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optimalisatie / gist:b35061f58d3fbcb5abf475c9ff1cf48e
Last active November 11, 2018 08:28
CoinGate Node.js Library
* A simple CoinGate Node.js class based on
* @link
var VERSION = '3.0.1';
optimalisatie / lazy-instant-render.js
Last active December 25, 2022 09:04
Image lazy loading with instant visibility of in-view images on page load (MutationObserver)
// Performance tests such as Google Lighthouse often complain about below the fold images while lazy loading
// techniques may introduce a flash effect for images on bigger screens
// This snippet shows a solution to instantly display images as if loaded using src="" while maintaining
// the lazy loading benefit on smaller screens.
// Tip: a second and potentially better technique is to rewrite lazy loaded images to regular src="" images in a Service Worker.
// this snippet depends on in-view (5kb)
// @link