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Latest DFJA documentation

Dragonfly Java Dashboard and REST API

Version 2.1 feature table

Feature Supported
Java standalone app, available as obfuscated JAR
USB, internal or external camera support
Web server and REST interface for control and status
SSL support
GZIP support
Local map save and load
Local map update and delete
Configuration read/write available via REST
Map synchronization
Support for camera capture, native, mono and stereo
Offline map display
Position upload, history, custom server
Position logging to CSV
Local video recording
Support for virtual markers
Support for plain X, Y and Z display
Support for pitch, yaw, roll and rotation matrix
Support for version update check
Support for metric coordinates
Map point API
WebRTC support
REST API authentication support
Camera calibration support
Mono depth prediction support (optional on install)
WGS <-> Metric conversion (API only)
Metric marker support (API only)
Websocket send management
Input or output video snapshot
Support merging of maps on load
Suppress sync if necessary

Functions of the Java app

The Java app, controlled and monitored by this dashboard, makes use of an internal or external camera and feeds the captured images to native code, which finally enables it to determine the position of the device and to 3D-map the environment.

Because 3D-Mapping is one of the central tasks of the Java app and the item "map" or "mapping" is all the way used in this documentation, here a short primer regarding "What is a map?" in the context of Dragonfly:

A map is the virtual representation of what has been already seen by Dragonfly. It corresponds to a file, that stores all the information describing a visual environment and enables the tracking of the positions of a camera fitted device in this environment later on, hence "no map, no positioning".

A map contains:

  • A store of all the markers that have previously been detected with their position, printed markers as well as virtual markers (reference points, see below)
  • All the 3D points corresponding to the 3D reconstruction of the environment
  • All the features that have been detected, together with a visual representation of these features

Even though the dashboard is fully capable of loading, storing and manipulating those maps from a local, non-Internet connected environment, there is a special branch of the dashboard responsible for synchronizing maps with a central repository hosted at Onit. This enables collaborative work between different parties on the maps. Please refer to section Map Synchronization for details on how the synchronization process is working and what basic principles apply.

The Java app exposes a Web server interface on a configurable port and a REST API for remote control. It also hosts a dashboard.

The Java app also provides means to calibrate a camera. Please refer to section Camera Calibration for details.

There is an optional means to improve the tracking accuracy since version 1.6. Please refer to section Mono depth prediction support for details.


Markers are an important part of the positioning process. They help in determining the relation of the internally used virtual coordinates to the coordinate system of the "real" world.

Markers can be made known to the system in two different ways:

  • In the form of printed visual markers (aka real markers), which are permanently installed at previously defined coordinates and recognized at runtime.
  • In the form of manually fixed reference points (aka virtual markers), which are transmitted via this dashboard to the Dragonfly Java App exactly at the time when the device is at this point.

For the first method the Onit Dashboard provides a page, which helps you to create, configure and print the markers.

In case, placing printed visual markers is not an option, you can alternatively pin-point the current location of the device live on the floor plan. Check out the Quick help given on the Map calibration tab of this dashboard for details.

In any way, these two methods have to be applied only once in the entire mapping process for a level.


The Java app provides experimental support for WebRTC in various variants as a means to feed external video. Please contact support for details.

How the app is deployed

The app comes packed in a ZIP file. Unpack into a directory of your choice and launch the app by simply typing

java -jar dfja-2.1-dist.jar

in a terminal window.

The app requires Java 11 JDK minimum. Check your environment with java -version. If the given JDK version is 11 or higher, you are OK to go.

There is also an experimental Docker deployment.

Functions of the dashboard

The dashboard you are currently using is a ReactJS static web app hosted by the Java app. It is providing currently four tabs

  • Main
  • Maps
  • Configuration
  • Documentation

The app makes use of the REST API, also hosted by the Java app. It generally provides all functionality available via REST plus means to fetch and use floor plans.

Even though web based, the app itself does not necessarily need to have Internet connectivity. This applies with the exception of the initialization of the floor plan display as described below.

The Main tab shows a tabular overview of status parameters obtained using the Get status API. Additionally it allows to start/stop a mapping and/or positioning. It displays the position on a floor plan view. If the site has floor plans, it downloads, caches and displays it, together with available geo fence information, if appropriate location and level information is provided by the core. It uses the site username and password information provided in configuration. Whenever Internet is available, the app checks for fresh floor plan and geo fences in the Onit cloud. Generally an Internet connection is at least required once in order to download and cache floor plans and geo fences. Additionally means to pin-point real-time positions on floor plans are provided.

The Map tab allows to load, save, reset, update, delete local maps and sync local maps with the remote server. Maps are the results of the 3D mapping of the visual environment.

The Configuration tab provides means to configure the Java app. Other utility functions are offered.

The Calibration tab allows you to calibrate a camera defined by the CAM_SOURCE configuration. See also section Camera Calibration.

The Documentation tab contains this documentation.

If default parameters are applied, the dashboard is available at http://localhost:5000. No authentication required. The webserver supports SSL and HTTP BASIC AUTHENTICATION (WEBSERVER_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED). It enforces authentication for all REST API requests coming from other servers than localhost.

In case you have a valid certificate, please provide the path to WEBSERVER_KEYSTORE_FILE and WEBSERVER_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD (best encrypted, see "Encrypt string") in ./data/ and set WEBSERVER_SSL_SUPPORTED to true.

Note: The use of self-signed server certificates requires each curl REST API call to be decorated with the extra parameter -k in order to make curl accepting the certificate. Ex: curl https://localhost:5000/api/v1/utils/config -k. You will additionally be requested to trust the self signed certificate, if you open the dashboard the first time in your browser. If WEBSERVER_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED is true, please provide SITE_USERNAME:SITE_PASSWORD along with curl parameter -u, if you call the API from another server than localhost. SITE_PASSWORD has to be provided in its un-encrypted form.

Start of the Java app

In a terminal window:

java -jar dfja-2.1-dist.jar

The app is logging to console and to a daily rolling log file in ./data/logs.


Configuration can be provided by either a Java property file (./data/config/ or the dashboard, page "Configuration".

The configuration file does not necessarily have to be available at very first startup. Mandatory parameters will be determined in dialog with user and file will be created.

There are currently only two mandatory parameters, listed first below.

Configuration Item Type Meaning Default
SITE_USERNAME String MANDATORY Site Username n.a.
SITE_PASSWORD String Site Password (un-encrypted or encrypted), see "Encrypt string" n.a.
WEBSERVER_PORT Integer Local web server port 5000
WEBSERVER_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED Boolean Controls, if REST API requests from other than localhost need to use HTTP BASIC AUTHENTICATION using SITE_USERNAME and SITE_PASSWORD (un-encrypted). It is recommended to also enable SSL support, if this setting is true false
WEBSERVER_KEYSTORE_FILE String Path to keystore.jks file n.a.
WEBSERVER_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD String Password for keystore.jks file (un-encrypted or encrypted), see "Encrypt string" n.a.
WEBSERVER_WEBSOCKET_ENABLED Boolean Enables use of status pushes via websocket true
LOG_LEVEL Integer Controls granularity of logging. 0: off, 1: fatal, 2: error, 3: warn, 4: info, 5: debug, 6: trace, 7: all 7
JMX_REMOTE_MONITORING_ENABLED Boolean Enables monitoring via JConsole. Authorization/Authentication taken from files ./data/config/jmx_access and ./data/config/jmx_password false
JMX_RMI_REGISTRY_PORT Integer JMX registry port, required to form the JMX Service URL 33985
JMX_RMI_SERVER_PORT Integer JMX server port, required to form the JMX Service URL 33986
AUDIBLE_STATUS_ENABLED Boolean Gives audible feedback on status changes and marker detection true
CAM_MODE String Controls, in which mode the camera(s) should be operated, mono, stereo or rbg-d (the latter is to activate mono depth prediction support for monocular cams, if support has been installed) "mono"
CAM_SOURCE String GStreamer pipe definition, FFMPEG parameter, index or list of comma separated indexes. Default -1 (default camera) (see "CAM_SOURCE explained"). "-1"
CAM_PREVIEW_OPTION Integer Visible feedback of the image processing. 0: no preview, 1: preview enabled (websockets must be enabled) 1
CAM_FOV Number Programmatically rectify the image and set a custom field-of-view. Value should be above 0 and below the actual FOV of the camera (max 180). Default 0 (not applied) 0
CAM_IMAGE_WIDTH Integer Camera capture and preview image width 640
CAM_IMAGE_HEIGHT Integer Camera capture and preview image height 480
CAM_CALIBRATION_FILE String Filename of the JSON camera calibration params file created by the camera calibration process, located in ./data/config ""
MAP_CALIBRATION_METHOD Integer Number of markers required to be detected, either 0 or 3. If you are using printed or virtual markers, the number has to be 3. If you configuring 0, positions are displayed in Direct view only, w/o any geo-reference. 3
POSITION_UPLOAD_INTERVAL Integer Number of milliseconds between two consecutive uploads of positions to the Onit Dashboard (for tracking the deviceId) 0
POSITION_UPLOAD_STORE Boolean Controls, if uploaded positions will be stored in the Onit Cloud false
POSITION_LOG_ENABLED Boolean Controls, if positions should be saved locally (daily rolling CSV log ./data/logs/positionlog.csv, see CSV logging) false
MAP_FUSION_ENABLED Boolean Controls, if map fusion should be enabled or not false
MAP_SYNC_ENABLED Boolean Controls, if map sync should be enabled or not true
VIDEO_RECORDING_ENABLED Boolean Controls, if the video taken from the camera(s) should be stored locally, folder ./data/recorded, grouped by siteId false
VPS_SERVER_URL String Allows you to overwrite the VPS server URL (Note: provide the entire initial path as shown in default)
PATH_TO_CHROMIUM String Path to an installed Chromium or Chrome browser instance. If empty, WebRTC functionality will be performed using GStreamer, if possible empty
PATH_TO_DEPTH_PREDICTION_FW String Path to an optionally installed mono depth prediction framework. Please refer to section Mono depth prediction support for details. Option only available, if support has been installed. empty
DEPTH_PREDICTION_MODEL String Name of the trained mono depth prediction model to be used. If left empty, the default model is used internally. Option only available, if support has been installed. empty

