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okyeron / earthsea-midi-block.lua
Last active June 16, 2018 18:41
earthsea midi -- okyeron version for Livid Block
-- earthsea midi
-- okyeron version for Livid Block - WORK IN PROGRESS
-- subtractive polysynth
-- controlled by midi or grid
-- grid pattern player:
-- 1 1 record toggle
-- 1 2 play toggle
osc_port = 9000
osc_host = ''
local osccoords = {}
function mysplit(inputstr, sep)
if sep == nil then
sep = "%s"
local t={} ; i=1
for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^"..sep.."]+)") do
mymidichan = 1
-- midi data comes in three bytes - the first one is a status message as a decimal number
-- reference here
-- so here's an array/table to set those values for each midi channel
midistatusbychan = {
-- note-on, note-off, cc, bend, Aftertouch, program change, poly aftertouch
{144, 128, 176, 224, 208, 192, 160}, -- 1
{145, 129, 177, 225, 209, 193, 161}, -- 2
{146, 130, 178, 226, 210, 194, 162}, -- 3
-- euclidean sample instrument
-- with trigger conditions.
-- ----------
-- based on playfair
-- ----------
-- samples can be loaded
-- via the parameter menu.
-- ----------
okyeron / break_step.lua
Last active September 1, 2018 05:22
breakbeat step sequencer
-- break_step v.014
-- sample based step sequencer with preset patterns from well known breakbeats
-- based-on/extended-from jah/step.lua and jah/stepmod.lua
-- controlled by grid
-- requires drumpattrns.txt -- edit path below
-- key2 = stop sequencer
-- key3 = play sequencer
-- enc2 = tempo
okyeron / g-bound
Last active September 16, 2018 17:41
rebound by nf adding basic grid support (for 256)
-- g-bound: a kinetic sequencer w/ grid
-- key1: shift^
-- key2: add/^remove orb
-- key3: select next orb
-- enc1: change orb note
-- enc2: rotate orb^s
-- enc3: accelerate orb^s
-- written by nf in august 2018
okyeron / mlr64.lua
Last active September 20, 2018 05:50
adaptation of norns mlr to 64 grid
-- MLR
-- docs/norns/dust/tehn/mlr
-- new/180828
-- - 6 channels
-- - improved sound engine
-- - alt+REC clears buffer
okyeron / clARCk - dev version
Last active November 15, 2018 02:22
clock for arc+norns - dev version
-- clARCk port
-- for arc-dev branch
-- original maxpat by JP
-- = 'TestSine'
local steps = {}
local aleds = {{},{},{},{}}
okyeron / arc and grid test - dev version
Last active November 15, 2018 02:22
norns arc and grid test - dev version
-- grid and arc test
-- for arc-dev branch = 'PolyPerc'
steps = {}
aleds = {}
position = 1
intensity = 1
okyeron / arc and grid test
Created November 15, 2018 02:23
arc and grid test
-- grid and arc test = 'TestSine'
steps = {}
aleds = {}
position = 1
intensity = 1
local g = grid.connect()