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Nick Zadrozny nz

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nz /
Last active December 13, 2022 14:45

Debugging with net-http-spy

Ruby applications which make HTTP calls to external services such as Websolr or Bonsai Elasticsearch may find it beneficial to use the net-http-spy gem to intercept and log HTTP calls made to that service. This is a very thorough way to log all communication between your application and the external service, which is very helpful when you need to troubleshoot an issue.

gem 'net-http-spy'
nz / cp-lr.txt
Created February 19, 2013 19:25
> mkdir test1
> echo foo > test1/foo
> cp -lr test1 test2
> echo bar > test2/foo
> cat test1/foo
> cat test2/foo

Fixing Heroku's random queuing router

So Heroku routes their requests to your dynos randomly. While you're enhancing your middleware to log that dyno-level queue time, I have an optimization for you that should help fix the issue outright!

Rails 3 apps, or 2.3 with Bundler, and Ruby 1.9


gem 'rack-timeout'
nz / Sunspot 3rd generation modeling
Last active December 11, 2015 07:38
Brainstorming modeling ideas for a third generation of Sunspot's architecture.

Sunspot v3

Incomplete brain-dump in progress. Thoughts and feedback welcome via Twitter (@nz_) or IM.

Sunspot is in a state of second-system syndrome. It constructed with a solid set of highly abstracted constructs to represent its DSL and eventually translate those operations into Solr operations. I hypothesize that Sunspot's design would become more flexible and intuitive if modeled off of Solr's concepts.

As a thought experiment: Explaining Sunspot's current design would make one a better programmer, with deeper knowledge of many techniques and object-oriented design abstractions involved in building a DSL for a Rails application. This explanation would not necessarily lend itself to a deeper understanding of Solr.

On the other hand, explaining Solr's concepts ought to help lend an intuitive understanding to Sunspot's own architecture. Implementation work to support a DSL should be built on top of those concepts in order to interface with the syntax and concepts that curre

nz /
Created January 11, 2013 01:02
Upgrading to Bonsai's production plans, from an old-architecture addon.

Bonsai production plans are now available, which you can review at

If your index is created on our older architecture (before November 2012), you will need to remove and replace the addon to upgrade. We'll preserve the existing index that you have now when you remove the addon, to help make sure the transition happens smoothly.

1. Make note of your existing index URL

heroku config | grep BONSAI_INDEX_URL
nz / 1-schema-tweaks.xml
Created December 11, 2012 18:05
Adapting Sunspot pre-2.0 spatial search on Solr 1.4 for Solr 3 spatial search api
<!-- add a location fieldtype, which splits a string into component subfields -->
<fieldType name="location" class="solr.LatLonType" subFieldSuffix="_coordinate"/>
<!-- add the location field, and the coordinate subtype -->
<field name="location" type="location" indexed="true" />
<dynamicField name="*_coordinate" type="tdouble" indexed="true" stored="false"/>
nz / fog-cloudwatch.rb
Created December 5, 2012 16:50
Add CloudWatch StatusCheckFailed alarm to all instances (wip)
# Still a WIP while I read up on what all the API attributes are. Suggestions welcome. ;)
require 'fog'
require 'fog/aws/cloud_watch/alarm'
include Fog::AWS::CloudWatch
conn = provider: 'AWS'
conn.servers.each do |srv|{
require 'net/http'
require 'elastictastic'
class Rubygem
include Elastictastic::Document
field :id, type: 'string'
field :version, type: 'string'
field :name, type: 'string'

Upgrading to the Bonsai ElasticSearch final architecture

For our initial beta launch, we designed our Heroku addon integration to automatically create one index per Heroku app. However, feedback from users such as yourself showed us that there are some ElasticSearch use cases where it is necessary to have the ability to create and destroy your own indexes. Furthermore, some applications or ElasticSearch clients required more than one index per application.

Rather than pre-create one index per application, our new architecture provides a URL that behaves like an ElasticSearch cluster endpoint, where you may create, update and destroy indexes within your account. We find this is a lot more useful in a handful of situations, and along the way we've been able to overhaul and improve our architecture to accommodate this design.

Upgrading instructions

To upgrade to the latest architecture, you will need to remove the addon, and add it again. You will also need to create a new index, either with curl, or as

task :reindex do
batch_size = 20
models = [Foo, Bar, Baz]
models.each do |model|
model.find_in_batches(batch_size).each do |batch|
retries = 1