Note: Camera calibration is a procedure to improve the accuracy of positioning results and mandatory for stereo cameras. For obtaining information about how to calibrate stereo cameras please consult Onit Support. The calibration of a monocular camera can be done from within the app. It is also possible to calibrate cameras, which are connected via a GStreamer pipe. Even pre-recorded files can be used as input for the calibration. Whereas in CAM_MODE mono it is allowed to start positioning w/o configured calibration file, a start is rejected in CAM_MODE stereo . The VPS_SERVER_URL is a private configuration parameter of the Java property file (./data/config/ It is not available for modifications via the JS GUI.

Startup behavior clarified

If after startup the Java app detects, that there is no Java property file (./data/config/, it usually presents an entry form, in which SITE_ID and SITE_USERNAME - the only mandatory parameters - are obtained in order to enable the error free start of the app. If a SITE_PASSWORD is available, it can be entered here too. All credentials are immediately validated against the Onit Dragonfly Cloud. Validated credentials allow you to use the app for a certain amount of time without the need for an Internet connection. If you don't have credentials, you can directly sign-up from this form for a time limited demo account.

Valid credentials are also required in order to perform the initial download of metadata like floor plans and defined geo fences from the Onit Dragonfly Cloud.

Note: A validation error of any kind is immediately reported, so that you will not be able to launch the app with invalid credentials. That in turn means, that your initial start of the Java application unconditionally requires an active Internet connection.

Once the online validation has been passed, the initial ./data/config/ is written to disk and the Java app launches a GUI automatically into your default browser at localhost:5000.

Since this credential input form might not be accessible in headless installations, it is possible to provide a handful of important startup parameters in via command line parameters.

Those are:

Parameter Meaning
siteId see SITE_ID setting
login see SITE_USERNAME setting
password see SITE_PASSWORD setting, treated as clear text password, will be stored encrypted
webServerPort see WEBSERVER_PORT setting
vpsServerUrl see VPS_SERVER_URL setting
logLevel see LOG_LEVEL setting

If at least siteId and login are provided at command line level and there is not already a ./data/config/ file available, the values are taken and used to create an initial ./data/config/, which then can be fine tuned via the configuration GUI in the JS web controlling app or by directly manipulating the file. The credentials are validated against the Onit Dragonfly Cloud before they are written into the ./data/config/ file. In case of a failure, the start of the app is abandoned with an error.

Note: The command line parameters are no longer taken into account, if there is a valid ./data/config/ Please note also, that the GUI is not automatically launched, if the initial configuration of the ./data/config/ has been performed by command line parameters. It is assumed, that intentionally no GUI is necessary, if one launches the app that way.

For example the launch request could look like so now:

java -jar -DsiteId="1000"                                              \
          -Dlogin=""                                      \
          -Dpassword="testpassword"                                    \
          -DwebServerPort="4711"                                       \
          -DvpsServerUrl=""     \
          -DlogLevel="1"                                               \

If the platform validation passes OK, a valid initial ./data/config/ is written and the app launches w/o bringing up the GUI.

Camera Calibration

The app supports the calibration of local monocular cameras, cameras bound via a GStreamer pipe or camera recordings available on file. The core functionality is part of the native code and made available via REST API. The JS GUI makes use of it.

The calibration process reads the CAM_SOURCE configuration parameter and determines the necessary actions to be taken. As the result a calibration file is created, which needs to be stored in the ./data/config folder of the app and configured as CAM_CALIBRATION_FILE in the settings.

There is a detailed online help available on the Calibration page of the Java app, which describes the necessary steps for a successful camera calibration.

Mono depth prediction support

If optionally selected during installation time the app as of version 1.6 provides a way to connect to a mono depth prediction framework, such as Monodepth2. Monodepth2 is a very nicely working bunch of Python scripts, which use a neural-network to predict the depth information from a single colored image, thus simulating a camera equipped with a depth-sensor, like infrared or LIDAR. This allows, at the cost of some computing power, to use a simple monocular camera as if it was a stereo camera in order to overcome monocular SLAM limitations such as forbidden pure-rotations or scale-drift during the mapping process. As to our knowledge it is nowadays the only mono depth prediction framework available (except the abandoned monodepth project, from which it inherits).

To use this new feature, all you need to do is to clone the Monodepth2 package and add the required packages. For license limitations we are not allowed to install Monodepth2 beforehand. Although recommended by the Monodepth2 team, it is not mandatory to use the virtual environment provided by Anaconda.

We have found in our tests under Python 3 (mandatory) that it is sufficient to install the required packages globally using the package managers of the respective operating systems. Please check in the Backup section which steps are necessary for your operating system to install and run Monodepth2.

If the installation of Monodepth2 is done and works, we only need the reference to the installation location of Monodepth2. Therefore we have introduced the new configuration variable PATH_TO_DEPTH_PREDICTION_FW. This and two other configuration means (describing the mode and the model to be used) are sufficient to get started with mono depth prediction. Please refer to section Configuration for details.

Once the app now starts with a configured PATH_TO_DEPTH_PREDICTION_FW the required prediction model will be downloaded. This needs to have internet connectivity for at least one time, until the download and configuration is finished.

Please note that due to the high computer load, it makes little sense to use a mono depth prediction framework in systems that neither have a GPU nor where their GPU is not supported by CUDA. It will generally work, but a normal CPU will be overwhelmed by the computing capacity required.

To avoid disappointments, please check first if your system is generally suited to benefit from mono depth prediction because it has the required CUDA support

CAM_SOURCE explained

The configuration parameter CAM_SOURCE is an important configuration parameter and has a couple of variances. The default value is -1, which advices the app to use the default system camera.

Other numerical values can be used and define the index of the camera as enumerated by the system. A list of available cameras can be obtained by the API function "Get list of cameras". There can be multiple indexes specified (comma separated, (e.g. left cam index","right cam index), so in case a stereo camera is made of two separate USB cameras.

On the other hand the parameter allows the specification of GStreamer pipelines or parameter strings to be used for by FFMPEG internally. The prefixes gstreamer: and ffmpeg: are used to decide, which internal API needs to be fed with the rest of the parameter string. Those pipelines can be used in order to mount external cameras via network or internet.

It goes without saying, that using GStreamer and/or FFMPEG requires to have the appropriate GStreamer 1.0 and FFMPEG APIs available on your system. This is the case if you have installed the Dragonfly app from the installation procedure provided here.

