I hereby claim:
- I am pablotron on github.
- I am pablotron (https://keybase.io/pablotron) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASAfnhE09opLvwMqSLH-4WNnD0N2qRge4B4NMJg4BHi54go
To claim this, I am signing this object:
// osiekhan-pwgen: generate password from the following set of | |
// characters: "S5Ii1l|!0O:;,.`'" (excluding double quotes). | |
// | |
// Pass positive integer as the first parameter to specify length | |
// (defaults to 64 characters if unspecified). | |
// | |
// Example: | |
// > cc -O3 -W -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -std=c11 -o osiekhan-pwgen{,.c} | |
// > ./osiekhan-pwgen | |
// l||!.O';:;;i,51'S!:S..l;1S'0O`,.I'5'S,!,;SI`!Oil'S:llO;i:5!5lS5l |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
CFLAGS=-W -Wall -O2 -pedantic $(shell sdl2-config --cflags) | |
LIBS=-lm $(shell sdl2-config --libs) | |
OBJS=sdl-click.o | |
APP=sdl-click | |
.PHONY=all clean | |
all: $(APP) | |
$(APP): $(OBJS) |
# install dependency | |
pabs@meh:~/git/test/rotp> sudo gem install rotp | |
# generate new secret and QR code URL | |
pabs@meh:~/git/test/rotp> ruby ./rotp-example.rb new asdf@example.com | |
QR Code URL: https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=200x200&chld=M|0&cht=qr&chl=otpauth%3A%2F%2Ftotp%2FAlonzo%27s%2520Totally%2520Secure%2520App%3Aasdf%40example.com%3Fsecret%3Dr7eslax2okb2dkr4%26issuer%3DAlonzo%2527s%2BTotally%2BSecure%2BApp | |
Secret: r7eslax2okb2dkr4 | |
Provisioning URL: otpauth://totp/Alonzo's%20Totally%20Secure%20App:asdf@example.com?secret=r7eslax2okb2dkr4&issuer=Alonzo%27s+Totally+Secure+App | |
# at this point i used the QR Code URL above to configure Google Authenticator on my phone |
def splat(*args, **kwargs): | |
return (kwargs['delim']).join(args) | |
def out(fn, *args, **kwargs): | |
print(fn(*args, **kwargs)) | |
out(splat, 'foo', 'bar', delim=','); |
<?php | |
try { | |
# check for choice_id | |
if (!isset($_POST['choice_id'])) | |
throw new Exception('missing choice_id'); | |
# extract choice from request | |
$choice_id = $_POST['choice_id']; |
SELECT a.month, | |
product_id, | |
COUNT(*) AS num_tickets | |
FROM ( | |
SELECT to_char(create_date, 'Mon') AS month, | |
product_id | |
FROM tickets | |
) a |
pabs@web:/data1/www> less /etc/apache2/sites-available/tinyapps.pablotron.org | |
<VirtualHost *> | |
ServerName tinyapps.pablotron.org | |
ServerAlias tinyapps-static.pablotron.org | |
ServerAdmin tinyapps-admin@pablotron.org | |
DocumentRoot /data1/www/tinyapps.pablotron.org/public | |
Use BASIC_LOGS tinyapps.pablotron.org | |
</VirtualHost> |
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"CAMPNO"=>"13V454000", | |
"MAKETXT"=>"BMW", | |
"MODELTXT"=>"320I", | |
"YEARTXT"=>"2014", | |
"MFGCAMPNO"=>"", | |
"MFGNAME"=>"BMW of North America, LLC", | |
"BGMAN"=>"20120501", | |
"ENDMAN"=>"20130831", |
[{"RECORD_ID"=>"98200", | |
"CAMPNO"=>"13V454000", | |
"MAKETXT"=>"BMW", | |
"MODELTXT"=>"320I", | |
"YEARTXT"=>"2014", | |
"MFGCAMPNO"=>"", | |
"MFGNAME"=>"BMW of North America, LLC", | |
"BGMAN"=>"20120501", | |
"ENDMAN"=>"20130831", |