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Created June 18, 2018 09:54
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Modulabs presentation about binary search tree 20180618
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"# Binary Search Tree\n",
"### refrence\n",
"- [2018_Spring_IE260] 데이터 구조 및 분석 KAIST 문일철 교수\n",
"- cf.[visualization of BST - usfca](\n",
"## Keyword\n",
"- ADT\n",
"- Tree\n",
" - Insert\n",
" - Delete\n",
" - Traverse\n",
"- BinarySearch\n",
" - Heap - OS - Memory - Process\n",
" - Decesion Tree"
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"## Detour - Data Structure?\n",
"- program 실행\n",
" - 메인 Memory에 데이터 로드(load) - exe - input\n",
"- 변수는 그릇\n",
"- 그릇의 모양 - 자료구조\n",
"- 적절한 그릇type을 찾는 일 \n",
" - 동화 '두루미와 여우' \n",
" - 현실문제 - 검색 서비스 \n",
"- **자료구조에 대한 이해**"
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"## Detour - ADT\n",
"### ADT? \n",
"- An abstract data type (ADT) is an abstraction of a data structure\n",
"### An ADT specifies:\n",
"- Data stored\n",
"- Operations on the data\n",
"- Error conditions associated with operations\n",
"- [Algorithm complexities]("
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"### Example\n",
"- Example: ADT modeling a simple stock trading system\n",
"- The data stored are buy/sell orders\n",
"- The operations supported are\n",
" - order buy(stock, shares, price)\n",
" - order sell(stock, shares, price)\n",
"- void cancel(order)\n",
"- Error conditions:\n",
" - Buy/sell a nonexistent stock\n",
" - Cancel a nonexistent order"
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"## Tree\n",
"### Tree?\n",
"- 네, 우리가 아는 그 나무 구조\n",
"#### Operations\n",
"- Ordinary data structure operations just as linked lists\n",
"- Insert\n",
"- Delete\n",
"- Search\n",
"- Traverse (Special searching approaches for trees and networks)"
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"### Why tree?\n",
"- 현실세계에서 쓰이는 구조와 닯음(조직도, 혈통)\n",
"- Divide and Conquer!\n",
" - 이쪽에는 어떤 특정 속성을 가지는 데이터만 가지고 있음. 양 쪽이 섞이지 않음\n",
" - remind\n",
" - Divide and Conquer = smallsize 로 줄여나감\n",
" - 배열 모든 원소들의 합 구하기\n",
"### When?\n",
"- Binary Search\n",
"- Heap\n",
"- DescisonTree\n",
" - [Tree 실습코드]("
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"### Terminologies of tree structure\n",
"- 기본 용어 : root, edge, node \n",
"- 관계에 따라\n",
" - Parents - Child\n",
" - siblings\n",
" - Descendants of A(올라가다보면 만남)\n",
" - Ancestors of E = A,B\n",
"- 위치에 따라\n",
" - Leaves[Terminal Nodes]\n",
" - Internal Nodes\n",
"- **중요** Path to E Root에서 특정 노드(E)까지 최단거리\n",
" - Depth and level of B = 1 (Root에서 B까지 Path의 길이)\n",
"- Height of Tree = 2 = Leaf까지의 path\n",
"- Degree of B = 4 = B 가 가지는 childe의 수\n",
"- tree size = node 의 갯수 "
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"- 모양에 따라\n",
" - Full tree \n",
" - 꽉 찬 삼각형! \n",
" - Leaf 꽉 차있음\n",
" - complete tree \n",
" - 바로 직전 depth까지는 Full tree \n",
" - Filled from left 왼쪽에서 오른쪽으로 채워나가는 과정이면 complete tree "
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"### Characteristics of Tree (수식으로)\n",
"- edge갯수는 node 의 갯수만큼? -> reference 되는 node 갯수만큼 -> Root는 reference 안되는 node => num of nodes -1\n",
"- Depth of root = 0 \n",
"- Height of root = height of tree\n",
"- Maximum num of nodes at level i with degree d = d^i \n",
"- Maximum num of leaves with height h and degree d = d^h\n",
"- Maximum size of a tree with height h and degree d = 1 + d + d^2+...+d^h = (d^h+1 - 1)/d-1\n",
"- Height of a complete tree with size s and degree d\n",
"h = r log d s(d-1)+1 ㄱ - 1\n",
"s = (d^(h+1) -1) / (d-1)\n",
"s(d-1) = d^(h+1)\n",
"s(d-1) + 1 = d^(h+1)\n",
"log d (s(d-1)+1) = h + 1\n",
"h = r log d s(d-1)+1 ㄱ - 1 #올림\n",
"s = 16 , d= 4 then h = 2"