It goes without saying, that using GStreamer and/or FFMPEG requires to have the appropriate GStreamer 1.0 and FFMPEG APIs available on your system. This is the case if you have installed the Dragonfly app from the installation procedure provided here.

If you intend to use WebRTC via GStreamer, then you need to have at least GStreamer 1.14 installed, better 1.16 since it comes with a lot of improvements for the libnice component. There are some restrictions with Ubuntu and higher versions of GStreamer. As a fall-back the Java app supports WebRTC using a Chromium instance, which is configured in the setting PATH_TO_CHROMIUM. Please download the latest Chromium app for your system, install it and configure the path. Example configuration for macOS: PATH_TO_CHROMIUM=/Applications/ or if you are preferring Chrome PATH_TO_CHROMIUM=/Applications/Google\\ Chrome

Some ready to be used examples for pipeline configurations and FFMPEG parameters are given below. You might have to adapt the IP addresses and/or URLs:

GStreamer configuration to be used in order to consume a Raspberry PI camera, streaming H.264 via TCP (Dragonfly Car)

The RPI is streaming RTP from, port 5000:

CAM_SOURCE=gstreamer:tcpclientsrc host= port=5000 ! gdpdepay !  rtph264depay ! avdec_h264 ! videoconvert ! appsink sync=false

Additional info: RTP streaming from Raspberry PI

GStreamer target sink is always appsink.

GStreamer configuration to be used in order to consume a Raspberry PI camera, streaming H.264 via RTSP

The RPI at is providing an RTSP stream:

CAM_SOURCE=gstreamer:rtspsrc location=rtsp:// latency=0 buffer-mode=auto ! rtph264depay ! avdec_h264 ! videoconvert ! appsink sync=false

The PI needs to be available on the same network as the Java app.

Additional info: RTSP streaming from Raspberry PI

GStreamer configuration to be used to consume a web video, provided as RTSP stream

CAM_SOURCE=gstreamer:rtspsrc location=rtsp:// latency=0 buffer-mode=auto ! rtph264depay ! avdec_h264 ! videoconvert ! appsink sync=false

GStreamer configuration to be used to consume an MJPEG stream

The source, e.g. at should stream the video like so:

gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device=/dev/video0 ! 'video/x-raw,width=640,height=480,framerate=30/1' ! decodebin name=dec ! queue ! videoconvert ! jpegenc ! queue ! multipartmux ! tcpserversink host= port=5000

Then the matching CAM_SOURCE would be:

CAM_SOURCE=gstreamer:tcpclientsrc host= port=5000 ! multipartdemux ! image/jpeg, framerate=30/1  ! jpegparse ! jpegdec ! videoconvert  ! appsink sync=false

Use this, if the streaming device does not allow live H264 encoding, or if H.264 is not satisfying.

GStreamer configuration for H.264 streaming from a Linux device

The source, e.g. at should stream the video like so:

gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device=/dev/video0 ! 'video/x-raw,width=640,height=480,framerate=30/1' ! videoconvert ! x264enc tune=zerolatency byte-stream=true ! rtph264pay ! gdppay ! tcpserversink host= port=5000 sync=false

Then the matching CAM_SOURCE would be:

CAM_SOURCE=gstreamer:tcpclientsrc host= port=5000  ! gdpdepay !  rtph264depay ! avdec_h264 ! videoconvert ! appsink sync=false

Much lower bandwidth requirements than MJPEG, but requires live encoding and some CPUs might not be powerful enough.

GStreamer configuration for accelerated H.264 streaming from a Linux device

Same as above, but does not require a powerful CPU encoding. However, all platforms are not compatible. Raspberry Pi and Jetson Nano should work fine.

The source, e.g. at should stream the video like so:

gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device=/dev/video0 ! 'video/x-raw,width=640,height=480,framerate=30/1' ! videoconvert ! omxh264enc ! rtph264pay ! gdppay ! tcpserversink host= port=5000 sync=false

Then the matching CAM_SOURCE would be:

CAM_SOURCE=gstreamer:tcpclientsrc host= port=5000  ! gdpdepay !  rtph264depay ! avdec_h264 ! videoconvert ! appsink sync=false

FFMPEG configuration to consume a local MP4 video from disk

CAM_SOURCE=ffmpeg:/home/user/documents/test.mp4 --startingFrame=500

FFMPEG configuration to consume an RTMP video from the web


JConsole monitoring

If enabled, the function of the app can be monitored by using JConsole. If the Java app is running, and JMX_REMOTE_MONITORING_ENABLED is set to true in configuration, run


Since an authentication is necessary, the first connection attempt will fail. Cancel the error message dialog, that appears.

In the dialog window in foreground now...

  • click Remote Process and enter localhost:<port> in the edit field below, whereas <port> is the configured JMX_RMI_REGISTRY_PORT, 33985 by default
  • enter username and password from ./data/config/jmx_password and hit Connect. Default for username and password is onit and 4711.
  • on the next screen hit Insecure connection, because the JMX server doesn't support SSL. You will be able to monitor memory consumption, threads and CPU utilization of the Java app.

CSV logging

If enabled, the app provides a CSV log of all positions made. This log can be found in the ./data/logs folder and is named positionlog.csv. It has an automatic daily rollover mechanism built in.

The log contains the following info elements, separated by ",". rxx parameters are the elements of the rotation matrix, state is the current positioning state at time of recording (see Get status)


For example:


Note: Not all elements must always be available for a given entry. Please also note the coordinate exchange at the metric coordinates x, y and z (explained in the paragraph Metric coordinates). Our "Z" is the commonly known "Y" and vice versa.

Local web server

By default the app exposes a local web server running at port WEBSERVER_PORT. You are on it if you can see this GUI.


There is no authentication/authorization support on the REST API currently. However, SSL is supported.

All curl based examples are expecting a WEBSERVER_PORT that is equal to default 5000. The REST API is fully CORS enabled.


Currently 43 API functions plus 1 websocket interface are supported via REST. None of these functions have to be called mandatorily with the exception of Start positioning and Stop positioning, which are the only ways to start/stop mapping/positioning sessions after the Java app has passed the initialization phase. Just a few of these API functions require Internet connectivity. Those are explicitly mentioned.

API function Purpose
GET /api/v1/utils/status Get status
GET /api/v1/utils/errors Get errors
GET /api/v1/utils/config Get config
PUT /api/v1/utils/config Save config
GET /api/v1/utils/encrypt Encrypt string
GET /api/v1/utils/cameras Get list of cameras
PUT /api/v1/utils/restart Restart Java application
PUT /api/v1/utils/terminate Terminate Java application
GET /api/v1/utils/updateinfo Get software update info
GET /api/v1/utils/calibrationfiles Get calibration files
GET /api/v1/utils/convert/wgs84/:lat/:lng/:refLng Convert WGS84 to metric
GET /api/v1/utils/convert/metric/:x/:y/:refLng Convert metric to WGS84
GET /api/v1/utils/snapshot Create input or output video snapshot
PUT /api/v1/positioning/start Start positioning
PUT /api/v1/positioning/stop Stop positioning
Mapping (general map information)
GET /api/v1/manage/maps/list Get list of maps
GET /api/v1/manage/maps/list/server Get list of maps from server
PUT /api/v1/manage/maps/reset Reset current map
Mapping (virtual markers)
GET /api/v1/manage/maps/markers Get list of virtual markers
GET /api/v1/manage/maps/markers/:id Get virtual marker
POST /api/v1/manage/maps/markers Create virtual marker
PUT /api/v1/manage/maps/markers/:id Edit virtual marker
DELETE /api/v1/manage/maps/markers/:id Delete virtual marker
Mapping (virtual metric markers)
GET /api/v1/manage/maps/metricmarkers Get list of virtual metric markers
GET /api/v1/manage/maps/metricmarkers/:id Get virtual metric marker
POST /api/v1/manage/maps/metricmarkers Create virtual metric marker
PUT /api/v1/manage/maps/metricmarkers/:id Edit virtual metric marker
DELETE /api/v1/manage/maps/metricmarkers/:id Delete virtual metric marker
Mapping (local operations on a specific map)
POST /api/v1/maps Save current map
GET /api/v1/maps/:map_name Load specific map
DELETE /api/v1/maps/:map_name Delete specific map
PUT /api/v1/maps/:map_name Update specific map
Mapping (map synchronization with server)
GET /api/v1/manage/maps/list/deltas Get a summary of map deltas between client and server
POST /api/v1/manage/maps/sync Sync with server
GET /api/v1/manage/maps/sync Get general sync status
GET /api/v1/manage/maps/sync/:id Get specific sync status
DELETE /api/v1/manage/maps/sync/:id Cancel specific sync process
Mapping (visualization)
GET /api/v1/manage/maps/mappoints Get list of map points
Camera Calibration
PUT /api/v1/calibration/start Start calibration
PUT /api/v1/calibration/stop Stop calibration
PUT /api/v1/calibration/flipview Flip View
PUT /api/v1/calibration/snapshot Snapshot
PUT /api/v1/calibration/calibrate Calibrate

Utility functions

Get Status

Obtain status. Result structure is also available as payload of the websocket status response.

