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Omkar Kulkarni ovkulkarni

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What is this magic? My file is here, but where are my hardcoded strings?


We are given a Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64 which can be run on Mac OSX devices.

First, we can run strings on the file to see what strings are hardcoded into the file. This gives no output.

Next, we can decompile the executable by using this, which was given in the hint. Then we run sorcery through gdb.


Problem: I’ve found this java program on someone’s computer that looks fishy.

Hint: I wonder, is that really Java?

The hint leads us to believe that that program is not actually a Java program, which can be confirmed by trying to compile the program in Java. If we Google the term whitespace, we find that it is a programming language. Next, we can search Google for a whitespace interpreter. We used the one found here. This interpreter has an upload option, so we just upload the program and click Exec.

ovkulkarni /
Last active September 23, 2016 19:53
keybase proof

Keybase proof

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  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 93F4 827A FB97 893F D09D B231 C849 22C5 CE6B 9B4D

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