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Working from home

Saleh Ahmed Panna panna-ahmed

Working from home
  • Dhaka, Bangladesh
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panna-ahmed / gist:1989faa340538b47236674f4dc0eaea2
Created October 3, 2021 12:49
compare texts horizontally
const fs = require('fs')
let lineWidth = 0;
let betweenCharacters = 2;
let allTexts = [];
process.argv.forEach((val, index) => {
try {
docker image ls //get all the images installed in this pc
minikube docker-env //get environment settings to make docker command talk to minikube
eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env) //setting talking docker daemon
minikube ip
docker ps  //list running containers.
docker ps -a //list all container including stopped container
docker pull  //download a image from Docker Hub registry
docker build //is used to build your own container based on a Dockerfile
docker build -t "myimage:latest" //creates a container and stores the image under the given name
minikube start
minikube status
kubectl get all
kubectl apply -f [filename].yaml
minikube ip
kubectl describe pod [podname]
kubectl exec [podname] ls
kubectl -it exec [podname] sh
ctrl+D //to quit from sh
kubectl get pods --show-labels -l [selector]