Request-Resource: GET /api/v1/utils/status
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/utils/status -X GET
Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'
  "version": "2.1",
  "siteId": "1000",
  "deviceId": "D40K419JW256",
  "state": 1,
  "isStarted": false,
  "mapPointCount": 0,
  "markerCount": 0,
  "loopCount": 0,
  "fps": 0.0

Complete list of possible object properties. All of these are optional.

Response-Parameter Type Meaning
version String The version of the Java app and SDK plus the version of the native code plugin separated by '/'
siteId String The unique site Id. Can be used in Onit Dragonfly Dashboard for tracking
deviceId String The unique device Id. Can be used in Onit Dragonfly Dashboard for tracking
state Integer The positioning state. 0: Not ready, 1: Idle, 2: Map Initialization, 3: Navigation, 4: Lost, 5: Mapping
isStarted Boolean Whether or not positioning is running
mapPointCount Integer Mapping: Number of map points detected so far in this session
markerCount Integer Mapping: Number of markers detected so far in this session (printed and virtual)
loopCount Integer Mapping: Number of closed loops detected so far in this session
fps Double Camera: Number of frames per second achieved, current value, rounded
fixedAt Long Navigation: EPOCH timestamp of the last position fix in milliseconds
latitude Double Navigation: Currently known latitude of device (WGS-84)
longitude Double Navigation: Currently known longitude of device (WGS-84)
altitude Double Navigation: Currently known altitude of device (meters)
levelId Integer Navigation: Currently known level Id of device
pitch Double Navigation: Rotation around the X-axis (degrees), see Pitch, yaw and roll explained
yaw Double Navigation: Rotation around the Y-axis (degrees)
roll Double Navigation: Rotation around the Z-axis (degrees)
rotationMatrix Double[][] Rotation matrix, see below
currentMapName String Mapping: Currently used map
x Double Navigation: Metric distance from the origin of the coordinate system along the X-axis in m see Metric coordinates
y Double Navigation: Metric distance from the origin of the coordinate system along the Y-axis in m
z Double Navigation: Metric distance from the origin of the coordinate system along the Z-axis in m

Note: Depending on the current state, not all response parameter values must be contained in a given response.

The purpose of the device_id

For every site, a license is created. This license allows to use a limited number of devices and is valid until an expiration date. Both the maximum number of devices and the expiration date depend on the agreement between Onit and the owner of the site, and can be consulted on our online dashboard.

A unique device_id is generated for all instances of Dragonfly. This device_id remains consistent as long as the Dragonfly software remains installed at the same location, on the same computer. Our system automatically checks that the amount of registered device IDs is compliant with the ongoing license to authenticate.

Registering a device is done automatically when running Dragonfly. It requires an Internet connection. At least once within a certain number of days.

If the site owner has to perform modifications on his devices which would imply modification of device_ids, it is possible to delete a device from the license once every 24 hours using our Onit Dragonfly Dashboard. If more changes are required on your license, please contact us at

In operation the device_id is used for mainly three purposes:

  • it is supposed to uniquely identify your running instance of DFJA to the Onit Dragonfly platform, so that a live-tracking and post-processing of tracking data (e.g. to a spaghetti diagram or heat map) is enabled.
  • it is used to control compliance with license conditions.
  • it is used to determine the ownership of created and published maps per site (in conjunction with the SITE_USERNAME). Please refer to section Map Synchronization for details.

Pitch, yaw and roll explained

Pitch, yaw and roll

The rotation matrix is provided as an array of arrays of doubles. More precisely

Double[][] rotationMatrix = new Double[3][3]


    [    r00,    r01,    r02 ],
    [    r10,    r11,    r12 ],
    [    r20,    r21,    r22 ]

Metric coordinates

In addition to the delivery of WGS84 coordinates (latitude, longitude and altitude) metric coordinates are delivered since v. 1.0. Those coordinates are always relative distances in m to the origin (0,0), if there is no other origin specified. This projection is known as ordinary 2D X/Y diagram. Since the Dragonfly axis names differ from the axis names in such a diagram, the following rules apply:

  • take x value as "X", positive values right, negative values left of (0,0)
  • forget about the y value. This value is always equal to the altitude value and cannot be displayed in a 2D diagram
  • mentally rename the z value to "Y", positive values above, negative values below (0,0)

Since the error of this projection can become relatively high and coordinates may become unusable, if the origin is not close enough to a bounding box of the delivered coordinates, there is a documented way to move the origin to another coordinate at Start positioning. The JS GUI makes use of this by providing the center coordinates and rotation of all available floor plans to the core. Now x, y and z are relative distances [m] to the center of a given, internally north-aligned floor plan (even if the real geographical rotation of a floor plan is a completely different one).

Convert WGS84 to metric

curl localhost:5000/api/v1/utils/convert/wgs84/:lat/:lng/:refLng -X GET
Request-Parameter: URL-Parameter, urlencoded
Parameter Meaning Default
lat Latitude n.a.
lng Longitude n.a.
refLng Central meridian (reference longitude) of the coordinate n.a.

It is required to provide a central meridian. A rough value of the expected longitude is sufficient to fit the expectation of the geographic library used.

Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'

The given WGS84 coordinate in metric coordinate system.

    "x": 1.234567,
    "y": 1.234567
Response: 400 Bad Request, 'application/json'
  "status": "error",
  "errors": [
    "Could not convert given coordinate"

Convert metric to WGS84

curl localhost:5000/api/v1/utils/convert/metric/:x/:y/:refLng -X GET
Request-Parameter: URL-Parameter, urlencoded
Parameter Meaning Default
x X n.a.
y Y n.a.
refLng Central meridian (reference longitude) of the coordinate n.a.

It is required to provide a central meridian. A rough value of the expected longitude is sufficient to fit the expectation of the geographic library used.

Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'

The given metric coordinate in WGS84 coordinate system.

    "lat": 1.234567,
    "lng": 1.234567
Response: 400 Bad Request, 'application/json'
  "status": "error",
  "errors": [
    "Could not convert given coordinate"

Create input or output video snapshot

curl localhost:5000/api/v1/utils/snapshot -X GET
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/utils/snapshot?frominput=true --output test.jpg

You might alos open the URL http://localhost:5000/api/v1/utils/snapshot in your browser

Request-Parameter: Query-String
Parameter Meaning Default
frominput true: Takes the snapshot from the input video, otherwise from the output false
Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'
... returns the image file as "Content-Type: image/jpeg"

This API has been introduced in order to provide a means to assess the quality of the input video stream.

Response: 400 Bad Request, 'application/json'
  "status": "error",
  "errors": [
    "Unable to create snapshot"

Get Errors

Retrieves a list of initialization errors. This API is just providing the errors happened while initializing the Java app part. It does not cover errors happening in the GUI part. API should not be used out of the context of the WebApp, since it doesn't give a complete picture.

Request-Resource: GET /api/v1/utils/status
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/utils/errors -X GET
Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'

Get config

Retrieve config as provided by ./data/config/ configuration file for the Java app.

