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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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"source": "Exercise for the course [Python for MATLAB users](",
"level": 2
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"source": "Original exercise by Claus Führer, modified by Olivier Verdier"
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"input": "%pylab\n%matplotlib inline\nfrom __future__ import division",
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"source": "System matrix",
"level": 2
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"source": "Consider the matrix\n\\\\[\n A=\\begin{bmatrix}\n 0 & I \\\\\nK & D\n \\end{bmatrix}\n\\\\]\nwhere $0$ and $I$ are the $2 \\times 2$ zero and identity matrices and $K$ and $D$ are $2 \\times 2$\nmatrices of the following form:\n\\\\[\n K=\\begin{bmatrix}\n -k & 0.5 \\\\ 0.5 & -k\n \\end{bmatrix}\n\\qquad\nD=\\begin{bmatrix}\n -d & 1.0 \\\\ 1.0 & -d\n \\end{bmatrix}\n\\\\]\nwith $k$ and $d$ being real parameters.\n\n"
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"source": "Write a function `stiffness` which constructs the matrix $K$ above.",
"level": 3
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"input": "def stiffness(k):\n return zeros([2,2]) # implement this!",
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"input": "assert(allclose(stiffness(1.), array([[-1.,.5],[.5,-1.]])))",
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"source": "Write a function `damping` which constructs the matrix $D$ above.",
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"input": "def damping(d):\n return zeros([2,2]) # implement this!",
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"input": "assert(allclose(damping(1.), array([[-1.,1.],[1.,-1.]])))",
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"source": "Write a function `system_matrix` which takes $k$ and $d$ as input and which generates the matrix $A$.",
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"source": "\nHint: use the function `concatenate`. Check its documentation by running:"
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"input": "concatenate?",
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"source": "Use also `identity` (or `eye`), `zeros` (or `zeros_like`)."
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"input": "def system_matrix(d, k):\n return zeros([4,4]) # implement this!",
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"input": "A = system_matrix(10.,20.)\nassert(allclose(A[:2,:2], zeros([2,2])))\nassert(allclose(A[:2,2:4], identity(2)))\nassert(allclose(A[2:4,:2], stiffness(20.)))\nassert(allclose(A[2:4,2:4], damping(10.)))",
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"source": "For samples of the values $d \\in [0,100]$ and the fixed value $k=1000$, plot the four eigenvalues on the complex plane.",
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"input": "for d in linspace(0,100,200):\n pass",
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"source": "Bonus question: there is a bifurcation in the diagram above. Can you find the bifurcation point programmatically?",
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"source": "Frequency Response Plot",
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"source": "In technical applications there occurs often linear systems of the form\n\\\\[\n\\dot x(t) = A x(t) + B u(t)\n\\\\]\nwhere $u$ is an given input signal. $x$ is called the state. From the state some quantities $y(t)$ can be\nmeasured, this is decribed by the equation\n\\\\[\n y(t)=C x(t).\n\\\\]\nWe assume here that the input signal is an harmonic oscillation $u(t)=\\sin(\\omega t)$ with a given frequency $\\omega$ and amplitude one. Then, $y(t)$ is again a harmonic oscillation with the same frequency, but another amplitude. The amplitude depends on the frequency. \n\nThe relationship between the in- and out-amplitude is given by the formula\n\\\\[\n \\mathrm{amplitude}(\\omega)=\\\\|(G(i\\omega))\\\\|\\quad\\text{where}\n\\quad G(i\\omega)=C \\cdot (i\\omega I -A)^{-1} \\cdot B\n\\\\]\nand $i$ is the imaginary unit.\n\n"
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"input": "def amplitude(A, B, C, omega):\n pass",
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"source": "Plot the amplitude versus omega, for $\\omega \\in [0, 160]$, with $A$ being the system matrix above with $d=20$ and $k=500$, and\n\\\\[\n C=\\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\end{bmatrix} \\qquad B=\\begin{bmatrix}0 \\\\ 0 \\\\ 0\\\\ 1 \\end{bmatrix} .\n\\\\]\n"
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"source": "Find out the relationship between $A$'s eigenvalues and the peak(s) in the figure.\n"
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