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"### Binary Search Tree and Implementation\n",
"**How to perform a faster search? 빠른 검색!**\n",
"- 이진탐색 - 소주병뚜껑 숫자 맞추기 게임\n",
"- Implementation of tree node : 05:13\n",
"- Root 에 대한 reference만 저장해 놓음\n",
"- tree는 root에 대한 access만 가짐"
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"## Implementation of Binary Search Tree (python3)"
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"### Insert operation\n",
"#### checkPoint\n",
"- Divide and Conquer - recursion - reduce problem(scale)\n",
"- 우리가 지켜야할 규칙 : parent 보다 작은 값은 왼쪽 node로 큰 값은 오른쪽 node로 insert 한다\n",
"- 중복값 보관하지 않아요\n",
"- recursion\n",
"#### Action \n",
"- Insert 3,2,0,5,7,4"
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"def insert(self, value, node = ''):\n",
" if root = '':\n",
" node = self.root\n",
" if self.root == '':\n",
" self.root = TreeNode(value, '') #3\n",
" return\n",
" if value == node.getValue():\n",
" if node.getRHS() == '':\n",
" node.setRHS(TreeNode(value,node))\n",
" else:\n",
" self.insert(value,node.getRHS())\n",
" if value < node.getValue():\n",
" if node.getRHS() == '':\n",
" node.setLHS(TreeNode(value,node))\n",
" else:\n",
" self.insert(value, node.getLHS())\n",
" return"
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"### Search Operation\n",
"#### checkPoint\n",
"- 다른 쪽은 찾을 필요없어요\n",
"- compare to LinkedList search\n",
"- Tree height , Maximum depth"
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"def search(self,value,node = ''):\n",
" if node == '':\n",
" node = self.root\n",
" if value == node.getValue():\n",
" return True\n",
" if value > node.getValue():\n",
" if node.getRHS() == '':\n",
" return False\n",
" else:\n",
" return,node.getRHS())\n",
" if value < node.getValue():\n",
" if node.getLHS() == '':\n",
" return False\n",
" else:\n",
" return,node.getLHS())"
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"### Delete Operation\n",
"#### check point\n",
"- 쉽지 않아요. delete하면 tree 구조에 생기는 여파\n",
"- No children , one child, two children"
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"#### Action\n",
"- Insert 3,2,0,5,7,4\n",
"- case by case, step by step\n",
"- No children -> one child -> two children(3)\n",
"##### No children -> one child -> two children\n",
"- garbage reference, None\n",
"##### one child\n",
"- referencing only child\n",
"- GC\n",
"##### two children\n",
"- Two Result\n",
"- sol. Insert[move] other node (Keep the Rules)\n",
"- LHS Maximum, RHS Minimum (think Replace '5')\n",
" - Minimum? Go to LeftSide!\n",
" - Maximum? Go to RightSide!\n",
"- First of All, Just Copy the node (LHS max or RHS min)\n",
"- delete copied node\n",
" - copied node has zero or One Child"
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"def delete(self, value, node = ''):\n",
" if node == '':\n",
" node = self.root\n",
" if node.getValue() < value:\n",
" return self.delete(value, node.getRHS())\n",
" if node.getValue() > value:\n",
" return self.delete(value, node.getLHS())\n",
" if node.getValue() == value:\n",
" # two children\n",
" if node.getLHS() != '' and node.getRHS() != '':\n",
" nodeMin = self.findMin(node.getRHS())\n",
" node.setValue(nodeMin.getValue()) #copy\n",
" self.delete(nodeMin.getValue(), node.getRHS())\n",
" return\n",
" parent = node.getParent()\n",
" # one child\n",
" if node.getLHS() != '':\n",
" if node == self.root:\n",
" self.root = node.getLHS()\n",
" elif parent.getLHS() == node:\n",
" parent.setLHS(node.getLHS())\n",
" node.getLHS().setParent(parent)\n",
" else:\n",
" parent.setRHS(node.getLHS())\n",
" node.getLHS().setParent(parent)\n",
" return\n",
" if node.getRHS() != '':\n",
" if node == self.root:\n",
