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Last active July 7, 2023 06:58
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Alacritty configuration file
# Configuration for Alacritty, the GPU enhanced terminal emulator.
# Any items in the `env` entry below will be added as
# environment variables. Some entries may override variables
# set by alacritty itself.
# TERM variable
# This value is used to set the `$TERM` environment variable for
# each instance of Alacritty. If it is not present, alacritty will
# check the local terminfo database and use 'alacritty' if it is
# available, otherwise 'xterm-256color' is used.
TERM: xterm-256color
COLORTERM: truecolor
# Click settings
# The `double_click` and `triple_click` settings control the time
# alacritty should wait for accepting multiple clicks as one double
# or triple click.
double_click: { threshold: 300 }
triple_click: { threshold: 300 }
# If this is `true`, the cursor is temporarily hidden when typing.
hide_when_typing: true
- regex: "(mailto:|https:|http:|news:|file:|git:|ssh:|ftp:)[^\u0000-\u001F\u007F-\u009F<>\" {-}\\\\^⟨⟩`]+"
command: open
post_processing: true
enabled: true
mods: Command
hyperlinks: true
# delete one word to the left
- key: Back
mods: Control
chars: "\x15"
# tmux - detach
- key: D
mods: Command
chars: "\x02d"
# tmux in tmux - detach
- key: D
mods: Command|Shift
chars: "\x02\x02d"
# tmux - kill pane
- key: W
mods: Command
chars: "\x02x"
# tmux in tmux - kill pane
- key: W
mods: Command|Shift
chars: "\x02\x02x"
# tmux - select pane to the left
- key: Left
mods: Command
chars: "\x02h"
# tmux in tmux - select pane to the left
- key: Left
mods: Command|Shift
chars: "\x02\x02h"
# tmux - select pane to the right
- key: Right
mods: Command
chars: "\x02l"
# tmux in tmux - select pane to the right
- key: Right
mods: Command|Shift
chars: "\x02\x02l"
# tmux - select pane to the up
- key: Up
mods: Command
chars: "\x02k"
# tmux in tmux - select pane to the up
- key: Up
mods: Command|Shift
chars: "\x02\x02k"
# tmux - select pane to the down
- key: Down
mods: Command
chars: "\x02j"
# tmux in tmux - select pane to the down
- key: Down
mods: Command|Shift
chars: "\x02\x02j"
# tmux - new pane to the left
- key: Left
mods: Command|Alt
chars: "\x02%\x02"
# tmux in tmux - new pane to the left
- key: Left
mods: Command|Alt|Shift
chars: "\x02\x02%"
# tmux - new pane to the right
- key: Right
mods: Command|Alt
chars: "\x02%"
# tmux in tmux - new pane to the right
- key: Right
mods: Command|Alt|Shift
chars: "\x02\x02%"
# tmux - new pane to the up
- key: Up
mods: Command|Alt
chars: "\x02\""
# tmux in tmux - new pane to the up
- key: Up
mods: Command|Alt|Shift
chars: "\x02\x02\""
# tmux - new pane to the down
- key: Down
mods: Command|Alt
chars: "\x02\""
# tmux in tmux - new pane to the down
- key: Down
mods: Command|Alt|Shift
chars: "\x02\x02\""
# tmux - new window
- key: T
mods: Command
chars: "\x02c"
# tmux in tmux - new window
- key: T
mods: Command|Shift
chars: "\x02\x02c"
# tmux - list sessions, windows and panes
- key: E
mods: Command
chars: "\x02s"
# tmux in tmux - list sessions, windows and panes
- key: E
mods: Command|Shift
chars: "\x02\x02s"
# tmux - reload current pane
- key: Backslash
mods: Command
chars: "\x02y"
# tmux in tmux - reload current pane
- key: Backslash
mods: Command|Shift
