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Nicolas Coutin npjc

  • Bioc & Mol Bio, UBC Vancouver
  • Vancouver, Canada
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npjc /
Created May 29, 2014 23:24
We couldn’t find that file to show.
title author date output
2 - normalizing counts
Nicolas Coutin
August 29, 2014

Generate windowed reference files.

Run bash scripts

npjc / gist:89094d38d2b58c96dd6d
Created April 22, 2015 21:42
overlap stats
with combined 3-colbed + 4th col. id
y = data.table(chr=c("Chr1", "Chr1", "Chr1"), start=c(1, 15,1),
end=c(4, 18, 55), id=letters[1:3])
setkey(y, chr, start, end)
dt <- foverlaps(y, y, type="any")
npjc / one_two_threes
Created May 28, 2015 03:53
what short github alphanumeric only names aren't taken
url <- ""
# all possible alpha numeric names
allowed_n_letters <- 1:3 # just change this to check others...
possible_paths <- lapply(allowed_n_letters,function(x) {
combn(letters, x) %>% apply(2, paste0, collapse="")
}) %>% unlist()
npjc / script.R
Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
split a file into chunks based on a column and write each chunk to a file.


I have a large file (too big to read in memory) and I want to generate subsets of the file. The subsets are defined by a column in the file. In other words, I split one file into n files where n = unique values in file column.

use it

path <- "small.tsv"
split_file(path , col_idx = 4, chunk_size = 1e7, skip = 0)
npjc / gist:1673ccdc124fecb2649a
Created June 23, 2015 21:40
scotia_half play
# pace to secs...minute:seconds character string to seconds integer
pts <- function(ms = "4:45") {
tmp <- as.integer(unlist(strsplit(ms, ":", fixed = TRUE)))
tmp[1]*60 + tmp[2]
# seconds to total time in hour:minute:seconds
ttl_time <- function(s) {
hrs <- floor(s / 3600)
leftovers <- s %% 3600
  • use a cache environment in aaa_cache.R:

    • bg_ws for biogrid webservice.
    • use a function such as bg_ws_build() which assigns useful variables
      • url
      • uris (service endpoints)
      • access key
      • parameters
  • in zzz.R:

npjc / number2words.r
Created September 1, 2015 21:48
# John Fox's numbers2words found here:
numbers2words <- function(x){
# helper
helper <- function(x){
digits <- rev(strsplit(as.character(x), "")[[1]])
nDigits <- length(digits)
if (nDigits == 1) as.vector(ones[digits])
else if (nDigits == 2)
npjc / pkg-at-a-glance.r
Last active September 10, 2015 01:36
readr ui at a glance
#' the name of the package we want to check
pkg <- "tidyr"
library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
#' do the work
pacman::p_load(readr, dplyr, tidyr, ggplot2)
`%||%` <- function(a, b) if (!is.null(a)) a else b
ui <- getNamespaceExports(pkg)
only_funs <- unlist(lapply(ui, function(x) is.function(get(x))))
ui <- ui[only_funs]
l <- lapply(ui, function(f) {
pacman::p_load(readr, dplyr, tidyr, ggplot2)
n <- 5
vals <- as.vector(parts(n))
len <- length(vals) / n
part <- rep(1:len, each = n)
d <- data_frame(vals, part)
d <- d %>%
group_by(part) %>%