" self.root = node.getRHS()\n",
" elif parent.getLHS() == node:\n",
" parent.setLHS(node.getRHS())\n",
" node.getRHS().setParent(parent)\n",
" else:\n",
" parent.setRHS(node.getRHS())\n",
" node.getRHS().setParent(parent)\n",
" return\n",
" #no child\n",
" if node == self.root:\n",
" self.root = ''\n",
" elif parent.getLHS() == node:\n",
" parent.setLHS('')\n",
" else:\n",
" parent.setRHS('')\n",
" return"
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"def findMax(self, node = ''):\n",
" if node == '':\n",
" node = self.root\n",
" if node.getRHS() == '':\n",
" return node\n",
" return self.findMax(node.getRHS())\n",
"def findMin(self,node = ''):\n",
" if node == '':\n",
" node = self.root\n",
" if node.getLHS() == '':\n",
" return node\n",
" return self.findMin(node.getLHS())"
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"## Traversing\n",
"- Tree, Graph\n",
"- Think print dataStructure\n",
" - Linked List\n",
" - BST\n",
"- Hence there are multiple traversing approches\n",
"### More\n",
"- why Traversing? \n",
"- Why use diffrent type of Traversing?"
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"### Depth First Traverse\n",
"- 3 ways (LHS, RHS, current)\n",
"- 'Pre-order', 'In-order', 'Post-order'\n",
"- Action : 3,2,0,1,5,4,7,6,9,8\n",
"- recurssion - stack frame\n",
"#### Pre-order traverse\n",
"- current : Pre order\n",
"- Order: Current, LHS, RHS in Recursion\n",
" - (3, 2, 0, 1, 5, 4, 7, 6, 9, 8)\n",
"#### In-order traverse\n",
"- current : In\n",
"- Order: LHS, Current, RHS in Recursion\n",
" - (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)\n",
"#### Post-order traverse\n",
"- current : post\n",
"- Order: LHS, RHS, Current in Recursion\n",
" - (1, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 7, 5, 3)"
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"def traverseInOrder(self, node = ''):\n",
" if node == '':\n",
" node = self.root\n",
" ret = []\n",
" if node.getLHS() != '':\n",
" ret = ret + self.traverseInOrder(node.getLHS())\n",
" ret.append(node.getValue())\n",
" if node.getRHS() != '':\n",
" ret = ret + self.traverseInOrder(node.getRHS())\n",
" return ret"
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"def traversePreOrder(self, node = ''):\n",
" if node == '':\n",
" node = self.root\n",
" ret = []\n",
" ret.append(node.getValue())\n",
" if node.getLHS() != '':\n",
" ret = ret + self.traversePreOrder(node.getLHS())\n",
" if node.getRHS() != '':\n",
" ret = ret + self.traversePreOrder(node.getRHS())\n",
" return ret"
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"def traversePostOrder(self, node = ''):\n",
" if node == '':\n",
" node = self.root\n",
" ret = []\n",
" if node.getLHS() != '':\n",
" ret = ret + self.traversePostOrder(node.getLHS())\n",
" if node.getRHS() != '':\n",
" ret = ret + self.traversePostOrder(node.getRHS())\n",
" ret.append(node.getValue())\n",
" return ret"
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"## Breadth First Traverse\n",
"- Queue-based **level-order** traverse\n",
"- Action : 3,2,5,0,4,7,1,6,9,8"
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"def traverseLevelOrder(self):\n",
" ret = []\n",
" Q = Queue()\n",
" Q.enqueue(self.root)\n",
" while Q.isEmpty() == False:\n",
" node = Q.dequeue()\n",
" if node == '':\n",
" continue\n",
" ret.append(node.getValue())\n",
" if node.getLHS() != '':\n",
" Q.enqueue(node.getLHS())\n",
" if node.getRHS() != '':\n",
" Q.enqueue(node.getRHS())\n",
" return ret"
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"## Performance of Binary Search tree\n",
"- [Algorithm complexities](\n",
"- Skewed Binary Tree vs complete Binary Tree\n",
"- Height!"
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