chars: "\x02\x02y"
# tmux - select previous pane (±§)
- key: 10
mods: Control
chars: "\x02;"
# tmux in tmux - select previous pane (±§)
- key: 10
mods: Control|Shift
chars: "\x02\x02;"
# tmux - zoom current pane
- key: Return
mods: Command
chars: "\x02z"
# tmux in tmux - zoom current pane
- key: Return
mods: Command|Shift
chars: "\x02\x02z"
# tmux - select previous window
- key: Tab
mods: Control
chars: "\x02\t"
# tmux in tmux - select previous window
- key: Tab
mods: Control|Shift
chars: "\x02\x02\t"
# tmux - select window to the left
- key: LBracket
mods: Command
chars: "\x02p"
# tmux in tmux - select window to the left
- key: LBracket
mods: Command|Shift
chars: "\x02\x02p"
# tmux - select window to the right
- key: RBracket
mods: Command
chars: "\x02n"
# tmux in tmux - select window to the left
- key: RBracket
mods: Command|Shift
chars: "\x02\x02n"
# tmux - select window 0
- key: Key0
mods: Command
chars: "\x020"
# tmux in tmux - select window 0
- key: Key0
mods: Command|Shift
chars: "\x02\x020"
# tmux - select window 1
- key: Key1
mods: Command
chars: "\x021"
# tmux in tmux - select window 1
- key: Key1
mods: Command|Shift
chars: "\x02\x021"
# tmux - select window 2
- key: Key2
mods: Command
chars: "\x022"
# tmux in tmux - select window 2
- key: Key2
mods: Command|Shift
chars: "\x02\x022"
# tmux - select window 3
- key: Key3
mods: Command
chars: "\x023"
# tmux in tmux - select window 3
- key: Key3
mods: Command|Shift
chars: "\x02\x023"
# tmux - select window 4
- key: Key4
mods: Command
chars: "\x024"
# tmux in tmux - select window 4
- key: Key4
mods: Command|Shift
chars: "\x02\x024"
# tmux - select window 5
- key: Key5
mods: Command
chars: "\x025"
# tmux in tmux - select window 5
- key: Key5
mods: Command|Shift
chars: "\x02\x025"
# tmux - select window 6
- key: Key6
mods: Command
chars: "\x026"
# tmux in tmux - select window 6
- key: Key6
mods: Command|Shift
chars: "\x02\x026"
# tmux - select window 7
- key: Key7
mods: Command
chars: "\x027"
# tmux in tmux - select window 7
- key: Key7
mods: Command|Shift
chars: "\x02\x027"
# tmux - select window 8
- key: Key8
mods: Command
chars: "\x028"
# tmux in tmux - select window 8
- key: Key8
mods: Command|Shift
chars: "\x02\x028"
# tmux - select window 9
- key: Key9
mods: Command
chars: "\x029"
# tmux in tmux - select window 9
- key: Key9
mods: Command|Shift
chars: "\x02\x029"
# tmux - resize pane left
- key: Left
mods: Command|Control
chars: "\x02H"
# tmux in tmux - resize pane left
- key: Left
mods: Command|Control|Shift
chars: "\x02\x02H"
# tmux - resize pane right
- key: Right
mods: Command|Control
chars: "\x02L"
# tmux in tmux - resize pane right
- key: Right
mods: Command|Control|Shift
chars: "\x02\x02L"
# tmux - resize pane up
- key: Up
mods: Command|Control
chars: "\x02K"
# tmux in tmux - resize pane up
- key: Up
mods: Command|Control|Shift
chars: "\x02\x02K"
# tmux - resize pane down
- key: Down
mods: Command|Control
chars: "\x02J"
# tmux in tmux - resize pane down
- key: Down
mods: Command|Control|Shift
chars: "\x02\x02J"
# page scrolling
- key: PageUp
mods: Shift
action: ScrollPageUp
mode: ~Alt
- key: PageDown
mods: Shift
action: ScrollPageDown
mode: ~Alt
- key: Home
mods: Shift
action: ScrollToTop
mode: ~Alt
- key: End
mods: Shift
action: ScrollToBottom
mode: ~Alt
# new alacritty window
- key: "N"
