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novodinia / test.js
Last active December 21, 2015 09:59
var MonitorCollection = function() {
family: "5c34";
maxResolution: {w: 1920, h:1080};
MonitorCollection.prototype.monitor1 = function() {
this.verticalRefresh = 60; //Hz
this.horizontalRefresh = 72; //Hz
this.wideMode = "off";
this.ddc = "off";

The code:

describe("When adding a car to favorites", function() {
  beforeEach(function() {
    var add_car_btn = element('add-car')); // clicking the button sends the user to a new page with a table of cars
  it("it should show up on the dashboard table", function() {

element.all(by.repeater('car in cars')).each(function(car) {

Prelude> :{
Prelude| let { x = 42 }
Prelude| let { y = 43 }
Prelude| :}
<interactive>:6:1: parse error on input `let'
Prelude> :{
Prelude| let { x = 42
Prelude| ; y = 43
Prelude| }
Prelude> do {
Prelude| y <- return 43
Prelude| x <- return 42
Prelude| putStrLn "hello"
Prelude| }
<interactive>:17:3: parse error on input `<-'
Prelude Web.Scotty Data.Monoid> :{
Prelude Web.Scotty Data.Monoid| scotty 3000 $ do {
Prelude Web.Scotty Data.Monoid| get "/:word" $ do {
Prelude Web.Scotty Data.Monoid| beam <- param "word"
Prelude Web.Scotty Data.Monoid| html $ mconcat ["<h1>Scotty, ", beam, "me up!</h1>"]
Prelude Web.Scotty Data.Monoid| }
Prelude Web.Scotty Data.Monoid| }
Prelude Web.Scotty Data.Monoid| :}
-- foo1.hs
main = do
a <- readFile "bar.txt"
b <- lines a
return putStrLn b
Couldn't match type `[]' with `IO'
Expected type: IO String
Actual type: [String]
main = do
a <- readFile "bar.txt"
let b = lines a
putStrLn (show b)
novodinia / control-struct-defs.hs
Last active January 3, 2016 04:19
Cale explaining IO within #haskell
-- twice :: IO a -> IO (a,a)
twice x = do
u <- x
v <- x
return (u,v)
main = do
p <- twice getLine
print p
-- mydrop.hs
drop' n x = do
let v = x
let vs = drop' (n-1) x
return (v:vs)
Prelude> :load mydrop.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( mydrop.hs, interpreted )
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