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alexbowe /
Created March 21, 2011 12:59
Demonstration of extracting key phrases with NLTK in Python
import nltk
text = """The Buddha, the Godhead, resides quite as comfortably in the circuits of a digital
computer or the gears of a cycle transmission as he does at the top of a mountain
or in the petals of a flower. To think otherwise is to demean the Buddha...which is
to demean oneself."""
# Used when tokenizing words
sentence_re = r'''(?x) # set flag to allow verbose regexps
([A-Z])(\.[A-Z])+\.? # abbreviations, e.g. U.S.A.
nolanlawson /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
Cloudant Query API - first impressions

The new Cloudant query API is pretty awesome. It basically looks like Mongo, which makes for much more readable and user-friendly queries than what you can get with standard map/reduce.

Index the field foo:

cinnabar:~ nolan$ acurl -X POST -d '{
>     "index": {
>         "fields": ["foo"]
>     },