mods: Command
action: CreateNewWindow
# Window dimensions (changes require restart)
# Specified in number of columns/lines, not pixels.
# If both are `0`, this setting is ignored.
columns: 218
lines: 65
# Window padding (changes require restart)
# Blank space added around the window in pixels. This padding is not scaled
# by DPI and the specified value is always added at both opposing sides.
x: 6
y: 4
# Window decorations
# Values for `decorations`:
# - full: Borders and title bar
# - none: Neither borders nor title bar
# Values for `decorations` (macOS only):
# - transparent: Title bar, transparent background and title bar buttons
# - buttonless: Title bar, transparent background and no title bar buttons
decorations: full
# Background opacity
# Window opacity as a floating point number from `0.0` to `1.0`.
# The value `0.0` is completely transparent and `1.0` is opaque.
opacity: 1.0
# Font configuration (changes require restart)
# The normal (roman) font face to use.
family: Meslo LG S DZ for Powerline
# Style can be specified to pick a specific face.
style: Regular
# The bold font face
family: Meslo LG S DZ for Powerline
# Style can be specified to pick a specific face.
style: Bold
# The italic font face
family: Meslo LG S DZ for Powerline
# Style can be specified to pick a specific face.
style: Italic
# Point size
size: 12.0
# Offset is the extra space around each character. `offset.y` can be thought of
# as modifying the line spacing, and `offset.x` as modifying the letter spacing.
x: 0
y: 0
# Glyph offset determines the locations of the glyphs within their cells with
# the default being at the bottom. Increasing `x` moves the glyph to the right,
# increasing `y` moves the glyph upwards.
x: 0
y: 0
# Bell
# Any time the BEL code is received, Alacritty "rings" the visual bell. Once
# rung, the terminal background will be set to white and transition back to the
# default background color. You can control the rate of this transition by
# setting the `duration` property (represented in milliseconds). You can also
# configure the transition function by setting the `animation` property.
# Values for `animation`:
# - Ease
# - EaseOut
# - EaseOutSine
# - EaseOutQuad
# - EaseOutCubic
# - EaseOutQuart
# - EaseOutQuint
# - EaseOutExpo
# - EaseOutCirc
# - Linear
# Specifying a `duration` of `0` will disable the visual bell.
animation: Ease
duration: 0
# Color themes
# Colors (Afterglow)
- &afterglow # Default colors
background: "#2c2c2c"
foreground: "#d6d6d6"
dim_foreground: "#dbdbdb"
bright_foreground: "#d9d9d9"
dim_background: "#202020" # not sure
bright_background: "#3a3a3a" # not sure
# Cursor colors
text: "#2c2c2c"
cursor: "#d9d9d9"
# Normal colors
black: "#1c1c1c"
red: "#bc5653"
green: "#909d63"
yellow: "#ebc17a"
blue: "#7eaac7"
magenta: "#aa6292"
cyan: "#86d3ce"
white: "#cacaca"
# Bright colors
black: "#636363"
red: "#bc5653"
green: "#909d63"
yellow: "#ebc17a"
blue: "#7eaac7"
magenta: "#aa6292"
cyan: "#86d3ce"
white: "#f7f7f7"
# Dim colors
black: "#232323"
red: "#74423f"
green: "#5e6547"
yellow: "#8b7653"
blue: "#556b79"
magenta: "#6e4962"
cyan: "#5c8482"
white: "#828282"
# Colors (Argonaut)
- &agronaut # Default colors
background: "#292C3E"
foreground: "#EBEBEB"
# Cursor colors
text: "#FF261E"
cursor: "#FF261E"
# Normal colors
black: "#0d0d0d"
red: "#FF301B"
green: "#A0E521"
yellow: "#FFC620"
blue: "#1BA6FA"
magenta: "#8763B8"
cyan: "#21DEEF"
white: "#EBEBEB"
# Bright colors
black: "#6D7070"
red: "#FF4352"
green: "#B8E466"
yellow: "#FFD750"
blue: "#1BA6FA"
magenta: "#A578EA"
cyan: "#73FBF1"
white: "#FEFEF8"
# Colors (Ayu Dark)
- &ayu-dark # Default colors
background: "#0A0E14"
foreground: "#B3B1AD"
# Normal colors
black: "#01060E"
red: "#EA6C73"
green: "#91B362"
yellow: "#F9AF4F"
blue: "#53BDFA"
magenta: "#FAE994"
cyan: "#90E1C6"
white: "#C7C7C7"
# Bright colors
black: "#686868"
red: "#F07178"
green: "#C2D94C"
yellow: "#FFB454"
blue: "#59C2FF"
magenta: "#FFEE99"
cyan: "#95E6CB"
white: "#FFFFFF"
# Colors (Ayu Mirage)
- &ayu-mirage # Default colors
background: "#202734"
foreground: "#CBCCC6"
# Normal colors
black: "#191E2A"
red: "#FF3333"
green: "#BAE67E"
yellow: "#FFA759"
blue: "#73D0FF"
magenta: "#FFD580"
cyan: "#95E6CB"
white: "#C7C7C7"
# Bright colors
black: "#686868"
red: "#F27983"
green: "#A6CC70"
yellow: "#FFCC66"
blue: "#5CCFE6"
magenta: "#FFEE99"
cyan: "#95E6CB"
white: "#FFFFFF"
# Colors (Base16 Default Dark)
- &base-16-default-dark # Default colors
background: "#181818"
foreground: "#d8d8d8"
# Colors the cursor will use if `custom_cursor_colors` is true
text: "#d8d8d8"
cursor: "#d8d8d8"
# Normal colors
black: "#181818"
red: "#ab4642"
green: "#a1b56c"
yellow: "#f7ca88"
blue: "#7cafc2"
magenta: "#ba8baf"
cyan: "#86c1b9"
white: "#d8d8d8"
# Bright colors
black: "#585858"
red: "#ab4642"
green: "#a1b56c"
yellow: "#f7ca88"
blue: "#7cafc2"
magenta: "#ba8baf"
cyan: "#86c1b9"
white: "#f8f8f8"
# Colors (Blood Moon)
- &blood-moon # Default colors
background: "#10100E"
foreground: "#C6C6C4"
# Normal colors
black: "#10100E"
red: "#C40233"
green: "#009F6B"
yellow: "#FFD700"
blue: "#0087BD"
magenta: "#9A4EAE"
cyan: "#20B2AA"
white: "#C6C6C4"
# Bright colors
black: "#696969"
red: "#FF2400"
green: "#03C03C"
yellow: "#FDFF00"
blue: "#007FFF"
magenta: "#FF1493"
cyan: "#00CCCC"
white: "#FFFAFA"
# Colors (Cobalt 2)
- &cobalt2
text: "#fefff2"
cursor: "#f0cc09"
text: "#b5b5b5"
background: "#18354f"
background: "#132738"
foreground: "#ffffff"
black: "#000000"
red: "#ff0000"
green: "#38de21"
yellow: "#ffe50a"
blue: "#1460d2"
magenta: "#ff005d"
cyan: "#00bbbb"
white: "#bbbbbb"
black: "#555555"
red: "#f40e17"
green: "#3bd01d"
yellow: "#edc809"
blue: "#5555ff"
magenta: "#ff55ff"
cyan: "#6ae3fa"
white: "#ffffff"
# Colors (Darkside)
- &dark-side
background: "#222324"
foreground: "#BABABA"
# Normal colors
black: "#000000"
red: "#E8341C"
green: "#68C256"
yellow: "#F2D42C"
blue: "#1C98E8"
magenta: "#8E69C9"
cyan: "#1C98E8"
white: "#BABABA"
# Bright colors
black: "#666666"
red: "#E05A4F"
green: "#77B869"
yellow: "#EFD64B"
blue: "#387CD3"
magenta: "#957BBE"
cyan: "#3D97E2"
white: "#BABABA"
# Colors (Dracula)
- &dracula # Default colors
background: "#282a36"
foreground: "#f8f8f2"
# Normal colors
black: "#000000"
red: "#ff5555"
green: "#50fa7b"
yellow: "#f1fa8c"
blue: "#caa9fa"
magenta: "#ff79c6"
cyan: "#8be9fd"
white: "#bfbfbf"
# Bright colors
black: "#575b70"
red: "#ff6e67"
green: "#5af78e"
yellow: "#f4f99d"
blue: "#caa9fa"
magenta: "#ff92d0"
cyan: "#9aedfe"
white: "#e6e6e6"
# Colors (Molokai Dark)
- &molokai-dark # Default colors
background: "#1B1D1E"
foreground: "#F8F8F2"
# Normal colors
black: "#333333"
red: "#C4265E"
green: "#86B42B"
yellow: "#B3B42B"
blue: "#6A7EC8"
magenta: "#8C6BC8"
cyan: "#56ADBC"
white: "#E3E3DD"
# Bright colors
black: "#666666"
red: "#F92672"
green: "#A6E22E"
yellow: "#E2E22E"