Request-Resource: GET /api/v1/utils/config
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/utils/config
Response: 200 OK, ConfigurationObject, 'application/json'
  "site_id": "some_site_id",
  "site_username": "some_user_name",
  "site_password": "some_password_best_encrypted",
  "log_level": 7,
  "webserver_port": 5000,
  "webserver_ssl_supported": false,
  "webserver_keystore_file": "./data/config/keystore.jks",
  "webserver_keystore_password": "some_keystore_password_best_encrypted",
  "webserver_websockets_enabled": true,
  "webserver_authentication_required": false,
  "jmx_remote_monitoring_enabled": true,
  "jmx_rmi_registry_port": 33985,
  "jmx_rmi_server_port": 33986,
  "audible_status_enabled": true,
  "cam_image_width": 640,
  "cam_image_height": 480,
  "cam_preview_option": 1,
  "cam_fov": 0,
  "cam_source": -1,
  "cam_mode": "mono",
  "cam_calibration_file": "mono.json",
  "map_calibration_method": 3,
  "position_upload_interval": 5000,
  "path_to_chromium": "",
  "position_upload_store": false,
  "position_log_enabled": false,
  "map_fusion_enabled": false,
  "map_sync_enabled": true,
  "video_recording_enabled": true,
  "path_to_depth_prediction_fw": "/path/to/depth_prediction_fw",
  "depth_prediction_model": "default"

Note: Not all properties must be included in response payload. The content of the response is the same as documented here, all lower-case.

Response: 400 Bad Request, 'application/json'
  "status": "error",
  "errors": [
    "Could not read config"

Save config

Request-Resource: PUT /api/v1/utils/config
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/utils/config -X PUT -d@config_file.json
Request-Parameter: ConfigurationObject, 'application/json'

Note: The payload of the request is a ConfigurationObject as shown in "Get Config". Except "site_id" and "site_username" none of the parameters is mandatory. Any change of configuration parameters requires a restart of the Java app.

Response: 200 OK, ConfigurationObject, 'application/json'
  "site_id": "some_site_id",
  "site_username": "some_user_name",
  "site_password": "some_password_best_encrypted",
  "log_level": 7,
  "webserver_port": 5000,
  "webserver_ssl_supported": false,
  "webserver_keystore_file": "./data/config/keystore.jks",
  "webserver_keystore_password": "some_keystore_password_best_encrypted",
  "webserver_websockets_enabled": true,
  "webserver_authentication_required": false,
  "jmx_remote_monitoring_enabled": true,
  "jmx_rmi_registry_port": 33985,
  "jmx_rmi_server_port": 33986,
  "audible_status_enabled": true,
  "cam_image_width": 640,
  "cam_image_height": 480,
  "cam_preview_option": 1,
  "cam_fov": 0,
  "cam_source": -1,
  "cam_mode": "mono",
  "cam_calibration_file": "mono.json",
  "map_calibration_method": 3,
  "position_upload_interval": 5000,
  "path_to_chromium": "",
  "position_upload_store": false,
  "position_log_enabled": false,
  "map_fusion_enabled": false,
  "video_recording_enabled": true,
  "path_to_depth_prediction_fw": "/path/to/depth_prediction_fw",
  "depth_prediction_model": "default"
Response: 400 Bad Request, 'application/json'
  "status": "error",
  "errors": [
    "Configuration could not be saved"

Encrypt string

Function provides encrypted version of a string provided as value in query string. Result can be used everywhere in config, where encrypted values are accepted.

Request-Resource: GET /api/v1/utils/encrypt
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/utils/encrypt -G --data-urlencode "value=password"
Request-Parameter: Query-String
Parameter Meaning Default
value The string to be encoded n.a.
Response: 200 OK, 'text/html'

Get list of cameras

Function delivers a list of available cameras. The position of each listed camera can be used as parameter "CAM_SOURCE" in configuration, if a specific camera should be selected.

Note: The list of available cameras is not a static list. It changes with the addition/removal of cameras.

Request-Resource: GET /api/v1/utils/cameras
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/utils/cameras -X GET
Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'
  "HD Pro Webcam C920 0x14100000046d082d",
  "FaceTime HD Camera DJH4273WRR4F6VTDQ"

Restart Java application

Restart Java application. Does work only, if the Java app is launched as JAR (not from IDE)

Request-Resource: PUT /api/v1/utils/restart
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/utils/restart -X PUT
Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'
  "status": "success"
Response: 400 Bad Request, 'application/json'
  "status": "error",
  "errors": [
    "Could not restart Java application"

Terminate Java application

Terminate Java application. Does work only, if the Java app is launched as JAR (not from IDE)

Request-Resource: PUT /api/v1/utils/terminate
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/utils/terminate -X PUT
Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'
  "status": "success"
Response: 400 Bad Request, 'application/json'
  "status": "error",
  "errors": [
    "Could not terminate Java application"

Get software update info

Clients may obtain information about the availability of a new software bundle version. Internally the Java app checks at startup and once per five minutes if there is a new software bundle version available server side. In case it is, the info is traced using the INFO tag to the console:

2019-02-18 13:35:03,841 SoftwareUpdateChecker$1$1 71 INFO  [I/O dispatcher 2]: Dragonfly2SDK:  New application version available: Version: x.xx, Linux download:, macOS download:

In parallel the GUI checks once per minute, if an update is available. In case it is, an alert is popping up once per session, which recommends you to update.

Request-Resource: GET /api/v1/utils/updateinfo
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/utils/updateinfo -X GET
Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'
  "version": "x.xx",
  "patch_url_linux": "",
  "patch_url_macos": ""
Response: 304 Not Modified

There is no new version available

Get calibration files

This API function has been added for convenience only. It has just a practical meaning for the JS GUI by enabling it to retrieve the names of currently available camera calibration files, which are by default all files ending with .json in the ./data/config directory. This helps preventing unnecessary typo errors while configuring and/or switching between calibration files.

Request-Resource: GET /api/v1/utils/calibrationfiles
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/utils/calibrationfiles -X GET
Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'


Function provides means to start and stop a positioning session. By using dontmap you advise the software to no longer accumulate mapping data, but navigate on the existing map.

Start positioning

Request-Resource: PUT /api/v1/positioning/start
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/positioning/start -X PUT
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/positioning/start?dontmap=true -X PUT
Request-Parameter: Query-String
Parameter Meaning Default
dontmap true: Disables simultaneous mapping, only navigating on an existing map false
Request-Parameter: Payload, 'application/json'
Parameter Meaning Default
array Optional array of objects, containing the Integer levelId and Double WGS84 coordinates of the origin for the metric projection (origin_lat, origin_lng, origin_alt plus the Double rotation of the floor plan in degrees) n.a.
    "levelId": 1,
    "origin_lat": 25.xxxxxx,
    "origin_lng": -80.xxxxxx,
    "origin_alt": 0.0,                              // always 0, ignored
    "rotation": 170.0

The JS GUI is providing this array by specifying the center coordinates of all available floor plans of all possible levels. This generally allows proper metric coordinates, it is not required for ordinary WGS84 projection.

Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'
  "status": "success"
Response: 400 Bad Request, 'application/json'
  "status": "error",
  "errors": [
    "Could not open camera"

Stop positioning

Request-Resource: PUT /api/v1/positioning/stop
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/positioning/stop -X PUT
Result: 200 OK, 'application/json'
  "status": "success"


Functions to list, load, save, edit, reset and delete maps locally plus functions to sync client and server maps.

Get list of maps

Request-Resource: GET /api/v1/manage/maps/list
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/manage/maps/list -X GET
Result: 200 OK, 'application/json'
    "map_name": "map1",
    "description": "Room1",
    "checksum": "30b0f2e646e4373c2042de216d9a46be9778b775",
    "status": 1,
    "version": 1,
    "timestamp": 1515495422,
    "owner": "",
    "device_id": "D9P0JOWQ9B9J",
    "access": 0
    "map_name": "map2",
    "description": "Room2",
    "checksum": "f7b6bd202b20d6822d4e36d27a9853ef381bdadf",
    "status": 1,
    "version": 5,
    "timestamp": 1515495422,
    "owner": "",
    "device_id": "D9P0JOWQ9B9J",
    "access": 0
Response-Parameter Type Meaning
map_name String The name of the map
description String The description of the map
checksum String 40 byte SHA-1 checksum over the map content
status Integer Status of the map, see below
version Integer Version number, up-counted on every change
timestamp Integer EPOCH timestamp in seconds of last change
owner String Username of the owner of the map
device_id String ID of the device, on which the map was created
access Integer Access control flag (not used yet)
status Value Meaning
NOT_SYNCHRONIZED 0 Client map, not synchronized with server
SYNCHRONIZED 1 Client and server map identical

Get list of maps from server

An optional function to obtain a list of maps held by the server for informational purposes. This API function requires an Internet connection.

