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Alexey Kondratov ololobus

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#!/usr/bin/env spark-submit
import operator
import random
import math
import os
from pymongo import MongoClient
ololobus /
Last active October 7, 2015 14:48
Scoring scripts for Data Science Week 2015 Datathon in Moscow
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import json
team_path = '/users/team%s/ozon_recoms.txt' % sys.argv[1]
badass_detected = False
ololobus /
Last active March 11, 2023 00:25
Rails ActiveRecord SQL Caching vs Cache to Hash catalog benchmark


Caching with ruby hash is about 1000 times faster than per iteration request to DB without Rails ActiveRecord SQL caching and about 200 times faster than per iteration request with SQL caching.

ololobus /
Last active July 12, 2018 09:44
PostgreSQL benchmark: eval plainto_tsquery 6 times or eval it once and cache by WITH statement

###Results for real full-text search query

See tsquery_staight_eval.sql and tsquery_with_cache.sql. Cache by WITH statement is 1.2-1.6 times faster than straight plainto_tsquery eval with simple text query.

ololobus / create_index.sql
Created December 4, 2015 22:58
PostgreSQL create index and full-text search query
UPDATE tus SET text1_tsvector = to_tsvector(COALESCE(lang1_psql, 'simple')::regconfig, COALESCE(text1, ''));
UPDATE tus SET text2_tsvector = to_tsvector(COALESCE(lang2_psql, 'simple')::regconfig, COALESCE(text2, ''));
/* CREATE INDEX text1_tsvector_idx ON tus USING gin(text1_tsvector);
CREATE INDEX text2_tsvector_idx ON tus USING gin(text2_tsvector); */
CREATE INDEX text_tsvector_idx ON tus USING gin(text1_tsvector, text2_tsvector);
CREATE FUNCTION text_tsvector_update() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$
import re
pattern = re.compile('(\d*)(00|11|22|33|44|55|66|77|88|99)(\d*)')
n = 0
for i in range(1, 10000):
s = str(i)
if pattern.match(s):
n += 1

Задачи от Postgres Professional


select * from post 
inner join friend on friend.friend_usr_id = post.usr_id
where friend.usr_id = $1
order by post.added desc
limit 10;
ololobus / nls.R
Last active March 17, 2017 09:58
Nonlinear (weighted) least-squares example in R
df <- read.csv("data.csv")
# Column as 'array'
x <- df$col1
y <- df$col2
# Random seed
# set.seed(20170227)
a_start <- 5000
ololobus / create-and-fill-up-table.sql
Last active May 21, 2024 10:58
Create large ~1 GB random dataset in PostgreSQL
CREATE TABLE large_test (num1 bigint, num2 double precision, num3 double precision);
INSERT INTO large_test (num1, num2, num3)
SELECT round(random()*10), random(), random()*142
FROM generate_series(1, 20000000) s(i);
EXPLAIN (analyse, buffers)
SELECT num1, avg(num3) as num3_avg, sum(num2) as num2_sum
FROM large_test
GROUP BY num1;