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onedayitwillmake / cinderlightapp.cpp
Created February 22, 2011 22:35
Libcinder gl::light vs straight gl calls
#include "cinder/app/AppBasic.h"
#include "cinder/gl/gl.h"
#include "cinder/gl/Texture.h"
#include "cinder/gl/Light.h"
#include "cinder/gl/Material.h"
#include "cinder/MayaCamUI.h"
using namespace ci;
using namespace ci::app;
using namespace std;
onedayitwillmake / gist:905106
Created April 6, 2011 03:56
Cinder drawing a billboard plane
ci::Vec3f mRight, mUp;
_mayaCam.getCamera().getBillboardVectors(&mRight, &mUp);
ci::gl::drawBillboard( ci::Vec3f::zero(), ci::Vec2f(100.0f, 100.0f), 0.0f, mRight, mUp);
onedayitwillmake / gist:905108
Created April 6, 2011 03:57
A cinder app that draws 10,000 quad sprites into a Trimesh
* EclipseLovesCinder example application
* * On first run, run Project -> Clean...
* * If you change your project name go into debug configurations (arrow next to bug icon), and modify where the debug application will run from
* This project is released under public domain, do whatever with it.
* Mario Gonzalez
onedayitwillmake / SphereUniform.cpp
Created April 6, 2011 04:30
Uniformly distributed points on a sphere
float theta = M_PI * (3.0 - sqrtf(5.0));
float o = 2.0f / count;
float radius = 1500;
for(int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
float y = i * o - 1 + (o / 2);
float r = sqrtf(1 - y*y);
float phi = i * theta;
ci::Vec3f pos = ci::Vec3f( cosf(phi)*r, y, sinf(phi)*r) * radius;
* EclipseLovesCinder example application
* * On first run, run Project -> Clean...
* * If you change your project name go into debug configurations (arrow next to bug icon), and modify where the debug application will run from
* This project is released under public domain, do whatever with it.
* Mario Gonzalez
onedayitwillmake / PlaneGeometry
Created April 8, 2011 23:35
Generate geometry for a 3d plane and insert into ci::TriMesh
void QuadDistrustApp::createPlane()
_planeMesh = new ci::TriMesh();
float segmentsW = 4;
float segmentsH = 4;
float width = 100;
float height = width;
onedayitwillmake / gist:937291
Created April 22, 2011 18:16
RealtimeMultiplayerGame stubb
Created By:
Mario Gonzalez
This class is the base Game controller in RealtimeMultiplayerGame on the server side.
It provides things such as dropping players, and contains a ServerNetChannel
onedayitwillmake / gist:943705
Created April 27, 2011 04:19
bison encoding
onedayitwillmake / gist:957548
Created May 5, 2011 18:06
Globe camera rotation
function render() {
rotation.x += (target.x - rotation.x) * 0.1;
rotation.y += (target.y - rotation.y) * 0.1;
distance += (distanceTarget - distance) * 0.3;
camera.position.x = distance * Math.sin(rotation.x) * Math.cos(rotation.y);
camera.position.y = distance * Math.sin(rotation.y);
camera.position.z = distance * Math.cos(rotation.x) * Math.cos(rotation.y);
Created By:
Mario Gonzalez
Project :
Applies perlin noise to an objects velocity
Basic Usage: