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tower-batch v0.2.1 (/home/oxarbitrage/zebra/issue1565/2/zebra/tower-batch)
├── futures v0.3.13
│ ├── futures-channel v0.3.13
│ │ ├── futures-core v0.3.13
│ │ └── futures-sink v0.3.13
│ ├── futures-core v0.3.13
│ ├── futures-executor v0.3.13
│ │ ├── futures-core v0.3.13
│ │ ├── futures-task v0.3.13
│ │ └── futures-util v0.3.13


  • Designed a plan for transaction V5 (#1886, #1955, #1987, #1989)
    • Implemented refactor needed for V4 (#1946)
  • Zebra now is using batch optimization to validate sprout JoinSplit signatures (#1952) and sapling Spend and Output descriptions (#1713)
  • Proptest added for InventoryHash and MetaAddr (#1985)
  • Zebra repository now haves a (#1097)


running 1 test
test sapling::tests::prop::shielded_data_v5_roundtrip ... FAILED
---- sapling::tests::prop::shielded_data_v5_roundtrip stdout ----
proptest: Aborting shrinking after the PROPTEST_MAX_SHRINK_ITERS environment variable or ProptestConfig.max_shrink_iters iterations (set 1024 to a large(r) value to shrink more; current configuration: 1024 iterations)
The application panicked (crashed).
Message: Test failed: assertion failed: `(left == right)`

FROST Messages & Data Serialization

The following document describes the byte-level structure of messages sent in FROST [1]. Each message consists of a header of fixed size followed by the actual payload of the message.


All messages have the following header:

Bytes Field name Data type
running 1 test
test sending_transactions_using_lightwalletd has been running for over 60 seconds
May 25 17:58:46.042 INFO the open file limit is high enough for Zebra current_limit=1024 min_limit=512 ideal_limit=1024
May 25 17:58:51.216 INFO Opened Zebra state cache at /media/oxarbitrage/4eb53770-4e4f-4d80-a830-0914f3f5b89a/zebra/issue4350/zebrad_testsNwQqTJ/state/v24/mainnet
May 25 17:58:51.279 INFO loaded Zebra state cache tip=Some((Height(1676520), block::Hash("0000000000af6a10cbeda76d1587de3a3fce2f114a300c94e5390f284f69c252")))
May 25 17:58:51.571 INFO created new read-only state service
May 25 17:58:51.571 INFO starting legacy chain check
May 25 17:58:51.735 INFO no legacy chain found
May 25 17:58:51.754 INFO flushing database to disk
May 25 17:58:51.754 INFO stopping background database tasks
running 1 test
May 25 20:17:16.595 INFO {zebrad="0f879b7" net="Main"}: zebrad::commands::start: Starting zebrad
May 25 20:17:16.595 INFO {zebrad="0f879b7" net="Main"}: zebrad::commands::start: config=ZebradConfig { consensus: Config { checkpoint_sync: true, debug_skip_parameter_preload: true }, metrics: MetricsSection { endpoint_addr: None }, network: Config { listen_addr:, network: Mainnet, initial_mainnet_peers: {}, initial_testnet_peers: {}, peerset_initial_target_size: 25, crawl_new_peer_interval: 30s }, state: Config { cache_dir: "/media/oxarbitrage/4eb53770-4e4f-4d80-a830-0914f3f5b89a/chain/zebra", ephemeral: false, debug_stop_at_height: None }, tracing: TracingSection { use_color: true, force_use_color: false, filter: None, endpoint_addr: None, flamegraph: None, use_journald: false }, sync: SyncSection { max_concurrent_block_requests: 50, lookahead_limit: 800 }, mempool: Config { debug_enable_at_height: Some(0), tx_cost_limit: 80000000, eviction_memory_time: 30s }, rpc: Config { listen_ad
running 1 test
test sending_transactions_using_lightwalletd has been running for over 60 seconds
May 26 17:02:52.783 INFO the open file limit is high enough for Zebra current_limit=1024 min_limit=512 ideal_limit=1024
May 26 17:03:36.951 INFO Opened Zebra state cache at /media/oxarbitrage/4eb53770-4e4f-4d80-a830-0914f3f5b89a/zebra/issue4350/zebrad_testsU0rgyU/state/v24/mainnet
May 26 17:03:39.523 INFO loaded Zebra state cache tip=Some((Height(1676520), block::Hash("0000000000af6a10cbeda76d1587de3a3fce2f114a300c94e5390f284f69c252")))
May 26 17:03:41.337 INFO created new read-only state service
May 26 17:03:41.337 INFO starting legacy chain check
May 26 17:03:41.723 INFO no legacy chain found
May 26 17:03:41.902 INFO flushing database to disk
May 26 17:03:42.262 INFO stopping background database tasks
test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s
Running tests/ (target/debug/deps/acceptance-2a2ae02bff8bda03)
running 1 test
May 26 16:22:06.862 INFO {zebrad="0f879b7" net="Main"}: zebrad::commands::start: Starting zebrad
May 26 16:22:06.895 INFO {zebrad="0f879b7" net="Main"}: zebrad::commands::start: config=ZebradConfig { consensus: Config { checkpoint_sync: true, debug_skip_parameter_preload: true }, metrics: MetricsSection { endpoint_addr: None }, network: Config { listen_addr:, network: Mainnet, initial_mainnet_peers: {}, initial_testnet_peers: {}, peerset_initial_target_size: 25, crawl_new_peer_interval: 30s }, state: Config { cache_dir: "/media/oxarbitrage/4eb53770-4e4f-4d80-a830-0914f3f5b89a/chain/zebra", ephemeral: false, debug_stop_at_height: None }, tracing: TracingSection { use_color: true, force_use_color: false, filter: Some("info,zebrad=debug,zebra_rpc=debug"), endpoint_addr: None, flamegraph: None, use_journald: fa

By searching the source code of i was able to make the following table of RPC methods the explorer uses and if they are supported currently (2022-06-05) in zebra:

API METHOD supported in zebra?
getblockhashes NO
getblock YES
getrawmempool YES
getinfo YES
getmempoolinfo NO
getblockchaininfo YES
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
oxarbitrage@oxarbitrage:/media/oxarbitrage/4eb53770-4e4f-4d80-a830-0914f3f5b89a/zebra/test_sync_23_08/zebra$ ./target/release/zebrad -c myconf.toml start
2022-07-23T14:40:31.055262Z INFO zebrad::components::tracing::component: started tracing component filter="info" TRACING_STATIC_MAX_LEVEL=LevelFilter::INFO LOG_STATIC_MAX_LEVEL=Info
2022-07-23T14:40:31.055415Z INFO {zebrad="dc9da24" net="Main"}: zebrad::application: initialized rayon thread pool for CPU-bound tasks num_threads=12
2022-07-23T14:40:31.056751Z WARN {zebrad="dc9da24" net="Main"}: zebrad::components::tracing::endpoint: unable to activate configured tracing filter endpoint: enable the 'filter-reload' feature when compiling zebrad addr=None
2022-07-23T14:40:31.056876Z INFO {zebrad="dc9da24" net="Main"}: zebrad::commands::start: Starting zebrad
2022-07-23T14:40:31.057011Z INFO {zebrad="dc9da24" net="Main"}: zebrad::commands::start: config=ZebradConfig { consensus: Config { checkpoint_sync: true, debug_skip_parameter_preload: false }, metrics: