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odewahn /
Created October 19, 2022 20:36
Clone a github repo into google drive using google colab

Here's how to import a github repo into drive using google colab.

In the first cell, import the drive package and mount you google drive:

from google.colab import drive

In the next cell, put a bash script that just clones whatever repo you want:

// Based on
const DATA = [
{ id: 123, name: "bart" },
{ id: 256, name: "lisa" },
{ id: 344, name: "homer" },
{ id: 412, name: "marge" },
const addRecord = { id: 477, name: "frink" };
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# See
git clone --depth 1
printf "\nTotal lines\n"
echo "========================="
cloc heron --quiet --csv --include-lang=Python,JavaScript,HTML --exclude-dir=migrations | cut -d ',' -f 2,5
printf "\nLines excluding tests\n"
echo "========================="


fury is a tool for converting among different API documentation formats

Install fury-cli

npm install -g fury-cli

{"swagger": "2.0", "info": {"title": "Discovery Graph API", "description": "", "version": ""}, "host": "", "schemes": ["https"], "paths": {"/api/graph/discovery/": {"get": {"operationId": "list", "responses": {"200": {"description": ""}}, "parameters": [], "description": "Discovery view to generate REST API schema", "summary": "Discovery view to generate REST API schema", "tags": ["discovery"]}}, "/api/graph/v1/classifier/classify": {"post": {"operationId": "classifier_classify_create", "responses": {"201": {"description": ""}}, "parameters": [{"name": "data", "in": "body", "schema": {"type": "object", "properties": {"identifier": {"description": "", "type": "string"}, "title": {"description": "", "type": "string"}, "description": {"description": "", "type": "string"}}}}], "consumes": ["application/json"], "tags": ["v1"]}}, "/api/graph/v2/content/": {"get": {"operationId": "content_list", "responses": {"200": {"description": ""}}, "parameters": [{"name": "limit", "required

Static site hosting

List buckets

$ gsutil ls
|| Import required modules
import {fromJS} from 'immutable'
import Keen from 'keen-js'
var client = new Keen({
projectId: "your-project-id",
writeKey: "your-write-key"
odewahn / better-syntax-for-connected
Last active June 7, 2017 14:58
This is a better syntax for creating connected component

If you're using Redux and connect, this is a nice syntax for creating connected components:

export default connect((state) => state)(React.createClass({
  render: function() {
    this.props.Projects.get("ProjectName") // access the state tree provided by combineReducers
odewahn /
Last active June 9, 2024 14:27
Processing errors with Fetch API

I really liked @tjvantoll article Handling Failed HTTP Responses With fetch(). The one thing I found annoying with it, though, is that response.statusText always returns the generic error message associated with the error code. Most APIs, however, will generally return some kind of useful, more human friendly message in the body.

Here's a modification that will capture this message. The key is that rather than throwing an error, you just throw the response and then process it in the catch block to extract the message in the body:

  .then( response => {
    if (!response.ok) { throw response }
    return response.json()  //we only get here if there is no error