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Nulldata nulldatamap

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int slot_table( Table self, String key , int setting )
int rslot = 0;
// iv = 0, as default if no chaining is going on
int ihash = 0;
// The hash is now in bounds
int mhash = 0;
// Last link in the chain
int last = 0;
while( 1 )
nulldatamap / gist:6831559
Created October 4, 2013 19:42
No literals
public class Duple< T, O > {
public T first;
public O second;
public Duple( T f, O l ) {
this.first = f;
this.second = l;

Simple, a new way to manage economics?

A little start-up called Simple, is now launching it's service ( also named Simple ). Simple is a service that they pitch as "A better bank". What the service consists of is a custom Simple Visa card and a mobile ( and web ) application for interfacing with your account. The app lets your check your current account balance, your purchases and economical goals. The user gets a push notification whenever a purchase is made with the Visa, and the user can then add a comment, picture, tags and a category to the purchase. All this is used to map out what the user spends their money on, and they're able to

Med Vores Hoveder I Skyen
Skrevet af: Marco Aslak Persson
Vi er begyndt at flytte mere og mere af vores data ind i "skyen". Og mange er de programmer vi bruger har også nu et alternativ som køre i "skyen", mange har fks. deres filer, billeder osv. i deres Dropbox mappe som både er på deres computer, synkroniseret på deres andre enheder og altid tilgængeligt via nettet. Google har også deres version af dette "Google Drive" hvilket er integreret med deres web-baserede programmer som tilbyder nogle af de funktioner som Word, Power-Point og Excel tilbyder. Og nogle mennesker vægler også at bruge backup-services som gemmer dine vigtige filer i "skyen" hvis noget går galt med din computer.
"Skyen" er et meget abstrakt udtryk brug meget, hvad det enligt betyder er at din data eller program ligger på en masser serverer et eller andet sted hvor du altid har adgang til dem gennem internettet.
Med alle disse online services har vi nu adgang til store mængder af vores data, både privat og arbejds relateret. Dette bet
nulldatamap / gist:9309140
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
A single file that let's you easily define generic lists in C.
#ifndef __H_GLIST__
#define __H_GLIST__
#include "error.h"
// Generic List
typedef struct
int length;
int capasity;
data Noun = Atom Int | Pair Noun Noun
instance Show Noun where
show (Atom a) = show a
show (Pair a b) = "[" ++ ( (show a) ++ " " ++ (show b) ) ++ "]"
-- No BS helper function for getting the numeric value from a string
nobs :: [(Int, String)] -> Int
nobs [(x, "")] = x
nobs _ = error "Invalid atom"
// ...
Result<GLuint> scr = compile_shader( false, vertexSource );
if( scr.is_failure() ) {
printf("Engine: Vertex shader failed to compile:\n%s", scr.failure() );
exit( 1 );
vertexShader = scr.success();
scr = compile_shader( true, fragSource );
if( scr.is_failure() ) {
#version 150
in vec3 position;
in vec2 texcoord;
uniform mat4 model;
uniform mat4 view;
uniform mat4 proj;
out vec2 Texcoord;
-- A condition triggered at the start of your turn that buffs all Beasts
wildfireCondition :: Condition
wildfireCondition = IsYourTurn
<&> IsStartOfTurn
<&> ( AnyMinion ( HasCategory Beast <&> Not IsFrozen ) YourBoard )