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import java.util.Scanner;
public class Validate {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int attempts = 1;
while(attempts<4) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
(1) X=Y ; Given
(2) X^2=XY ; Multiply both sides by X
(3) X^2-Y^2=XY-Y^2 ; Subtract Y^2 from both sides
(4) (X+Y)(X-Y)=Y(X-Y) ; Factor
(5) X+Y=Y ; Cancel out (X-Y) term
(6) 2Y=Y ; Substitute X for Y, by equation 1
(7) 2=1 ; Divide both sides by Y
-- "Omni", proof that 2 equals 1
The USA Is Lesterland: The Nature of Congressional Corruption
Don't Think of an Elephant!: Know Your Values and Frame the Debate
How Animals Grieve
Brave New World
The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom
Life Inc: How Corporatism Conquered the World, and How We Can Take It Back
The Tale of the Dueling Neurosurgeons: The History of the Human Brain as Revealed by True Stories of Trauma, Madness, and Recovery
The Divide: American Injustice in the Age of the Wealth Gap
Present Shock: When Everything Happens Now
(1) X=Y ; Given
(2) X^2=XY ; Multiply both sides by X
(3) X^2-Y^2=XY-Y^2 ; Subtract Y^2 from both sides
(4) (X+Y)(X-Y)=Y(X-Y) ; Factor
(5) X+Y=Y ; Cancel out (X-Y) term
(6) 2Y=Y ; Substitute X for Y, by equation 1
(7) 2=1 ; Divide both sides by Y
-- "Omni", proof that 2 equals 1
I think that the whole controversy of meaning is quite interesting (aren't we just so philosophical)! I would argue
that perhaps a mind capable of creating meaning does actually have intrinsic meaning in that it possesses meaning
within itself, if only for itself (to get back into the somewhat paradoxical strange loop/recursion idea).
That's not to say that it has extrinsic meaning outside of that person's own mind, and maybe that's the only kind
of meaning that matters! Who can say. The Nihilist in me is squirming at my use of semantics to create a sense of
hopeful reassurance that my life matters, when really I am not sure! I suppose it comes down to the fact that I
don't believe there is a way to know, which also sheds light on why I am agnostic rather than atheist when it comes
to religion. Maybe it's a bit of a cop-out, a way to allow my mind to not deal with a wholly meaningless universe,
but it just feels wrong to fully dismiss something that we know so little about, and maybe can never fully comprehen
When Internet Protocol was originally implemented, the designers were struggling to get TCP to do both data packaging (host level) and data transmission (network level) in a single step. Their solution was to separate these two functions into two ‘layers,’ one being TCP (for packaging), and one being IP (for transmitting).
So there was never an IPv1 or IPv2, just a TCP version 1 and 2, at which point they were separated and both became version 3 in 1977. Then, IPv4 emerged as a stabilized version of IPv3, and became the most widely implemented protocol for managing device addresses on the internet.
IPv5 was a (failed) attempt to solve some of the data quality issues of IPv4 and transmit ‘voice’ data over “packet-switching networks.”
And now we’ve arrived at IPv6, which solves the problems of uniquely addressing a growing number of internet connected devices.
var inited=!1,visible="undefined"===typeof document.hidden?!0:!document.hidden;function init(){!inited&&visible&&(inited=!0,Browser.sendToExtension({name:"tabLoaded"}))}function isExtensionOpen(a,b,c){(a=document.querySelector("#evernoteGlobalTools"))&&/evernoteClipperVisible/.test(a.className)&&Browser.sendToExtension({name:"showOpenState"})}
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
public class RockPaperScissors {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// variables to store user and computer plays, the winner, and the while loop control etc.
String userPlay;
int compPlay;
int gameWinner;
name VARCHAR(1000) NOT NULL,
date_added TIMESTAMP
quotation VARCHAR(1000) NOT NULL,
author_id INT NOT NULL,
Programming task:
Implement a JavaScript function that looks for certain types of input in a text
Our system is handling offers and request between users, an offer can be an item that someone wants to sell and a request can be someone looking for a certain item. 
The system requires users to pay a fee before they can access each other’s contact data, but they can communicate through text messages before they pay this fee to be able to ask questions about items before deciding if they are willing to buy/sell (and pay the fee to access a contact). 

We need to control those messages so that contact data is not entered.
Investigate the issue, search and find discussions on this topic, try to find out what the possibilities are. Take into account that sometimes editing away part of text by “mistake” can be just as bad as letting contact data slip through. Write a short description of what you have come up with.