With the exception of the missing status property the payload returned is identical to the Get list of maps API.

Request-Resource: GET /api/v1/manage/maps/list/server
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/manage/maps/list/server -X GET
Result: 200 OK, 'application/json'
    "map_name": "map3",
    "description": "Room3",
    "checksum": "30b0f2e646e4373c2042de216d9a46be9778b775",
    "version": 10,
    "timestamp": 1515495422,
    "owner": "",
    "device_id": "D9P0JOWQ9B8X",
    "access": 0
Response: 400 Bad Request, 'application/json'
  "status": "error",
  "errors": [
    "No Internet access."

Reset current map

Resets the currently used map. A running positioning session will be terminated.

Request-Resource: PUT /api/v1/manage/maps/reset
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/manage/maps/reset -X PUT
Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'
  "status": "success"

Save current map

Put the current map results into a map named by map_name and give it a description. Both request payload parameters are mandatory and pre-processed. Only alphanumeric characters and some special selected characters are allowed (see regular expression below). The length of both parameters is limited to 100 characters. Both parameters are lower-cased, spaces are transformed to _.

Request-Resource: POST /api/v1/maps
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/maps -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"map_name": "map1", "description":"Map 1"}'
Request-Parameter: Payload, 'application/json'
Parameter Meaning Default
object Object containing mandatory map_name and description as strings. Allowed characters must match this regular expression: ^[0-9a-zA-Z\ _\-\.@]+$ n.a.
Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'
  "status": "success"
Response: 400 Bad Request, 'application/json'
  "status": "error",
  "errors": [
    "The system has not computed a map yet."

Load specific map

Request-Resource: GET /api/v1/maps/:map_name
curl "localhost:5000/api/v1/maps/map1" -X GET
curl "localhost:5000/api/v1/maps/map1?merge=true" -X GET
Request-Parameter: URL-Parameter, urlencoded
Parameter Meaning Default
:map_name Mandatory name of the map to be loaded, urlencoded n.a.
merge Optional boolean parameter. If provided as true the :map_name is loaded and merged with an already loaded map. Otherwise it overwrites the currently loaded map false
Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'
  "status": "success"

Map has been loaded and will be used for positioning.

Response: 400 Bad Request, 'application/json'
  "status": "error",
  "errors": [
    "The system could not load the map. Does it exist?"

Delete specific map

Deletes the map named by parameter :map_name.

Request-Resource: DELETE /api/v1/maps/:map_name
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/maps/map1 -X DELETE
Request-Parameter: URL-String
Parameter Meaning Default
:map_name Mandatory name of the map to be deleted n.a.
Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'
  "status": "success"
Response: 400 Bad Request, 'application/json'
  "status": "error",
  "errors": [
    "Map \"map1\" doesn\u0027t exist."

Update specific map

Request-Resource: PUT /api/v1/maps/:map_name

Allows to change map_name and/or description of the map named by parameter :map_name.

curl localhost:5000/api/v1/maps/map1 -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"map_name": "map1", "description": "New Description"}'
Request-Parameter: URL-Parameter, urlencoded
Parameter Meaning Default
map_name Mandatory name of the map to be deleted n.a.
Request-Parameter: Payload, 'application/json'
Parameter Meaning Default
object Object containing mandatory map_name and description as strings. Allowed characters must match this regular expression: ^[0-9a-zA-Z\ _\-\.@]+$ n.a.
Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'
  "status": "success"
Response: 400 Bad Request, 'application/json'
  "status": "error",
  "errors": [
    "Map \"map1\" doesn\u0027t exist."

Map Synchronization

The purpose of the Map Synchronization process is to achieve equality of the maps held locally (on client) and remotely (on server). On client machines maps are located in the sub directory ./data/maps, grouped by Site Id. The folders contain zero or more map files (extension .osm) and a maplist.json file, which is used to hold meta data. It is not recommended to directly manipulate either of these files.

The structure below already shows, that the map name must be unique throughout a site. The Java app is maintaining a File System Watcher, being triggered by either changes of map meta data (e.g. map_name or description). If Internet access is available at this moment, the Java app internally utilizes the Get a summary of map deltas between client and server API in order to determine the synchronization state between client and server. It reports the results immediately via the websocket status API to the dashboard, which visualizes the results. This version just indicates, if a Sync with server request should be issued or not.

In addition the dashboard itself tries once per minute to determine the state to bring it to the user's attention.

├── 1000
│   ├── maplist.json
│   └── test.osm
└── 1005
    ├── maplist.json
    └── test.osm

2 directories, 4 files

For the function of the Dragonfly app it is completely sufficient to work with local maps only. Just in case you want to share maps with third parties or do a collaborative creation, utilization or maintenance of maps a synchronization process is necessary, which synchronizes the maps available locally with the maps available server side for a particular site.

The REST API Sync with server is intended to provide means to start such a synchronization process.

Basic rules

There are some rules, enforced by the REST server while synchronizing against the Onit Dragonfly Platform:

  • There is a maplist.json file for each site, maintained by the app, which has a central role for the synchronization. If the file gets corrupted or lost, all knowledge of metadata for the available local maps (owner, device_id, version, access, description etc.) is lost. This file will be recreated then. If MAP_SYNC_ENABLED is true by configuration, found local maps will be renamed using the original name followed by a "-" and a 10 digit representation of the current EPOCH timestamp in seconds and the description Lost_and_Found, with version 1, the current user as owner and the current device as device_id in order to prevent future synchronization problems. If MAP_SYNC_ENABLED is false, exactly the same happens, just the original name is kept. This mechanism btw also applies to maps, which you just simply have copied into the maps directory of the site.
  • Maps belong to the owner, which is the currently used Site Username on creation of a map for a given site. The device_id is an additional discrimination element, allowing one and the same user to manage maps for a site from different machines without synchronization problems.
  • Anybody is allowed to update metadata of a map and - more importantly - to contribute to the map content by mapping.
  • Renaming a map locally creates a new map with the old content. This in turn leads to the removal of the map from the server, if you are the owner of the device and the map was created on this device. If you are not the owner or are working from a different device, a new map with the old content will be created on the server, with you as owner and your device as device_id on next synchronization. At the same time the old map will be restored on your machine, since it is still existent on the server.
  • Only owners working from the device identified by device_id are allowed delete a map from the server and by that subsequently from all clients on synchronization.

More generally these Synchronization rules apply, which in fact simply and completely describe, what happens on synchronization per site:

Map exists Synchronization rule
On client only Maps owned by the current user and created on current device will be created on server, otherwise deleted on client.
On server only Maps owned by the current user and created on the current device will be deleted on server, otherwise created on client.
On server and client Maps with a higher version on client will be updated on server, otherwise updated on client.

Get a summary of map deltas between client and server

This API can be used in order to get a detailed overview about what is available

  • on client only
  • on server only
  • on client and server

The function internally determines the required actions and displays it. This API is just informational and used internally by the Java app. It is not necessary at all for the synchronization request.

In order to proceed successfully an Internet connection is required.

Request-Resource: GET /api/v1/manage/maps/list/deltas
curl "localhost:5000/api/v1/maps/list/deltas" -X GET
Result: 200 OK, 'application/json'
  "status": "success",
  "clientOnly": {
    "createOnServer": [],
    "deleteOnClient": []
  "serverOnly": {
    "createOnClient": [],
    "deleteOnServer": []
  "clientAndServer": {
    "updateOnClient": [],
    "updateOnServer": []
Response-Parameter Type Meaning
status String Either "error" or "success"
clientOnly String Container object for maps existing on client only
serverOnly String Container object for maps existing on server only
clientAndServer String Container object for maps existing on client and server
createOnServer Array of String List of map names, which will be created on server on next sync
deleteOnClient Array of String List of map names, which will be deleted on client on next sync
createOnClient Array of String List of map names, which will be created on client on next sync
deleteOnServer Array of String List of map names, which will be deleted on server on next sync
updateOnClient Array of String List of map names, which will be updated on client on next sync
updateOnServer Array of String List of map names, which will be updated on server on next sync
Response: 400 Bad Request, 'application/json'
  "status": "error",
  "errors": [
    "No Internet access."