blue: "#819AFF"
magenta: "#AE81FF"
cyan: "#66D9EF"
white: "#F8F8F2"
# Colors (Monokai Dark)
- &monokai-dark # Default colors
background: "#272822"
foreground: "#F8F8F2"
# Normal colors
black: "#272822"
red: "#F92672"
green: "#A6E22E"
yellow: "#F4BF75"
blue: "#66D9EF"
magenta: "#AE81FF"
cyan: "#A1EFE4"
white: "#F8F8F2"
# Bright colors
black: "#75715E"
red: "#F92672"
green: "#A6E22E"
yellow: "#F4BF75"
blue: "#66D9EF"
magenta: "#AE81FF"
cyan: "#A1EFE4"
white: "#F9F8F5"
# Colors (Monokai Pro)
- &monokai-pro # Default colors
background: "#2D2A2E"
foreground: "#FCFCFA"
# Normal colors
black: "#403E41"
red: "#FF6188"
green: "#A9DC76"
yellow: "#FFD866"
blue: "#FC9867"
magenta: "#AB9DF2"
cyan: "#78DCE8"
white: "#FCFCFA"
# Bright colors
black: "#727072"
red: "#FF6188"
green: "#A9DC76"
yellow: "#FFD866"
blue: "#FC9867"
magenta: "#AB9DF2"
cyan: "#78DCE8"
white: "#FCFCFA"
# Colors (New Moon)
- &new-moon # Default colors
background: "#2D2D2D"
foreground: "#B3B9C5"
# Normal colors
black: "#2D2D2D"
red: "#F2777A"
green: "#92D192"
yellow: "#FFD479"
blue: "#6AB0F3"
magenta: "#E1A6F2"
cyan: "#76D4D6"
white: "#B3B9C5"
# Bright colors
black: "#777C85"
red: "#F2777A"
green: "#76D4D6"
yellow: "#FFEEA6"
blue: "#6AB0F3"
magenta: "#E1A6F2"
cyan: "#76D4D6"
white: "#FFFFFF"
# Colors (One Dark)
- &one-dark
# Default colors
background: '0x1e2127'
foreground: '0xabb2bf'
# Bright and dim foreground colors
# The dimmed foreground color is calculated automatically if it is not present.
# If the bright foreground color is not set, or `draw_bold_text_with_bright_colors`
# is `false`, the normal foreground color will be used.
#dim_foreground: '0x9a9a9a'
bright_foreground: '0xe6efff'
# Cursor colors
# Colors which should be used to draw the terminal cursor. If these are unset,
# the cursor color will be the inverse of the cell color.
# text: '0x000000'
# cursor: '0xffffff'
# Normal colors
black: '0x1e2127'
red: '0xe06c75'
green: '0x98c379'
yellow: '0xd19a66'
blue: '0x61afef'
magenta: '0xc678dd'
cyan: '0x56b6c2'
white: '0x828791'
# Bright colors
black: '0x5c6370'
red: '0xe06c75'
green: '0x98c379'
yellow: '0xd19a66'
blue: '0x61afef'
magenta: '0xc678dd'
cyan: '0x56b6c2'
white: '0xe6efff'
# Dim colors
# If the dim colors are not set, they will be calculated automatically based
# on the `normal` colors.
black: '0x1e2127'
red: '0xe06c75'
green: '0x98c379'
yellow: '0xd19a66'
blue: '0x61afef'
magenta: '0xc678dd'
cyan: '0x56b6c2'
white: '0x828791'
# Colors (Light)
- &light
background: "#fffeff"
foreground: "#000000"
dim_foreground: "#676767"
# Normal colors
black: "#000000"
red: "#c91b00"
green: "#00c200"
yellow: "#c7c400"
blue: "#0225c7"
magenta: "#c930c7"
cyan: "#00c5c7"
white: "#c7c7c7"
# Bright colors
black: "#676767"
red: "#ff6d67"
green: "#5ff967"
yellow: "#fefb67"
blue: "#6871ff"
magenta: "#ff76ff"
cyan: "#5ffdff"
white: "#fffeff"
# Colors (One Dark Neo)
- &one-dark-neo
background: "#282c34"
foreground: "#a0b0bd"
bright_foreground: "#c5c5c5"
dim_foreground: "#676f82"
# Normal colors
black: "#282c34"
red: "#d9636b"
green: "#8fbb74"
yellow: "#c99061"
blue: "#5aa5e8"
magenta: "#bc6ed3"
cyan: "#51acb9"
white: "#a2a9b6"
# Bright colors
black: "#676f82"
red: "#ff747d"
green: "#a1d282"
yellow: "#f0ac73"
blue: "#60b0f8"
magenta: "#ca76e3"
cyan: "#5cc3d2"
white: "#c5c5c5"
# Colors
colors: *one-dark-neo
draw_bold_text_with_bright_colors: true
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