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Olivier Lacan olivierlacan

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olivierlacan /
Created March 6, 2013 09:01
Screenflow Changelog for versions 4.0.0 through 4.0.3

Version 4.0.3 Fixes and Improvements

  • Fixed WMV not loading correctly in the 32-bit application
  • Fixed VGA out to Monitor not able to record Mirrored mode
  • Fixed mouse image being multiplied when recording Java
  • Fixed location of export menu under specific circumstances
  • Fixed inability to export to Windows Media using the Mac App Store version of ScreenFlow
  • Added missing tooltips
  • Fixed issue when changing font size removed bold and italics
  • Fixed the inability to select the caption track of a nested clip
olivierlacan / .bash_profile
Created March 21, 2013 05:53
Add Git autocompletion to your OS X command line. You'll need to have installed Git & Hub through Homebrew for this to work.
# Git Autocompletion
source /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/git-completion.bash
source /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/
olivierlacan /
Last active December 16, 2015 08:59
Answer to @aimeesimone's [interesting opinion piece]( on the Dove Real Beauty Sketches video

To me they did a good job of emphasizing the contrast between the self-perception and the third-party perception of these womens' faces.

I'm not sure I follow the stigma you seem to convey about "traditionally beautiful adjectives". Some of these women had long faces, large teeth, wrinkles. All attributes that were the center of their attention despite never being the focus of the people who looked at them.

I have a hard time understanding how it is exploitative — this terms still bothers me in itself because it's utterly vague — for this video to compare and contrast how strangers synthesize a woman's physical presence against the way they see themselves.

"The lesson for these women is that they aren't as ugly as they thought, and in fact they fit right in with traditional beauty standards."

No, that's your — actually cynical, in this instance — interpretation. What is shown in the video is the clear emphasis of several of these women on their lesser physical traits (wrinkles, unease, tired eyes, impe

olivierlacan / gist:5608432
Created May 19, 2013 18:00
Rails 4 doesn't like Bundler's binstubs. This is what happens when you upgrade to Rails 4 RC1 with Bundler binstubs installed.
Looks like your app's ./bin/rails is a stub that was generated by Bundler.
In Rails 4, your app's bin/ directory contains executables that are versioned
like any other source code, rather than stubs that are generated on demand.
Here's how to upgrade:
bundle config --delete bin # Turn off Bundler's stub generator
rake rails:update:bin # Use the new Rails 4 executables
git add bin # Add bin/ to source control
olivierlacan /
Last active December 17, 2015 19:29
NoMethodError: undefined method `result' for #<TypeError: wrong argument type nil (expected Array)> on Rails 3.2.13 with Ruby 2.0.0p-195 when booting Rails app

If you see this error:

NoMethodError: undefined method `result' for #<TypeError: wrong argument type nil (expected Array)>

It's very likely you have the same issue I encoutered.

Basically, inside ActiveRecord there's a little method called configure_connection which does exactly that. It checks an instance variable called @config for @config[:encoding] and if that's present, it calls:

olivierlacan /
Created June 1, 2013 03:04
Gary Bernhardt on Screencasting

I'm planning on either writing this up in detail or maybe doing a screencast about screencasting, but I'll give a short version here.

On sound quality:

This matters a lot. In decreasing order of importance:

  1. Remove echo. You have to hear this to understand. Set up a mic in front of your mouth and record a sentence. Then, put a thick comforter over you and the mic and say it again at the same distance. Listen to
olivierlacan / deploy.thor
Created June 7, 2013 05:47
The hacky little Thor script I use to deploy my Jekyll site to GitHub Pages since it uses "unsafe plugins".
class Deploy < Thor
include Thor::Actions
desc "github", "deploy to GitHub Pages"
def github
original_path = Dir.pwd
deploy_path = "/Users/olivierlacan/Development/perso/"
puts "Running Jekyll build --destination #{deploy_path}"
run "jekyll build --destination #{deploy_path}"
olivierlacan /
Last active May 31, 2019 18:09
How to use shorthand syntax for rendering partials in Rails

Inside of Rails views, you can call partial views (any view file named with an underscore as the first character) like this:

render partial: "partial_name"

You can also pass local variables, which is fantastic to ensure that your views & partials don't try to access data you didn't specifically hand to them from the controller.

@tylerhunt showed me this week that it was possible to avoid using instance variables (which are copied from the Rails controller to the corresponding Rails views) altogether by passing local variables to the view.

olivierlacan /
Created June 21, 2013 07:31
How to re-enable Divvy in OS X 10.9 Mavericks when it complains about needing to "enable access to assistive devices".

At the time of this writing Divvy hasn't been updated for OS X 10.9 so it tries to direct you to the Accessibility panel of the System Preferences. Actually the assistive device settings have been moved to the Security pane as shown below:

olivierlacan / export_html_sublime_text_2_plugin_user_settings.json
Created July 18, 2013 02:16
Package user settings to user in order to have the ExportHtml Sublime Text 2 plugin use the current color scheme by default, not export line numbers, and not wrap.
"html_panel": [
// Browser print color (selections and multi-selections allowed)
"Browser Print - Color": {
"numbers": false,
"multi_select": true,
"style_gutter": false