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Marko A. Rodriguez okram

Working from home
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On the Encoding of Type Equivalences within the mm-ADT Type Graph

In category theory, if C and D are both categories, then a functor from C to D maps every morphism in C to some morphism in D. You can think of a functor as a set of "morphism-to-morphism"-morphisms. Furthermore, if the functor maps from category C to category C (i.e., D=C), this is called an endofunctor.

In mm-ADT, in the type subgraph of the obj graph, the vertices denote types and a path (of edges) back to the root of the graph (a ctype root) denotes a type definition. These edges are labeled with instructions from inst, where a path is a sequence of operations that morph one type into another type (see The Type). In abstract algebra, the type subgraph is called a (generalized) Cayley graph as the obj graph captures the structure of the underlying inst monoid. N

An mm-ADT type has a signature and a definition.
\_________/ \__/
signature definition
// An mm-ADT type definition is always with respects to the type of objects that can be mapped.
// In the definition below, an int can be mapped to a nat by way of a predicate membership function.
~/software/mmadt/vm/jvm$ bin/
_____ _______
/\ | __ |__ __|
_ __ ___ _ __ ___ _____ / \ | | | | | |
| '_ ` _ \| '_ ` _ |_____/ /\ \| | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | / ____ \ |__| | | |
|_| |_| |_|_| |_| |_| /_/ \_\____/ |_|

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Thank you for your interest in mm-ADT by RReduX, Inc. (the “Company”). In order to clarify the intellectual property license granted with Contributions from any person or entity, the Company must have a Contributor License Agreement (“CLA”) on file that has been signed by each Contributor, indicating agreement to the license terms below. This license is for your protection as a Contributor as well as the protection of the Company and its users; it does not change your rights to use your own Contributions

~/software/mmadt/vm/jvm$ bin/
_____ _______
/\ | __ |__ __|
_ __ ___ _ __ ___ _____ / \ | | | | | |
| '_ ` _ \| '_ ` _ |_____/ /\ \| | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | / ____ \ |__| | | |
|_| |_| |_|_| |_| |_| /_/ \_\____/ |_|
mmlang> 1+4
mm-ADT []
This is a demo of the [trace] instruction which exposes
the core data structure of the mm-ADT VM (obj trace graph).
Unfortunately, it will be difficult to understand without knowing how polys and types work in mm-ADT.
However, for those competent with Gremlin/TinkerPop (TP3),
the examples below are like path().by(), but for both types and values.
mmlang> int[plus,2][mult,3] // standard type
mmlang> int{3}~<[+2|[is>4]-<[_|_]>-+4]>-[gt,[plus,2]][id][explain]
instruction domain range state
~<[int{3}[plus,2]|int{0,6}<=int{3}[is,bo... int{3} => [int{3}[plus,2]|int{0,6}<=int{3}[is,bool...
[plus,2] int{3} => int{3}
[is,bool{3}<=int{3}[gt,4]] int{3} => int{0,3}
[gt,4] int{3} => bool{3}
A stream of polys or a poly of streams.
mm-ADT's match/case story
// There is one fundamental composite structure in mm-ADT: poly.
// Polys are used to create data structures (e.g. lists, maps, trees, graphs, etc.)
// Polys are used for branch-based data flow.
// -< (split)
mmlang> 1
mmlang> 1-<[+2|+3|+4]
mmlang> 1-<[+2|+3|+4]=[_|>6|10]
mmlang> 1-<[+2|+3|+4]=[_|>6|10]=[_|_]
mmlang> 1-<[+2|+3|+4]=[_|>6|10]=[_|_]=[-<[+1|+2]|_]
trait MultOp[O <: Obj] {
this: O =>
def mult(anon: __): this.type = MultOp(anon).exec(this)
def mult(arg: O): this.type = MultOp(arg).exec(this)
final def *(anon: __): this.type = this.mult(anon)
final def *(arg: O): this.type = this.mult(arg)
object MultOp {
def apply[O <: Obj](obj: Obj): MultInst[O] = new MultInst[O](obj)