Sync with server

The synchronization is always a client-initiated process using this API. Because it might need a lot of time (please note: big map files probably have to be up- and downloaded), this function just initiates a synchronization process. In case, no other sync is currently running, it returns immediately, providing an ID, which furthermore can be used to obtain status and result or to cancel a sync process.

Request-Resource: POST /api/v1/manage/maps/sync
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/manage/maps/sync -X POST
Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'
  "id": 1
Response: 400 Bad Request, 'application/json'
  "status": "error",
  "errors": [
    "Sync process with id 1 already running."

Get general sync status

This API call can be used in order to obtain the status of synchronization process.

Request-Resource: GET /api/v1/manage/maps/sync
curl "localhost:5000/api/v1/manage/maps/sync" -X GET
Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'
  "status": "not running"

Get specific sync status

Obtains the status of a specific synchronization process, identified by parameter :id, previously returned from a Sync with server API call.

Request-Resource: GET /api/v1/manage/maps/sync/:id
curl "localhost:5000/api/v1/manage/maps/sync/1" -X GET
Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'
  "status": "finished successfully"
Response: 400 Bad Request, 'application/json'
  "status": "error",
  "errors": [
    "No sync process with id 1 running."

Cancel specific sync process

Can be used in order to cancel a specific synchronization process, identified by parameter :id, previously returned from a Sync with server API call. This call just abandons a synchronization, it doesn't roll back the results, so the final state might be something "in between" and would probably need another sync request to return to a stable situation.

Request-Resource: DELETE /api/v1/manage/maps/sync/:id
curl "localhost:5000/api/v1/manage/maps/sync/1" -X DELETE
Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'
  "status": "cancelled"
Response: 400 Bad Request, 'application/json'
  "status": "error",
  "errors": [
    "No sync process with id 1 running."

Virtual marker management

Virtual marker operations do always work on the currently loaded and/or used map. A positioning session must be running and in order to make the most functions proceed, the positioning status must have been reached and kept.

Get list of virtual markers

Gets a list of IDs of virtual markers. The IDs can be used in subsequent API calls.

Request-Resource: GET /api/v1/manage/maps/markers
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/manage/maps/markers
Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'

Get virtual marker

Get information for the virtual marker for ID :id

Request-Resource: GET /api/v1/manage/maps/markers/:id
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/manage/maps/markers/504
Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'
  "latitude": 2.5958528417757048E-5,
  "longitude": -3.495204476621969E-5,
  "altitude": 0.0,
  "levelId": -11
Response: 400 Bad Request, 'application/json'
  "status": "error",
  "errors": [
    "No reference point data for id 504"

Create virtual marker

Create virtual marker at position.

Request-Resource: POST /api/v1/manage/maps/markers
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/manage/maps/markers -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"latitude": 0.0, "longitude": 0.0, "altitude": 0.0, "levelId": 0}'
Request-Parameter: Payload, 'application/json'
Parameter Meaning Default
latitude MANDATORY: Double WGS84 latitude of the marker n.a.
longitude MANDATORY: Double WGS84 longitude of the marker n.a.
altitude MANDATORY: Double altitude of the marker in m n.a.
levelId MANDATORY: Integer level ID of the marker n.a.
Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'

Returns the ID of a newly created marker or -1

Response: 400 Bad Request, 'application/json'
  "status": "error",
  "errors": [
    "Could not add reference point. Positioning must be running and your device must not be in \u0027Lost\u0027 state."

Edit virtual marker

Edit virtual marker with ID :id

Request-Resource: PUT /api/v1/manage/maps/markers/:id
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/manage/maps/markers/1492 -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"latitude": 0.0, "longitude": 0.0, "altitude": 1.0, "levelId": 0}'
Request-Parameter: Payload, 'application/json'

As like create virtual marker.

Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'
  "status": "success"
Response: 400 Bad Request, 'application/json'
  "status": "error",
  "errors": [
    "Could not edit reference point. Positioning must be running and your device must not be in \u0027Lost\u0027 state."

Delete virtual marker

Deletes virtual marker with ID :id

Request-Resource: DELETE /api/v1/manage/maps/markers/:id
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/manage/maps/markers/1492 -X DELETE
Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'
  "status": "success"

Get list of virtual metric markers

Gets a list of IDs of virtual metric markers. The IDs can be used in subsequent API calls.

Request-Resource: GET /api/v1/manage/maps/metricmarkers
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/manage/maps/metricmarkers
Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'

Get virtual metric marker

Get information for the virtual metric marker for ID :id

Request-Resource: GET /api/v1/manage/maps/metricmarkers/:id
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/manage/maps/metricmarkers/504
Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'
  "x": 2.5958528417757048E-5,
  "y": -3.495204476621969E-5,
  "z": 0.0,
  "levelId": -11
Response: 400 Bad Request, 'application/json'
  "status": "error",
  "errors": [
    "No metric reference point data for id 504"

Create virtual metric marker

Create virtual metric marker at position.

Request-Resource: POST /api/v1/manage/maps/metricmarkers
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/manage/maps/metricmarkers -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0, "refLng:": 12.123456, levelId": 0}'
Request-Parameter: Payload, 'application/json'
Parameter Meaning Default
x MANDATORY: Double X value of the marker in m n.a.
y MANDATORY: Double Y value of the marker in m n.a.
z MANDATORY: Double Z value of the marker in m n.a.
refLng MANDATORY: DCentral meridian (reference longitude) of the coordinate n.a.
levelId MANDATORY: Integer level ID of the marker n.a.
Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'

Returns the ID of a newly created metric marker or -1

Response: 400 Bad Request, 'application/json'
  "status": "error",
  "errors": [
    "Could not add metric reference point. Positioning must be running and your device must not be in \u0027Lost\u0027 state."

Edit virtual metric marker

Edit virtual metric marker with ID :id

Request-Resource: PUT /api/v1/manage/maps/metricmarkers/:id
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/manage/maps/metricmarkers/1492 -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 1.0, "refLng:": 12.123456, levelId": 0}'
Request-Parameter: Payload, 'application/json'

As like create virtual metric marker.

Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'
  "status": "success"
Response: 400 Bad Request, 'application/json'
  "status": "error",
  "errors": [
    "Could not edit metric reference point. Positioning must be running and your device must not be in \u0027Lost\u0027 state."

Delete virtual metric marker

Deletes virtual metric marker with ID :id

Request-Resource: DELETE /api/v1/manage/maps/metricmarkers/:id
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/manage/maps/metricmarkers/1492 -X DELETE
Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'
  "status": "success"

Visualization of mappoints

This API is providing useful results only under special conditions:

  • The configuration parameter MAP_CALIBRATION_METHOD must be set to 0
  • A mapping and positioning session must be running

The results are used internally to visualize the quality of mapping.

Get list of map points

Gets a list of map points.

Request-Resource: GET /api/v1/manage/maps/mappoints
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/manage/maps/mappoints
Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'
Response: 400 Bad Request, 'application/json'
  "status": "error",
  "errors": [
    "This API is available only if MAP_CALIBRATION_METHOD is configured to be 0"


Function provides means to start and stop a calibration session. There are some pre-requirements to be met and calibration instructions necessary to be known. Please find all that on the Calibration tab of the app.

At the moment the calibration supports only monocular cameras. Stereo cameras are not supported.

Video and status returned from the calibration engine are made available via websockets (see Websocket usage).

Start calibration

Request-Resource: PUT /api/v1/calibration/start
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/calibration/start -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"hdist": 178, "useAssistant": true, "useFisheyeModel": false, "useResolution": [640,480]}'
Request-Parameter: Payload, 'application/json'
Parameter Meaning Default
hdist MANDATORY: HDIST value as measured from the calibration pattern (see online help) in millimeter as Integer. 178
useAssistant OPTIONAL: Boolean, advice the core to use assisted calibration mode (see online help). true
useFisheyeModel OPTIONAL: Boolean, advice the core to apply fisheye model. Relevant for assisted mode only. false
useResolution OPTIONAL: Array of two integers, describing width and height of the video to be obtained from the camera n.a.

The display of the video within the app is always 640 x 480. For any other input resolution different from 4:3 there might be display issues with respect to aspect ratio.

Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'
  "status": "success"
Response: 400 Bad Request, 'application/json'
  "status": "error",
  "errors": [
    "A calibration session is already running"

Stop calibration

Request-Resource: PUT /api/v1/calibration/stop
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/calibration/stop -X PUT
Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'
  "status": "success"
Response: 400 Bad Request, 'application/json'
  "status": "error",
  "errors": [
    "No calibration process running"

Flip View

This API allows you to mirror the returned video. This might the correct positioning of the calibration pattern easier.

Request-Resource: PUT /api/v1/calibration/flipview
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/calibration/flipview -X PUT
Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'
  "status": "success"
Response: 400 Bad Request, 'application/json'
  "status": "error",
  "errors": [
    "No calibration process running"


This API is only required in "non-assisted" mode. You need to provide snapshots to the system manually. In assisted mode snapshots are taken automatically, if a good match is detected.

Request-Resource: PUT /api/v1/calibration/snapshot
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/calibration/snapshot -X PUT
Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'
  "status": "success"

This status message only provides an information about the successful delivery of the snapshot command to the calibration engine. The result of the operation itself is communicated via websockets (see Websocket usage). If the image wasn't good enough, there will not even be a reaction of the core.

Response: 400 Bad Request, 'application/json'
  "status": "error",
  "errors": [
    "No calibration process running"


This API is only required in "non-assisted" mode. You need to start the calibration process manually.

Request-Resource: PUT /api/v1/calibration/calibrate
curl localhost:5000/api/v1/calibration/calibrate -X PUT
Response: 200 OK, 'application/json'
  "status": "success"

This status only provides the information of the successful delivery of the calibrate command to the core. The result of the operation itself is communicated via websockets (see Websocket usage).

Response: 400 Bad Request, 'application/json'
  "status": "error",
  "errors": [
    "No calibration process running"

Websocket usage

As convenience method for obtaining general and map synchronization status in real time the REST web server provides a websocket based status push service. The URL is ws://localhost:5000/websockets/status. The provided information matches generally the response payload of the Get Status and the Get a summary of map deltas between client and server REST API functions. However, due to the necessary discrimination between different payload types, an additional context identifier has been added (see samples below).

The websocket is also used to communicate video and calibration status from the calibration engine to the user.

In case SSL is enabled on the web server, use wss://localhost:5000/websockets/status

Note: WEBSERVER_WEBSOCKETS_ENABLED must be true in ./data/config/ and the Java app must have started a positioning session. There is currently no websocket status update outside a positioning session (see Positioning), use ordinary Get Status in this case.

There are several ways to contact the web server for a websocket connection:

1. The CURL approach

curl --include \
     --no-buffer \
     --header "Connection: Upgrade" \
     --header "Upgrade: websocket" \
     --header "Host: localhost:5000" \
     --header "Origin: http://localhost:5000" \
     --header "Sec-WebSocket-Key: SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==" \
     --header "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13" \

Note: The console will show the raw websocket output

There are currently four different payloads carried via the websocket connection:

  • General status information
  • Map delta information
  • Image information (in case CAM_PREVIEW_OPTION is Preview enabled)
  • Position correction information (in case of loop closing). Internal, not specially documented.

An example payload for a General status report looks like so:

Note: Depending on the current state, status may contain not all shown properties or even more.

  "status": {
      "version": "xx/xxxxxx",
      "siteId": "1000",
      "deviceId": "D40K419JW256",
      "state": 2,
      "isStarted": true,
      "mapPointCount": 0,
      "markerCount": 0,
      "loopCount": 0,
      "fps": 20.2429141998291
  "status": {
      "version": "xx/xxxxxx",
      "siteId": "1000",
      "deviceId": "D40K419JW256",
      "state": 2,
      "isStarted": true,
      "mapPointCount": 0,
      "markerCount": 0,
      "loopCount": 0,
      "fps": 20.2429141998291
  "status": {
      "version": "xx/xxxxxx",
      "siteId": "1000",
      "deviceId": "D40K419JW256",
      "state": 2,
      "isStarted": true,
      "mapPointCount": 0,
      "markerCount": 0,
      "loopCount": 0,
      "fps": 20.2429141998291

An example Map Delta report (see Map Synchronization) is indicated like so:

  "deltas": {
    "status": "success",
    "clientOnly": {
      "createOnServer": ["map1"],
      "deleteOnClient": []
    "serverOnly": {
      "createOnClient": [],
      "deleteOnServer": []
    "clientAndServer": {
      "updateOnClient": [],
      "updateOnServer": []

For a description of the content see Get a summary of map deltas between client and server REST API.

An example payload for an Image report looks like so:

  "image": {
    ...Base64 encoded JPG image payload...

Since the payload is BASE64 JPG it can directly been put into an HTML image tag (e.g. with ReactJS):

<img id="videoPreview" alt="Video Preview scaled down to 320x240" width="320" height="240" src={"data:image/jpg;base64," + this.state.image} />

Calibration image is provided as MotionJPEG in the element cb-image:

  "cb-image": {
    ...Base64 encoded JPG image payload...

The real-time calibration status is transported via the cb-status element, which carries a JSON string, which needs to be parsed into an object:

    "cb-status": "{\n    \"c\": \"success\",\n    \"ii\": 100,\n    \"it\": \"Calibration not ready to be performed yet. Not enough snapshots have been collected.\",\n    \"ni\": 0,\n    \"op\": \"cs\"\n}",
Parameter Meaning
c String, result code, "success" or "error"
ii Integer, info integer status: 100: Not ready to calibrate, 200: Ready, 300: calibration completed, 400: calibration in progress
it String, info textual status
ni Integer, number of images taken so far
op String, operation, "calibration status"
cj String, JSON string, "calibration json", the result of the calibration (only with ii 300)

Websocket send management

Due to the faulty nature of a network, especially a Wifi network, there may be packet loss on the transmission path between Java app and GUI browser. On the sending side, this causes an increasing jam of TCP packets, which manifests itself on the receiving side in an event trail (e.g. reached positions are displayed later, displayed video sequences are clearly in the past).

For this reason the sender (the Java app) now monitors the packets sent to the browser GUI via the web socket interface. If packets have to wait longer than 500 ms for transmission, first only the "image" payload is removed from the packets in order to reduce the size of the packets and thus relieve the transmission path. If this is not successful and the dwell time exceeds one second, packets are discarded on the transmission side. Only "loop closure" packets are still sent, because they are more important for the overall positioning result than current positions or status messages.

In this version this is a completely arbitrary choice and needs experimental confirmation. The intervention of the management mechanism on the receiving side is visualized by the failure of video sequences and a stalled status update. If the failure is removed, the entire system should be back in sync after one second at the latest.

2. The Chrome approach

There is a variety of Chrome plugins supporting websockets. One of them is this. Install and enter the above mentioned status websocket URL into the address field.

More info

Find usage information and more check here

This documentation is also available online.

WebRTC details

Please contact support for details.


RTP streaming from Raspberry PI


RTSP streaming from Raspberry PI


Create and deploy a self-signed certificate for the Raspberry PI


Monodepth2 installation on Linux

  • Clone Monodepth2 repository
git clone
  • Install Python3 and some common Python3 tools
sudo apt install python3 python3-dev python3-numpy python3-pip
  • Install Python dependencies for Monodepth2
sudo pip3 install numpy
sudo pip3 install image
sudo pip3 install matplotlib
sudo pip3 install torch
sudo pip3 install torchvision
  • Run the test to check if it works
python3 --image_path assets/test_image.jpg --model_name mono+stereo_640x192

After that you should find two new files in the asset subfolder: A test_image_disp.jpeg which visualizes the depth-map and a test_image_disp.npy which is the Numpy depth-map itself.

Monodepth2 installation on macOS Catalina

  • Clone Monodepth2 repository
git clone
  • Install Python3 and some common Python3 tools
brew install python3
  • Install Python dependencies for Monodepth2
sudo pip3 install numpy
sudo pip3 install image
sudo pip3 install matplotlib
sudo pip3 install torch
sudo pip3 install torchvision
sudo pip3 install pillow==6.1
  • Run the test to check if it works
python3 --image_path assets/test_image.jpg --model_name mono+stereo_640x192

After that you should find two new files in the asset subfolder: A test_image_disp.jpeg which visualizes the depth-map and a test_image_disp.npy which is the Numpy depth-map itself.

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