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Christopher Marshall oxbowlakes

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oxbowlakes / fewchaz.scala
Created January 28, 2014 11:45
Construct a scala future on top on a standard Java Executor service
package fewchaz
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import scala.concurrent.{CanAwait, ExecutionContext}
import java.util.concurrent._
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
trait Fewcha[T] extends scala.concurrent.Future[T] {
def futr: Future[T]
private[this] final def toTry: Try[T] = try util.Success(futr.get()) catch { case NonFatal(t) => util.Failure(t)}
oxbowlakes / furnace.scala
Last active January 4, 2016 22:19
For FPX 2014
//requires scala 2.10.x
//requires scalaz-2.10-7.0.x
package fpx
// Furnace types (in reality, these come from a Java API and are real!)
trait FurnaceService {
def createSession(user: String, password: String): FurnaceSession
object ReferenceDirective extends Enumeration {
val Replace, DoNotReplace = Value
def replace: Value = Replace
def doNotReplace: Value = DoNotReplace
import java.util.concurrent.atomic._
import scalaz._
package gsa.domain.scala.dan
import scalaz.Leibniz.===
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
import gsa.shared.scala._ //gets you Date, Instant types
* We wish to use a DomainService to get a snapshot of our domain (e.g. Books and SubBusinessUnits).
object Lenses {
This gist shows that LensP (modification inside a functor) is isomorphic to LensR (getter and setter)
In particular, it shows that you can derive the signature: S => A from (A => F[A]) => (S => F[S])
This is puzzling at first glance, because it gives rise to the question:
"if I end up with an F[S], how can I get a A out of it?"
We use the Const type where Const[A, X] = X. Note that Const[_, X] is a functor, but will always return
the value X which was originally stored in it!
oxbowlakes / BrokenTraversableOnce.scala
Last active January 13, 2016 20:04
Demonstration of a broken TraversableOnce implementation of reduceLeft
//I have a Java interface which looks like this
trait ConsumableResource[A <: AnyRef] extends AutoCloseable {
/** returns `null` when we are ended */
def take(): A
//I would like to make this viewable as a scala `TraversableOnce` where the resource is automatically closed at the end of the traversal
scala> val it = Traversable(1); it foreach (i => println(s"$i and ${it.isEmpty}"))
1 and false
scala> val it = Iterator(1); it foreach (i => println(s"$i and ${it.isEmpty}"))
1 and true
import java.util.*;
class Unchecked {
static class Foo<A> {
Optional<A> doIt(Object o) { return Optional.of((A) o);}
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(new Foo<String>().doIt(3));
object Unchecked extends App {
class Foo[A] {
def doIt(o: Any): Option[A] = Some(o.asInstanceOf[A])
println(new Foo[String].doIt(3))
/* compile it */
//scalac Unchecked.scala
import java.util.function.*;
class FMTS {
public static void main(String[] args) {
IntStream intStream1 = IntStream.of(1, 2);
IntStream intStream2 = IntStream.of(1, 2);