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Önder Kalacı onderkalaci

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onderkalaci /
Last active September 8, 2023 13:53
A comprehensive guide on Citus' distributed planning with examples

Distributed Query Planning with Examples in Citus (as of Citus 12.1)

This part of the documentation aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how Citus handles distributed query planning. We will use a set of realistic tables to demonstrate various query queries. Through these examples, we hope to offer a step-by-step guide on how Citus chooses to plan queries.

Non-Goal: This document does not aim to provide the high level design of the distributed planner, but instead the lowest levels of details possible. For high-level flow, go to

WITH joins_only AS (SELECT left_tablename, p1.attname, right_tablename, p2.attname, call_count  FROM public.equi_filters, pg_attribute p1, pg_attribute p2 WHERE right_tablename != 'NULL' AND equi_filters.left_tablename::text::regclass = p1.attrelid AND equi_filters.right_tablename::text::regclass = p2.attrelid AND p1.attnum = left_attrno AND p2.attnum = right_attrname) SELECT * FROM joins_only;
WITH only_filters AS (SELECT left_tablename, attname,call_count FROM pg_attribute, equi_filters WHERE right_tablename = 'NULL' AND  equi_filters.left_tablename::text::regclass = attrelid AND attnum=left_attrno) SELECT * FROM only_filters;
onderkalaci / ch_benchmark.sql
Last active May 12, 2023 09:03
PGBench for Citus
CREATE SCHEMA chbenchmark_all_queries;
SET search_path TO chbenchmark_all_queries;
CREATE TABLE order_line (
ol_w_id int NOT NULL,
ol_d_id int NOT NULL,
ol_o_id int NOT NULL,
ol_number int NOT NULL,
ol_i_id int NOT NULL,
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onderkalaci / column_row_filter.sql
Last active November 11, 2022 15:51
More Replication Index Tests
CREATE TABLE test(a int, b int, c int);
INSERT INTO test SELECT i,i,i FROM generate_series(0,1000000)i;
CREATE PUBLICATION pub_test_1 FOR TABLE test(a,b) WHERE (a%2=0);
-- on the target, same table with an index
CREATE TABLE test(a int, b int, c int);
CREATE INDEX i1 ON test(a);
-- ===================================================================
-- test top level window functions that are pushdownable
-- ===================================================================
-- a very simple window function with an aggregate and a window function
-- distribution column is on the partition by clause
user_id, COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY user_id), rank() OVER (PARTITION BY user_id)
import threading
import time
import os
import random
exitFlag = 0
class myThread (threading.Thread):
onderkalaci / script.sql
Last active June 28, 2022 14:27
Citus Release Party - Query from any node
-- Create a distributed table on the coordinator
CREATE TABLE test_distributed(key bigint PRIMARY KEY, data jsonb);
SELECT create_distributed_table('test_distributed', 'key');
-- connect to any worker and show table is there
psql -h localhost -p 9700 postgres
\d+ test_distributed
-- Insert from one worker,
INSERT INTO test_distributed VALUES (1, '{"value": "100"}');
onderkalaci / test_1.sql
Last active June 22, 2022 12:37
Replica identity full uses index
-- very basic test
-- single column table on the source with rep. identity full
CREATE TABLE test(a int);
INSERT INTO test SELECT i FROM generate_series(0,1000000)i;
-- on the target, same table with an index
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION generate_text(len int)
RETURNS text AS $function$
SELECT 'f70f1c1eb390aca6ccbd81115087d9def70f1c1eb390aca6ccbd81115087d9def70f1c1eb390aca6ccbd81115087d9def70f1c1eb390aca6ccbd81115087d9def70f1c1eb390aca6ccbd81115087d9def70f1c1eb390aca6ccbd81115087d9def70f1c1eb390aca6ccbd81115087d9def70f1c1eb390aca6ccbd81115087d9def70f1c1eb390aca6ccbd81115087d9def70f1c1eb390aca6ccbd81115087d9def70f1c1eb390aca6ccbd81115087d9def70f1c1eb390aca6ccbd81115087d9def70f1c1eb390aca6ccbd81115087d9def70f1c1eb390aca6ccbd81115087d9def70f1c1eb390aca6ccbd81115087d9def70f1c1eb390aca6ccbd81115087d9def70f1c1eb390aca6ccbd81115087d9def70f1c1eb390aca6ccbd81115087d9def70f1c1eb390aca6ccbd81115087d9def70f1c1eb390aca6ccbd81115087d9def70f1c1eb390aca6ccbd81115087d9def70f1c1eb390aca6ccbd81115087d9def70f1c1eb390aca6ccbd81115087d9def70f1c1eb390aca6ccbd81115087d9def70f1c1eb390aca6ccbd81115087d9def70f1c1eb390aca6ccbd81115087d9def70f1c1eb390aca6ccbd81115087d9def70f1c1eb390aca6ccbd81115087d9def70f1c1eb390aca6ccbd81115087d9def70f1c1eb39