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Kamila Wojciechowska nullbytepl

View GitHub Profile
--------- beginning of system
02-27 22:50:07.981 377 377 I vold : Vold 3.0 (the awakening) firing up
02-27 22:50:07.981 377 377 V vold : Detected support for: exfat ext4 f2fs ntfs vfat
02-27 22:50:07.996 377 382 D vold : e4crypt_init_user0
02-27 22:50:07.996 377 382 D vold : e4crypt_prepare_user_storage for volume null, user 0, serial 0, flags 1
02-27 22:50:07.996 377 382 D vold : Preparing: /data/system/users/0
02-27 22:50:07.997 377 382 D vold : Preparing: /data/misc/profiles/cur/0
02-27 22:50:07.998 377 382 D vold : Preparing: /data/system_de/0
02-27 22:50:07.998 377 382 D vold : Preparing: /data/misc_de/0
02-27 22:50:07.999 377 382 D vold : Preparing: /data/user_de/0
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Build fingerprint: 'OnePlus/OnePlus6/OnePlus6:9/PKQ1.180716.001/1907302100:user/release-keys'
Revision: '0'
ABI: 'arm'
pid: 3103, tid: 3103, name: android.hardwar >>> /vendor/bin/hw/ <<<
signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x0
Cause: null pointer dereference
r0 00000000 r1 00001c6c r2 f6af7c7c r3 00000008
r4 00000001 r5 00000001 r6 fffdc490 r7 fffdcf88
r8 00000023 r9 00000000 r10 00000002 r11 00000021

Leeco Le 2 Camera Blobs Modifications

You don't need qcom proprietary mm-camera source code if you just want to read this, but if you actually want to patch something - you 100% need it.

Increase max exposure time

mm-camera sets max exposure time via a loop that interates over all available resolutions. The loops looks like this (pseudocode): (file -> sensor.c)

uint64_t max;
for (i = 0; i < res_table.size; i++) {
  uint64_t current_max = (uint64_t)(((float)res_table[i].line_length_pclk *
        NANO_SEC_PER_SEC) / (float)(res_table[i].line_length_pclk * res_table[i].frame_length_lines * res_table[i].max_fps));
 max = MIN(current_max, max);
function aliDeals(minDiscount = 40, n = 0){
let isOk = true;
fetch(`${n}&postback=7751d6e7-7625-4970-b7ed-45e5dab69747&callback=jQuery213004515725211685884_1575805893592&_=1575805893599`, {"credentials":"include","headers":{"accept":"*/*","accept-language":"en-US,en;q=0.9,pl-PL;q=0.8,pl;q=0.7","sec-fetch-mode":"no-cors","sec-fetch-site":"same-site"},"referrer":"","referrerPolicy":"no-referrer-when-downgrade","body":null,"method":"GET","mode":"cors"}).then(res => res.text()).then(res=> res.replace(/\/\*\*\/jQuery[0-9_]{35}\(/, '')).then(res => res.replace(');', '')).then((res)=>{
let result = JSON.parse(res);
if (result.results.length == 0) {

Pixel Experience installation guide for Mi A3 (laurel_sprout)

Recommended TWRP is twrp unofficial 3.3.1-2

  1. Flash ROM zip in recovery
  2. (optional) Flash twrp installer in recovery
  3. (optional) Reboot recovery and flash magisk
  4. (If you're clean flashing or coming from other ROM) Format data
  5. Reboot into system

In case of bootloop, reboot into recovery and format data (not wipe!) OR reboot into fastboot and apply this command: fastboot format:f2fs userdata

Non-lib patches

diff -r original/AndroidManifest.xml mod/AndroidManifest.xml
<     <application android:allowBackup="false" android:appComponentFactory="" android:extractNativeLibs="false" android:icon="@mipmap/ic_launcher" android:label="@string/application_name" android:largeHeap="true" android:name="com.sonymobile.scan3d.Scan3DApp" android:networkSecurityConfig="@xml/network_security_config" android:resizeableActivity="false" android:supportsRtl="true">
>     <application android:allowBackup="false" android:appComponentFactory="" android:extractNativeLibs="true" android:icon="@mipmap/ic_launcher" android:label="@string/application_name" android:largeHeap="true" android:name="com.sonymobile.scan3d.Scan3DApp" android:networkSecurityConfig="@xml/network_security_config" android:resizeableActivity="false" android:supportsRtl="true">
<         <uses-library android:name="" android:required="true"/>
nullbytepl / rfc-dumpyara.js
Last active December 8, 2021 19:17
RFC for next-gen dumpyara. Suggest features and changes
const main = [
id: 'Entry validator',
type: 'fence',
validator: entryValidator,
onFail: 'exit',
id: 'Extraction sub-pipeline',
type: 'subpipeline',