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Marko A. Rodriguez okram

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(nat;attr);(nat;attr) => edge
mmlang> :[model,mm][define,tree<=[?0|(int;tree;int)]]
mmlang> 0 => tree
mmlang> 1 => tree
language error: 1 is not a tree
mmlang> (1;0;1) => tree
mmlang> (1;(2;0;2);1) => tree
mmlang> 1
mmlang> 1-<(_;_)
mmlang> 1-<(_;_)=(vertex;vertex)
mmlang> 1-<(_;_)=(vertex;vertex)=>edge
List(cmplx:(real;real), <x>, cmplx<=cmplx:(real;real)<x>, [plus,cmplx<y>]{2}, [combine,(real;real){2}], cmplx:(real;real){2})
mmlang> :[model,mm] // the base model (int,bool,real,str,lst,rec)
......> [define,
......> vertex<=rec, // a vertex is a sort of record
......> vertex<=int-<('id'->_), // a vertex can be constructed from an int
......> edge<=rec, // an edge is a sort of record
......> edge<=(vertex;vertex)-<('source'->.0,'target'->.1)] // an edge can be constructed from a vertex x vertex pair
mmlang> 5 => vertex // morph 5 into a vertex
lazy val cType:Parser[Obj] = (anonType | boolType | realType | intType | strType | instType | (not(inst) ~> (lstType | recType)) | tokenType) ~ opt(quantifier) ^^ (x => => x._1.q(q)).getOrElse(x._1))
lazy val dtype:Parser[Obj] = cType ~ rep[Inst[Obj, Obj]](inst) ^^ (x => x._2.foldLeft(x._1.asInstanceOf[Obj])((x, y) => y.exec(x))) | anonTypeSugar
// the top definition of a type
lazy val aType:Parser[Obj] = opt(cType <~ Tokens.:<=) ~ dtype ^^ {
case Some(range) ~ domain => range <= domain
case None ~ domain => domain
pg_2:('type' -> (
graph -> (graph<=edge{*}),
vertex -> (vertex<=('id'->int),
edge -> (edge<=('outV'->vertex,'inV'->vertex),
edge<=(vertex;vertex)-<('outV'->.0,'inV'->.1)))) <= mm
HoTT and Sweaty with mm-ADT
In homotopy type theory,
there is a space U, (universal set)
a is a point in U, (object)
b is a point in U. (object)