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osirisinferi /
Created May 17, 2020 17:25
How to make a Raspberry Pi an RTSP streamer and how to consume this?

RTSP streaming from Raspberry PI


This gist describes the necessary software installation steps for a Raspberry PI in order to enable the PI's camera to act as an external camera for the Dragonfly Java application. This gist shows, how to make a Raspberry PI an RTSP streaming server. The resulting feed can then be used as input for the Dragonfly Java app or the Accuware Dragonfly Demo - Calibration Mode server. The RTSP server on the Raspberry PI must be made publicly available, if calibration is a requirement.


osirisinferi /
Created January 15, 2021 20:07 — forked from wikrie/
Fritzbox Fritz!Box AVM SSL Letsencrypt automatically update
## thanks to for the perfect Idea
## put it in /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/post so it gets run after every renewal.
# parameters
USERNAME="maybe empty"
CERTPATH="path to cert eg /etc/letsencrypt/live/domain.tld/"
CERTPASSWORD="cert password if needed"