years.

Understand that it's going to take time to learn Node.js, just like it would take time to learn any other specialized topic - and that you're not going to learn effectively just by reading things, or following tutorials or courses. _Get out there and build things!